Как купить биткоины, где и на что их потратить в Украине: инструкция и сервисы

На что потратить Биткоин

Хотите верьте, хотите нет, но биткойн действительно облегчает проще поддерживать благотворительные организации. Кроме того, что отправлять биткоины гораздо круче, чем физические доллары, это еще и частная, анонимная и, откровенно говоря, более умная игра с Сатоши. Как предприниматель https://www.tokenexus.com/ru/waves/ и инвестор, я считаю, что биткойн неизбежно останется – не только потому, что он нам нравится, но и из-за его способности выполнять функцию денег. Биткойн и блокчейн изначально были придуманы для того, чтобы произвести революцию в хранении и передаче ценностей.

На что потратить Биткоин

Bitcoin (Биткоин) — аналитика

Если вы фанат крипто, вполне возможно, вы хотите, чтобы криптовалюты в какой-то момент стали мейнстримом. Обычно эти желания могут не иметь ничего личного с вашей собственной финансовой выгодой – вместо этого, вы просто можете интересоваться технологией крипто и видите в ней будущее финансов! Какой бы ни была ситуация, вы будете удивлены тем, что вы можете купить за Биткоин уже в наши дни. Плюсы таких площадок в том, что на бирже можно найти обширную торговую функциональность. Недостатки – высокая комиссия за криптовалюту, сложности использования, пониженная безопасность.

США отреагировали на призыв Зеленского после удара России

  • Биржевая платформа (например, Binance) выступает в роли посредника – она связывает вас (ваше предложение или запрос) с этим другим человеком (продавцом или покупателем).
  • В случае возникновения любых вопросов пользователи всегда могут обратиться в службу технической поддержки АТМ.
  • В стране существуют также другие площадки, где можно потратить биткоины через онлайн-биржи криптовалют или обменники.
  • Существует довольно мало вариантов, как купить биткоин в Украине легально за наличные.
  • Несколько компаний производят оборудование для майнинга Биткоин, а в качестве альтернативы можно создать свое собственное оборудование.

Биткоин становится все более популярным и востребованным среди населения. Многие интернет-магазины и компании предлагают своим клиентам возможность оплаты в биткоинах. Для покупки биткоина в Украине вы можете воспользоваться несколькими популярными сервисами и площадками. Кроме того, в Украине популярны онлайн биржи криптовалют и обменники, где вы можете обменять другую валюту на биткойн. Когда речь заходит о том, как можно потратить биткоины за рубежом, важно учесть, что возможности расчетов в криптовалюте могут отличаться в разных странах. Однако, с развитием криптовалютной экосистемы, все больше компаний и сетей начинают принимать биткоины и другие криптовалюты как средство оплаты за свои товары и услуги.

Берлин сократит помощь Киеву: эксперт объяснил, есть ли здесь связь с Курской операцией

За пополнение биржевого счета картой также потребуется заплатить 1,5% комиссии. Для пополнения счета можно использовать также другие платежные системы — AdvCash, Payeer, Qiwi, Perfect Money. Люксовый швейцарский бренд по производству часов стал первым, кто решился принимать биткоин в качестве оплаты.

Не все магазины и компании осознают преимущества использования криптовалюты в своем бизнесе. Поэтому, прежде чем спешить потратить свои биткоины, стоит узнать, правда ли конкретный магазин или сервис готовы принимать оплату в крипте. Таким образом, покупка товаров в сети «Фокстрот» за биткойн становится все более популярным вариантом расчета.

Некоторые туристические агентства и агрегаторы предлагают свои услуги за биткоины. Кроме того, существуют и другие товары и услуги, которые можно купить за криптовалюту в разных странах мира. Но это только небольшая часть мест, где можно оплатить покупки криптовалютой в Украине. В стране существуют также другие площадки, где можно потратить биткоины через онлайн-биржи криптовалют или обменники. Кроме того, не стоит забывать о возможности купить биткоины в Украине через популярные сервисы и следовать инструкции в этом процессе. В Украине с каждым днем все больше компаний и предприятий принимают криптовалюту в качестве средства платежа.

  • Кроме того, в Украине существует возможность покупки биткоинов через онлайн-биржи криптовалют и обменники.
  • Интегрирование сервисов Changelly в биржу Trezor Wallet – огромный успех для всех сторон, особенно для наших пользователей.
  • Компания считает, что разрешение платежей в криптовалюте поддержит ее стремление к более справедливому страхованию и повысит финансовую устойчивость держателей полисов.
  • Travala даёт возможность своим клиентам забронировать любой отель из агрегатора Booking.com и оплатить криптовалютой.
  • Кроме этого, пользователи могут бронировать авиабилеты и экскурсии по всему миру, расплачиваясь криптовалютой.

Мемпул – это список всех транзакций BTC, которые еще не были проверены майнерами и еще не добавлены в следующий блок на блокчейн. Мемпул временно хранится на каждом отдельном узле в сети и, образно говоря, функционирует как своего рода буферная зона или комната ожидания подтверждения предстоящих транзакций Биткоин. Обеспечение безопасности ваших персональных и открытых ключей безопасности действительно важно — и есть несколько способов защитить свои биткойны от На что потратить Биткоин людей с плохими намерениями. Если платежи отправлены не на тот криптовалютный кошелек, вы можете столкнуться с трудностями, пытаясь убедить владельца отправить средства обратно вам. Например, на LocalBitcoins вы можете выбрать способ оплаты наличными в системе фильтрации сайта и найти подходящего продавца. Согласно информации сайта CoinATMRadar, в Украине таких АТМ уже более двадцати, и все они расположены в крупных городах — Киеве, Одессе, Харькове, Львове.

Например, Binance базируется в Токио, в Японии, в то время как Bittrex находится в Лихтенштейне. Хотя существует множество причин, по которым биржа выбрала бы одно место вместо другого, большинство из них сводятся к бизнес-тонкостям и обычно не оказывают никакого влияния на пользователя платформы. С точки зрения непрофессионала, криптовалютная биржа – это место, где вы встречаетесь и обмениваетесь криптовалютами с другим человеком.

На что потратить Биткоин


На что потратить Биткоин

Posted on May 31st, 2024 by admin and filed under Новости Криптовалют | No Comments »

Акции Facebook Meta FB: которовки, покупка, график

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Главной целью ребрендинга Все о психологии на рынке Форекс стала смена приоритетного развития материнской компании. Meta Platforms продолжит поддерживать направления социальных сетей и инструментов коммуникаций с рекламным бизнесом, но приоритетной станет разработка технологий метавселенной Metaverse. Можно сказать, что корпорация находится на «‎острие» новейших технологий. В 2019 году компания разрабатывала собственную криптовалюту Libra.

Как купить акции META Facebook

В сфере социальных сетей Twitter конкурирует за пользователей и их участие, Уоррен Баффетт Warren Buffett но природа Twitter делает его не таким прямым конкурентом, как раньше. До совершения сделок следует ознакомиться с рисками, с которыми они связаны. Вся представленная на сайте информация носит исключительно информационный характер, и не является прямым указаниями к инвестированию.

Capital.com – Лучшее приложение для CFD торговли британскими акциями

Там же можно в пару кликов купить и акции других крупных компаний типа гугл эпл самсунг и т.д. На сайте брокера если что-то будет непонятно, можно будет обратиться к службе поддержки, и они вам более подробно объяснят как все эта сделать, так как эта их прямая обязанность. Мне даже самому звонили без надобности и спрашивали всё ли вам понятно и удобно. Facebook – одна из самых быстрорастущих корпораций в мире, входящая в ТОП-10 футбольный тотализатор – самый популярный тотализатор крупнейших технологических компаний мира. Годовой доход – более 100 млрд долл США, большую часть из которых приносит реклама.

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Торговля фьючерсами/опционами META

Capital.com даже имеет специальное образовательное приложение, которое предлагает курсы виртуального трейдинга, дополненные самопроверкой в конце каждого урока. У этого брокера есть очень эффективная мобильная торговая платформа, которая обслуживает как новичков, так и экспертов. Опытные трейдеры найдут десятки настраиваемых технических индикаторов, новостную ленту рынка и индикатор настроений рынка для акций Facebook. Capital.com также предлагает ряд типов ордеров, включая гарантированные стопы, которые защищают вашу позицию от внезапных падений на рынке. Позитивный рост акций FacebookInc делает его лакомым кусочком для потенциальных инвесторов. Котировки акций Facebook могут принести и вам большую прибыль, главное делать все правильно и постепенно.

Данные о ценных бумагах META

  1. Долгосрочное инвестирование, скальпинг, внутридневные стратегии, свинг-трейдинг.
  2. Акции Facebook – один из наиболее популярных инструментов на Уолл-стрит.
  3. При текущей цене акций у Facebook отношение цены к прибыли (коэффициент P/E) составляет 28,1.

Например, инвестор имеет право получать дивиденды, если компания приносит достаточно прибыли. Инвесторы также имеют возможность продать свою долю акций и получить с этого прибыль. Вы можете приобретать отдельные пакеты акций или фонд взаимных инвестиций.

Как можно купить акции META физическому лицу?

Многие удивляются, почему у Facebook цена акций отличается от биржевой стоимости. Это объясняется тем, что в стоимость акции включены дополнительные расходы, которые возникают при оформлении покупки. Вопрос о том, стоит ли покупать акции компании Цукерберга и как долго они еще будут расти, необходимо принимать на основании теханализа. Оценка фундаментальных факторов важна, но лучшую цену для входа показывает график акций Facebook.

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Вскоре после запуска сайта Цукерберг был обвинен другими студентами Гарварда, братьями Винклвосс, в краже их идеи сети. Это утверждение вскоре обратилось в иск о краже и мошенничестве, который был урегулирован в 2008 году с выплатой в размере 65 миллионов долларов. Facebook приобрел Instagram в 2012 году и WhatsAppв 2014 году.

Компания увеличила свои доходы от рекламы на 12 % в прошлом году, даже в разгар глобального сокращения расходов на рекламу. Обычно инвесторам приходится выбирать между акциями роста и акциями стоимости. Вот почему мы считаем, что акции Facebook заслуживают высокого рейтинга покупки. Хотя Facebook является очень прибыльным, компания в настоящее время не планирует выплачивать дивиденды инвесторам. Единственное, что не предлагает Capital.com – это доступ к исследованиям профессиональных аналитиков.

На сайте вы указываете свои ФИО которые будут отражаться на самой (или самих) акциях. На первом этапе желающий должен заняться получением валютной лицензии НБУ. Можно обратиться в любой банк, где у вас есть открытый счет.

В качестве альтернативы можно торговать контрактом на разницу (CFD) на конкретную акцию Facebook и спекулировать на разнице в цене базового актива FB, фактически не владея им. CFD – это финансовый инструмент, обычно контракт между брокером и инвестором, когда одна сторона соглашается выплатить другой разницу в стоимости ценной бумаги между открытием и закрытием сделки. Вы можете держать длинную позицию (предполагая, что цена будет расти) или короткую позицию (полагая, что цена упадет). Это считается краткосрочной инвестицией или торговлей, поскольку CFD, как правило, используются в более короткие сроки. Компания Facebook владеет самой крупной в мире социальной сетью.

Posted on May 31st, 2024 by admin and filed under Форекс Обучение | No Comments »

Your Guide to Natural Language Processing NLP by Diego Lopez Yse

Getting started with NLP in Python by James McNeill

nlp algorithms

You use a dispersion plot when you want to see where words show up in a text or corpus. If you’re analyzing a single text, this can help you see which words show up near each other. If you’re analyzing a corpus of texts that is organized chronologically, it can help you see which words were being used more or less over a period of time. While tokenizing allows you to identify words and sentences, chunking allows you to identify phrases.

Natural language processing can help customers book tickets, track orders and even recommend similar products on e-commerce websites. Teams can also use data on customer purchases to inform what types of products to stock up on and when to replenish inventories. Deepfakes are underpinning most of the internet misinformation.

The topic we choose, our tone, our selection of words, everything adds some type of information that can be interpreted and value extracted from it. In theory, we can understand and even predict human behaviour using that information. You can see it has review which is our text data , and sentiment which is the classification label. You need to build a model trained on movie_data ,which can classify any new review as positive or negative. Now, I will walk you through a real-data example of classifying movie reviews as positive or negative.

Now, imagine all the English words in the vocabulary with all their different fixations at the end of them. To store them all would require a huge database containing many words that actually have the same meaning. Popular algorithms for stemming include the Porter stemming algorithm from 1979, which still works well.

nlp algorithms

During procedures, doctors can dictate their actions and notes to an app, which produces an accurate transcription. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. NLP can also scan patient documents to identify patients who would be best suited for certain clinical trials. With the use of sentiment analysis, for example, we may want to predict a customer’s opinion and attitude about a product based on a review they wrote. Sentiment analysis is widely applied to reviews, surveys, documents and much more. Syntactic analysis, also referred to as syntax analysis or parsing, is the process of analyzing natural language with the rules of a formal grammar.

These are just among the many machine learning tools used by data scientists. This is the first step in the process, where the text is broken down into individual words or “tokens”. We resolve this issue by using Inverse Document Frequency, which is high if the word is rare and low if the word is common across the corpus. NLP is growing increasingly sophisticated, yet much work remains to be done.

NLP algorithms can modify their shape according to the AI’s approach and also the training data they have been fed with. The main job of these algorithms is to utilize different techniques to efficiently transform confusing or unstructured input into knowledgeable information that the machine can learn from. NLP uses either rule-based or machine learning approaches to understand the structure and meaning of text. Is as a method for uncovering hidden structures in sets of texts or documents.

Techniques and methods of natural language processing

From the output of above code, you can clearly see the names of people that appeared in the news. The below code demonstrates how to get a list of all the names in the news . Now that you have understood the base of NER, let me show you how it is useful in real life. Let us start with a simple example to understand how to implement NER with nltk .

There are also NLP algorithms that extract keywords based on the complete content of the texts, as well as algorithms that extract keywords based on the entire content of the texts. There are numerous keyword extraction algorithms available, each of which employs a unique set of fundamental and theoretical methods to this type of problem. Though natural language processing tasks are closely intertwined, they can be subdivided into categories for convenience. I have a dataset that contains 18k samples and has only product names. Also, some products represent different products in English, e.g.

nlp algorithms

Let me show you an example of how to access the children of particular token. You can access the dependency of a token through token.dep_ attribute. It is clear that the tokens of this category are not significant. In some cases, you may not need the verbs or numbers, when your information lies in nouns and adjectives. Below example demonstrates how to print all the NOUNS in robot_doc. It is very easy, as it is already available as an attribute of token.

There is always a risk that the stop word removal can wipe out relevant information and modify the context in a given sentence. That’s why it’s immensely important to carefully select the stop words, and exclude ones that can change the meaning of a word (like, for example, “not”). This technique is based on removing words that provide little or no value to the NLP algorithm. They are called the stop words and are removed from the text before it’s processed. As outlined in the previous section, stopwords are viewed as tokens within a sentence that can be removed without disrupting the underlying meaning of a sentence.

In many cases, text needs to be tokenized and

vectorized before it can be fed to a model, and in some cases the text requires

additional preprocessing steps such as normalization and feature selection. This project’s idea is based on the fact that a lot of patient data is “trapped” in free-form medical texts. That’s especially including hospital admission notes and a patient’s medical history. These are materials frequently hand-written, on many occasions, difficult to read for other people.

Language translation is one of the main applications of NLP. Here, I shall you introduce you to some advanced methods to implement the same. They are built using NLP techniques to understanding the context of question and provide answers as they are trained. There are pretrained models with weights available which can ne accessed through .from_pretrained() method. We shall be using one such model bart-large-cnn in this case for text summarization. You can iterate through each token of sentence , select the keyword values and store them in a dictionary score.

Higher-level NLP applications

In the sentence above, we can see that there are two “can” words, but both of them have different meanings. The second “can” word at the end of the sentence is used to represent a container that holds food or liquid. NLG converts a computer’s machine-readable language into text and can also convert that text into audible speech using text-to-speech technology. We’ve applied TF-IDF in the body_text, so the relative count of each word in the sentences is stored in the document matrix. TF-IDF computes the relative frequency with which a word appears in a document compared to its frequency across all documents. It’s more useful than term frequency for identifying key words in each document (high frequency in that document, low frequency in other documents).

It is beneficial for many organizations because it helps in storing, searching, and retrieving content from a substantial unstructured data set. NLP algorithms are ML-based algorithms or instructions that are used while processing natural languages. They are concerned with the development of protocols and models that enable a machine to interpret human languages. The best part is that NLP does all the work and tasks in real-time using several algorithms, making it much more effective. It is one of those technologies that blends machine learning, deep learning, and statistical models with computational linguistic-rule-based modeling.

Now that you have score of each sentence, you can sort the sentences in the descending order of their significance. Usually , the Nouns, pronouns,verbs add significant value to the text. Let us say you have an article about economic junk food ,for which you want to do summarization. Text Summarization is highly useful in today’s digital world. I will now walk you through some important methods to implement Text Summarization. You first read the summary to choose your article of interest.

The sentiment is then classified using machine learning algorithms. This could be a binary classification (positive/negative), a multi-class classification (happy, sad, angry, etc.), or a scale (rating from 1 to 10). The proposed test includes a task that involves the automated interpretation and generation of natural language. A whole new world of unstructured data is now open for you to explore.

Key features or words that will help determine sentiment are extracted from the text. These could include adjectives like “good”, “bad”, “awesome”, etc. Sentiment analysis is the process of classifying text into categories of positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. Some are centered directly on the models and their outputs, others on second-order concerns, such as who has access to these systems, and how training them impacts the natural world.

As technology has advanced with time, its usage of NLP has expanded. If you’re a developer (or aspiring developer) who’s just getting started with natural language processing, there are many resources available to help you learn how to start developing your own NLP algorithms. As just one example, brand sentiment analysis is one of the top use cases for NLP in business. Many brands track sentiment on social media and perform social media sentiment analysis. In social media sentiment analysis, brands track conversations online to understand what customers are saying, and glean insight into user behavior. Our syntactic systems predict part-of-speech tags for each word in a given sentence, as well as morphological features such as gender and number.

If you’d like to learn how to get other texts to analyze, then you can check out Chapter 3 of Natural Language Processing with Python – Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit. Now that you’re up to speed on parts of speech, you can circle back to lemmatizing. Like stemming, lemmatizing reduces words to their core meaning, but it will give you a complete English word that makes sense on its own instead of just a fragment of a word like ‘discoveri’. Part of speech is a grammatical term that deals with the roles words play when you use them together in sentences.

To help achieve the different results and applications in NLP, a range of algorithms are used by data scientists. To fully understand NLP, you’ll have to know what their algorithms are and what they involve. For decades, traders used intuition and manual research to select stocks. Stock pickers often used fundamental analysis, which evaluated a company’s intrinsic value by researching its financial statements, management, industry and competitive landscape. Some used technical analysis, which identified patterns and trends by studying past price and volume data.

It teaches everything about NLP and NLP algorithms and teaches you how to write sentiment analysis. With a total length of 11 hours and 52 minutes, this course gives you access to 88 lectures. By understanding the intent of a customer’s text or voice data on different platforms, AI models can tell you about a customer’s sentiments and help you approach them accordingly. Like humans have brains for processing all the inputs, computers utilize a specialized program that helps them process the input to an understandable output. NLP operates in two phases during the conversion, where one is data processing and the other one is algorithm development.

The words of a text document/file separated by spaces and punctuation are called as tokens. It supports the NLP tasks like Word Embedding, text summarization and many others. Accelerate the business value of artificial intelligence with a powerful and flexible portfolio of libraries, services and applications.

This approach to scoring is called “Term Frequency — Inverse Document Frequency” (TFIDF), and improves the bag of words by weights. Through TFIDF frequent terms in the text are “rewarded” (like the word “they” in our example), but they also get “punished” if those terms are frequent in other texts we include in the algorithm too. On the contrary, this method highlights and “rewards” unique or rare terms considering all texts. Nevertheless, this approach still has no context nor semantics.

They try to build an AI-fueled care service that involves many NLP tasks. For instance, they’re working on a question-answering NLP service, both for patients and physicians. For instance, let’s say we have a patient that wants to know if they can take Mucinex while on a Z-Pack? Their ultimate goal is to develop a “dialogue system that can lead a medically sound conversation with a patient”. Now, let’s talk about the practical implementation of this technology. One is in the medical field and one is in the mobile devices field.

nlp algorithms

Is a commonly used model that allows you to count all words in a piece of text. Basically it creates an occurrence matrix for the sentence or document, disregarding grammar and word order. These word frequencies or occurrences are then used as features for training a classifier.

NLP Algorithms: Definition, Types & Examples (update:

Natural Language Processing or NLP is a field of Artificial Intelligence that gives the machines the ability to read, understand and derive meaning from human languages. You have seen the various uses of NLP techniques in this article. I hope you can now efficiently perform these tasks on any real dataset.

NLP May Help Flag SDOH Needs for Alzheimer’s, Dementia Patients – HealthITAnalytics.com

NLP May Help Flag SDOH Needs for Alzheimer’s, Dementia Patients.

Posted: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The tokens or ids of probable successive words will be stored in predictions. This technique of generating new sentences relevant to context is called Text Generation. For language translation, we shall use sequence to sequence models.

Also, we often need to measure how similar or different the strings are. Usually, in this case, we use various metrics showing the difference between words. That actually nailed it but it could be a little more comprehensive. nlp algorithms come helpful for various applications, from search engines and IT to finance, marketing, and beyond.

AI technology has steadily become more powerful in recent years and is poised to transform even more industries in the f… We can better understand that the final paragraph contained more details about the two Pole locations. This context can show that the text has moved in a different direction. If we had only displayed the entities in the for loop that we saw earlier, we might have missed out on seeing that the values were closely connected within the text.

What Does Natural Language Processing Mean for Biomedicine? – Yale School of Medicine

What Does Natural Language Processing Mean for Biomedicine?.

Posted: Mon, 02 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Snowball stemmer, which is also called Porter2, is an improvement on the original and is also available through NLTK, so you can use that one in your own projects. It’s also worth noting that the purpose of the Porter stemmer is not to produce complete words but to find variant forms of a word. Gensim is an NLP Python framework generally used in topic modeling and similarity detection. It is not a general-purpose NLP library, but it handles tasks assigned to it very well.

In order to chunk, you first need to define a chunk grammar. As seen above, “first” and “second” values are important words that help us to distinguish between those two sentences. However, there any many variations for smoothing out the values for large documents. Let’s calculate the TF-IDF value again by using the new IDF value.

nlp algorithms

For example, “cows flow supremely” is grammatically valid (subject — verb — adverb) but it doesn’t make any sense. No sector or industry is left untouched by the revolutionary Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its capabilities. And it’s especially generative AI creating a buzz amongst businesses, individuals, and market leaders in transforming mundane operations.

Named entity recognition (NER) concentrates on determining which items in a text (i.e. the “named entities”) can be located and classified into predefined categories. These categories can range from the names of persons, organizations and locations to monetary values and percentages. Below is a parse tree for the sentence “The thief robbed the apartment.” Included is a description of the three different information types conveyed by the sentence. Syntax is the grammatical structure of the text, whereas semantics is the meaning being conveyed. A sentence that is syntactically correct, however, is not always semantically correct.

  • NLP is growing increasingly sophisticated, yet much work remains to be done.
  • We apply BoW to the body_text so the count of each word is stored in the document matrix.
  • All the other word are dependent on the root word, they are termed as dependents.
  • The algorithm for TF-IDF calculation for one word is shown on the diagram.

SpaCy is an open-source natural language processing Python library designed to be fast and production-ready. Bag-of-Words (BoW) or CountVectorizer describes the presence of words within the text data. This process gives a result of one if present in the sentence and zero if absent. This model therefore, creates a bag of words with a document-matrix count in each text document. In short, stemming is typically faster as it simply chops off the end of the word, but without understanding the word’s context. Lemmatizing is slower but more accurate because it takes an informed analysis with the word’s context in mind.

Posted on May 31st, 2024 by admin and filed under AI Chatbot News | No Comments »

Your Guide To Relapse Prevention Treatment

which group program helps alcoholics to recover

This helps them manage their urges to drink, as well as any problems that trigger the urges. Recovery from alcohol addiction is continuous and so it’s important to attend alcohol recovery groups such as AA in order to always hold yourself accountable. Once a person becomes sober, other conditions and issues may become apparent. People often turn to alcohol or drugs to help them cope with anxiety, depression, abuse, and other problems.

History of SMART Recovery

  1. Remember that your loved one is ultimately responsible for managing their own illness.
  2. If AA doesn’t appeal to you, or you want to engage with additional mutual help groups, you can explore the following options.
  3. We usually experience setbacks along the way, learn from them, and then keep going.
  4. SMART Recovery also offers a CheckUp and Choices app that provides modules on CBT and motivational exercises.

Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS) is an organization that offers a nonreligious path to long-term sobriety. It considers addiction recovery to be a https://soberhome.net/18-essential-coping-skills-for-addiction-get-24-7/ separate issue from spiritual beliefs. If you have a drinking problem, recovery support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous can be helpful in staying sober.

Al-Anon Family Groups

A sponsor is someone who has made progress in their own journey to recovery. This person can be a continuous source of inspiration and guidance, someone to lean on as you strive to stay sober. People who attend meetings frequently and consistently may see better results than those who only attend occasionally. Another feature of the app is a “burning desire” button that you can press to notify your group that you are having a difficult time and are thinking about drinking or using again soon. There is also a newsfeed option to share inspirational quotes, messages, or your own personal story with the community. Then each person introduces herself with positive affirmations and shares a positive experience she had.

Do alcohol support groups work?

Therapy helps alcoholics identify and deal with stress that increase their urges to drink. In inpatient treatment, relaxation techniques may be taught and practiced in a group setting. In outpatient treatment, patients and therapists can discuss and practice stress management, and patients may be given homework.

which group program helps alcoholics to recover

The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) encourages medical providers to screen patients for alcohol consumption and initiate interventions aimed at harm reduction. Yale’s Joel Gelertner studied heavy drinking and compared it to lower levels of alcohol use, alcohol dependence, and relationships with mental and physical health. Habitual heavy drinking is genetically similar to AUD -an important risk for developing alcohol dependence. After treatment, individuals can join the RCA Alumni Association, for extra support during recovery.

The cost of alcohol recovery programs can create a barrier for some people to access support. While some insurance providers have limitations on covering rehabilitation centers, most support groups are completely free. There are a wide variety of mutual support programs available that offer different venues, https://sober-home.org/effects-of-meth-on-the-body-what-does-meth-do-to/ locations and times of day to help you be successful on your path to recovery. Alcohol recovery programs provide excellent support for alcoholism issues and increase your chances of long-term sobriety. People should contact a healthcare professional if they are considering treatment for alcohol use disorder.

12-step programs are powerful peer support groups that help people recover from substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, and sometimes other co-occurring mental health conditions. 12-step programs also help people achieve and maintain abstinence from substances. Talking to your loved one, who engages in unhealthy or hazardous drinking can be extremely effective and constructive if done tactfully, with compassion, and with the proper tools. After expressing the way you feel in a conversation with your loved one, they may be open to receiving professional treatment for their substance use issues. Before sitting down to talk with them (when they’re sober and have time to talk) about your concerns; however, it is helpful to research possible treatment options. Gather resources from doctors, counselors, inpatient alcohol rehab, and outpatient centers.

Antabuse, for example, makes people ill when they consume even the tiniest amount of alcohol. People with alcoholism have intense cravings for it, and this can cloud their thinking in everyday situations. They might also experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they go without alcohol. The combination of cravings and withdrawal often leads chronic alcoholics to drink at inappropriate times and places, such as first thing in the morning or before work. A person should always contact a healthcare professional when they are considering stopping alcohol use or if a person’s alcohol use is negatively affecting their daily life and health. Recovery Dharma offers reading materials and in-person and online meetings.

We researched and compiled the best alcohol treatment centers to make getting the help you need as easy as possible. They prioritize and work to manifest values of faith, community, abstinence, acceptance, and ongoing self-improvement in their members. As you explore your peer support options, keep in mind that you don’t have to settle for just one path to addiction recovery. https://sober-house.net/excessive-alcohol-use-and-risks-to-women-s-health/ You might find that a mixed approach that combines professional treatment with different mutual help groups is best for you. With the right resources, you can achieve freedom from addiction and find a sense of community while doing so. Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) offers global support meetings for recovery from addiction through self-empowerment.

The coaches can help set goals, monitor your progress, share their own stories of recovery, and offer support. Using live meetings and discussion groups, In The Rooms connects people around the world with others in recovery. The organization recommends using its online tools in addition to face-to-face meetings. These online tools have been a substitute connection method for members during the COVID-19 pandemic. WFS provides a message board, online text chat, private Facebook group, and phone support.

Posted on May 31st, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

Mortgage APR Calculator

how to find apr

But it’s important to ask your lender which fees are included in the APR so that you have an accurate picture of total costs. The amount of interest paid on a 30-year mortgage depends on the interest rate and whether the borrower makes additional payments toward the principal to pay down the balance. The current average rate for a mortgage can change daily, but it’s a good way for you to compare mortgages and better understand the rate that you’re offered. Use this annual percentage rate calculator to determine the annual percentage rate, or APR, for your mortgage. Press the “View Report” button for a full amortization schedule, either by year or by month.

The daily periodic rate, on the other physical security hand, is the interest charged on a loan’s balance on a daily basis—the APR divided by 365. Lenders and credit card providers are allowed to represent APR on a monthly basis, though, as long as the full 12-month APR is listed somewhere before the agreement is signed. That’s because the nominal interest rate doesn’t account for any other expense accrued by the borrower. The nominal rate may be lower on your mortgage if you don’t account for closing costs, insurance, and origination fees. If you end up rolling these into your mortgage, your mortgage balance increases, as does your APR.

All this may make it difficult to compare similar products because the fees included or excluded differ from institution to institution. A bank will advertise a savings account’s APY in a large font and its corresponding APR in a smaller one, given that the former features a superficially larger number. The opposite happens when the bank acts as the lender and tries to convince its borrowers that it’s charging a low rate.

  1. To calculate your loan cost, just enter the loan amount, interest rate, loan term and then click calculate.
  2. An amortization schedule shows you a breakdown of what goes into your monthly mortgage payment.
  3. Therefore, this compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear within listing categories, except where prohibited by law for our mortgage, home equity and other home lending products.
  4. APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate and can help you to calculate the true cost of your loan.
  5. A 30-year mortgage is popular because it allows borrowers to break up a large purchase price into small, presumably affordable payments over three decades.

The APR is the basic theoretical cost or benefit of money loaned or borrowed. By calculating only the simple interest without periodic compounding, the APR gives borrowers and lenders a snapshot of how much interest they are earning or paying within a certain period of time. Conversely, if someone is looking at the APR on a savings account, it doesn’t illustrate the full impact of interest earned over time.

The APR is the cost of borrowing money from the bank as an annualized percentage. Your APR can include how much interest browsec vpn review 2016 you’ll pay, points to lower your interest rate, mortgage insurance, loan origination fees and closing costs. It can also help you understand how much you’ll pay for your mortgage if you keep it for the entire term.

If you shop the winklevosses have launched their gemini bitcoin exchange in the uk around for mortgage rates, it’s usually a good idea to go with the lender that offers the lowest APR. However, some borrowers may charge upfront fees in exchange for a lower APR, which might not be ideal for some borrowers. Bankrate.com is an independent, advertising-supported publisher and comparison service. We are compensated in exchange for placement of sponsored products and services, or by you clicking on certain links posted on our site. Therefore, this compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear within listing categories, except where prohibited by law for our mortgage, home equity and other home lending products. While we strive to provide a wide range of offers, Bankrate does not include information about every financial or credit product or service.

APR is an annualized simple interest rate, while the APY calculation considers the effects of compounding.

Since fees fluctuate from lender to lender and also over time, shop around to get the best APR. The APR works by showing borrowers their total borrowing costs with fees, paid points and interest rate combined. When shopping around for mortgages, it’s good to look at the APR, not just the interest rate—the APR is designed to show homebuyers their complete cost of borrowing. The Truth In Lending Act (TILA) requires that buyers get a clear disclosure of what’s entailed in the APR of their loan. Once you have inputted all the loan terms and costs, the calculator will determine your APR estimate so you can see how much it will cost you to borrow funds on an annualized basis.

how to find apr

The APR isn’t always an accurate reflection of the total cost of borrowing. The costs and fees are spread too thin with APR calculations for loans that are repaid faster or have shorter repayment periods. For instance, the average annual impact of mortgage closing costs is much smaller when those costs are assumed to have been spread over 30 years instead of seven to 10 years. Our calculator tool will help you to estimate your monthly payments on a personal loan, as well as the total interest accrual over the life of the loan.

APR Lending: Financing and Fee Examples

Since more fees beyond just interest expenses are considered in the APR of a loan, the metric provides a more accurate estimation of how much in total a borrower must pay to take out a loan. The annual percentage rate (APR) is calculated using the following formula. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the interest rate charged by a lender on a yearly basis, expressed in the form of a percentage. The terms APR and interest rate are sometimes used interchangeably, but they’re not the same.

APR vs. Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

As a general rule, the higher the interest rate and the fewer compounding periods there are, the greater the discrepancy between the annual percentage rate (APR) and the annual percentage yield (APY). A 30-year mortgage is popular because it allows borrowers to break up a large purchase price into small, presumably affordable payments over three decades. That said, there’s no mortgage type that’s superior to others, only mortgages that are better suited to meet the needs of certain borrower requirements. A fixed-rate loan has an interest rate that does not fluctuate with the prime interest rate.


Get instant access to video lessons taught by experienced investment bankers. Learn financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel shortcuts. A fixed APR is thus more predictable than a variable APR, which is a function of the market conditions and the specific benchmark by which its value is influenced. The amount of interest charged is subsequently added to the outstanding balance the following day. The APR, or “Annual Percentage Rate”, is defined as the interest rate paid each year on an outstanding loan amount.

how to find apr

The “RATE” Excel function can then be utilized to arrive at our mortgage’s annual percentage rate (APR). Credit card companies can increase your interest rate for new purchases, but not existing balances if they provide you with 45 days’ notice first. If each monthly bill is paid in full and on time, no interest is incurred, since the obligation is met.

When prime rates are low, companies in competitive industries will sometimes offer very low APRs on their credit products, such as the 0% on car loans or lease options. Moreover, low APRs may only be available to customers with especially high credit scores. Estimates always assume a constant rate of interest, and even though APR takes rate caps into consideration, the final number is still based on fixed rates. Because the interest rate on an ARM will change when the fixed-rate period is over, APR estimates can severely understate the actual borrowing costs if mortgage rates rise in the future.

Posted on May 29th, 2024 by admin and filed under Cryptocurrency News | No Comments »

Alcohol-Related Emergencies and Deaths in the United States National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

which crime is often related to alcohol use

Pruno originated in US prisons, where it can be produced with the limited selection of equipment and ingredients available to inmates. It can be made using only a plastic bag, hot running water, and a towel or sock to conceal the pulp during fermentation. Intoxication can impair judgment and lower inhibitions, increasing the likelihood of risky behavior like theft or violence.

Alcohol-Related Emergencies and Deaths in the United States

Second, our results are specific to adolescents and young adults, while the majority of previous work in the area has focused on adults. Males are more likely to express aggression in a physical and/or direct form, whereas females are more likely to express it in an indirect form. It has also been reported that both the males and females are equally aggressive when verbal aggression is at play (Archer, 2004; Björkqvist, 2017). In an experiment conducted by Giancola and Zeichner (1995), 128 participants (64 males and 64 females) performed a task where they gave an electric shock to the fictional opponents, which included both the genders. The researchers found that the intensity and duration of shock were higher in the men from the alcohol group, while only shock duration was increased in women.

Sexual Assault

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), in its Global Burden of Disease study, provides estimates of the number of deaths attributed to the range of risk factors.5 In the visualization, we see the number of deaths per year attributed to each risk factor. This chart is shown for the global total but can be explored for any country or region using the “Change country or region” toggle. With the change country feature, it is possible to view the same data for other countries. Sweden, for example, increased the share of wine consumption and, therefore, reduced the share of spirits. The map shows heavy drinkers – those who had an episode of heavy drinking in the previous 30 days – as a share of total drinkers (i.e., those who have drunk less than one alcoholic drink in the last 12 months are excluded). When we look at gender differences, we see that in all countries, men have a higher alcohol consumption than women.

Social Media

which crime is often related to alcohol use

We do not subdivide crimes by type because many counties frequently do not report experiencing many types of crime. We attribute this to their small, rural nature, but the large number of zeroes for any given crime type makes it hard to distinguish an effect of going wet at the category level. Even more worrying, persistent child abuse due to alcoholism has been found to increase a victim’s chances of developing alcohol-related problems later on in life. Between 29%- 40% of reported sexual assaults are committed by perpetrators found to be under the influence of alcohol. The number is most likely higher if unreported sexual assaults are factored in.

Nebraska Alcohol Abuse Statistics

Fixed-effects models partially address the potential endogeneity of alcohol use, and, because numerous studies indicate that males are more likely than females to engage in drinking and criminal activity, the analyses are segmented by gender. In addition to aggression, alcohol alone modulates dopaminergic neurotransmission, where even the cues of alcohol could increase the dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (Melendez et al., 2002). Dysregulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission in AUD has been demonstrated in several brain imaging studies (Leurquin-Sterk et al., 2018; Chukwueke et al., 2021).

Alcohol-related deaths by age

We find a strong positive relationship between alcohol consumption, the commission of crimes, and criminal victimization for both genders. Once intoxicated, alcohol abusers tend to become unruly, aggressive, and disruptive, which increases the risks of avoidable injuries, https://soberhome.net/about-step-12-of-the-12-step-program/ accidents, and crimes. Children and adolescents aren’t physically or mentally mature enough to handle intoxication or other effects of alcohol. Parents who abuse alcohol might also neglect their children, leaving them at risk for abuse in future relationships.

  1. Alcohol-fueled vandalism is a form of destructive behavior that occurs when individuals under the influence of alcohol damage or destroy property, often public or private, that doesn’t belong to them.
  2. In 2011, 73 and 57% of the homicides recorded in the United States and Russia were alcohol related (Landberg and Norström, 2011), whereas, in countries including Finland, Netherlands, and Sweden, alcohol consumption led to lethal violent crimes reported from 2003 to 2006.
  3. The practice is rated Effective for reducing the likelihood of alcohol initiation and reducing the likelihood of drug use initiation.

As we show below, rerunning our model with these data produces a similar estimate of our outcome of interest. Enforcing laws against public intoxication, open container possession, sale of alcohol to minors, and other alcohol-related offenses need not entail severe justice. However, police should work to deter public consumption through citation or arrest, and they should coordinate with civilian liquor control authorities to shut down stores, bars, and other places that violate liquor laws, particularly sale to minors. Local and state authorities should consider strengthening prohibitions on public intoxication, rather than relaxing them.

Many victims of violent crimes may themselves develop a substance use disorder down the road as they struggle to cope with the trauma they experienced. Prior reports have established alcohol-induced aggression among males (Lipsey et al., 1997), which appears to vary across the ethnic groups and geographical regions (Caetano et al., 2001). More recently, a significant, small effect size was reported for the association between alcohol intake and aggression in female subjects who consumed alcohol compared to https://sober-home.org/16-ways-to-stop-drinking-alcohol/ those who did not drink, in response to a subsequent aggression paradigm (Crane et al., 2017). It was initially reported that women are less likely to engage in binge drinking patterns than men (Bobrova et al., 2010). However, in the recent years, data from the United States indicate that the binge-drinking rate in adult women (age 21–49 years) has been rising (Hasin et al., 2019; Sarah and Keyes, 2020). Evidence suggests that there is a little convergence in the pattern of binge drinking in men and women.

Amid a nationwide increase in violent crime, citizens across the country are worried about public safety.[83] We see the above policy approaches as reasonable ways to address these fears and to control crime before it happens. Direct punishments of problematic or illegal drinking, if designed correctly, can also have significant impacts on alcohol-related crimes. Abstention from alcohol, for instance, is a common requirement for parole or part of a punishment for crimes such as drunken driving.

It is therefore an important indicator in evaluating, in an indirect way, the harm and consequences of alcohol use on the population. Treatment programs aim to not only help people quit drinking but also to address and treat co-occurring conditions. https://rehabliving.net/mdma-withdrawal-timeline-symptoms-detox-treatment/ People with severe alcohol addiction will benefit from staying in an inpatient rehab facility. Outpatient rehab offers a less intensive approach, allowing people to maintain regular lives and live at home while under treatment.

The economic burden of alcohol abuse and alcoholism in the United States is staggering, particularly lost productivity. Underage drinkers are slightly less common among alcohol-related deaths in Washington. Utah has the second-highest rate of female alcohol-related deaths and has the highest percentage of deaths due to acute causes. South Dakota has an elevated rate of alcohol-related deaths per capita and a high rate of under-21 deaths.

Such policies have been shown to reduce crime and, we argue, can be tailored to maximize benefits and minimize costs. The unobservable and time-invariant characteristics contained in the disturbance term (u) drop out of the empirical model, generating a consistent estimate of the coefficients for alcohol use (Wooldridge, 2002). Because fixed-effects models cannot account for individual, unobservable factors that vary over time, time-varying unobservable factors remain a source of potential bias in our analyses (Wooldridge, 2002).

In 2014 alone over 1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence, and millions more were never caught. Driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit is grounds for arrest. As a rule, the stronger are community norms and traditional institutional attachments, the weaker the link between poverty and crime and the lower the chances that poor children will become deviant, delinquent, or predatory. States and cities should begin immediately to experiment with policies aimed at cutting crime by curbing alcohol availability and consumption.

Posted on May 28th, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

8 Facts About Drinking Alcohol

myths about alcoholism

Others might develop a tolerance for alcohol over time and need more of it to feel its effects. Higher tolerance can lead to higher levels of drinking, which can have negative health effects. Since alcohol affects multiple major organ systems, drinking in excess increases the possibility of health problems in all parts of the body. High tolerance also increases your risk for dependence and addiction. We often toast to special occasions, and that glass of red wine may even have health benefits. If you’re aware of the risks, you’re generally fine to drink alcohol in moderation.

Myth #1: I Do Not Have a Problem Because I Can Hold My Liquor

So if you have chronic pain, it’s best to put down that drink. Alcohol tolerance is when drinking the same amount no longer produces the same level of buzz. Because your brain has adapted to the effects of alcohol, you need to drink more alcohol to https://ecosoberhouse.com/ achieve the same effects. Problem drinking isn’t about what type of alcohol you drink, nor is it about on which days you drink. If you or someone you love is binge drinking every Friday and Saturday night, it could signal a problem with alcohol.

MYTH: Teens in Europe drink earlier and they do fine.

It’s a legitimate illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Shaming or confronting someone with addiction rarely leads to positive change. In fact, it can often worsen the situation and drive them deeper into isolation. Diabetes was recently named “a defining disease of the 21st century” by the medical journal The Lancet.In the United States, … We can’t then get frustrated with those people because we built out a cultural norm around it,” he says.

myths about alcoholism

MYTH: Every teen has the same chance of forming an alcohol use disorder.

Drinking responsibly doesn’t just come down to the amount you consume, but also how you consume it. You may hear a lot of tales around how to make drinking “easier” or “healthier,” but in reality, there aren’t any shortcuts or magic tricks out there. That’s why it’s best to consume alcohol safely and in moderation — without buying into any myths.

myths about alcoholism

Beer Is Just as Intoxicating as Other Alcoholic Beverages

  • Some folks think of light beer as healthier because it tends to contain fewer calories and a slightly lower alcohol content.
  • But some of the hype has gotten a little out of control, so we’ll sort out the reasons you should be drinking green tea — and debunk the most common myths about the tasty brew.
  • It takes about 2 hours for the adult body to eliminate the alcohol content of a single drink, depending on your weight.
  • It’s also found in many prescription pain relievers, such as Percocet and Vicodin.

Below, let’s debunk some common alcohol myths and share some science-backed truths to consider—before you decide to order that next cocktail. Whether you’ve harbored some of these misconceptions about alcohol, of find that you or a loved one have a troubling pattern of drinking, Recovery Centers of America can provide lifesaving help now. For your consideration, here are some of the services offered by our world-class facilities. At any stage of alcoholism, you can be successful if you seek alcohol addiction treatment.

Alcohol Myth #2: Mixing Different Types of Alcohol Increases Intoxication

If you need to avoid feeling sluggish the next day, you might want to switch out some of those darker drinks for lighter versions. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism and needs guidance and support in their recovery journey, reach out for help. The Retreat offers a non-clinical, mutual-help approach to the problem of alcohol and drug dependency.

myths about alcoholism

Similarly, the physical volume of different alcoholic beverages may vary, but the actual alcohol content determines the effect on the body, regardless of whether they are mixed or taken separately. There are purported benefits, as well as pitfalls, to consuming alcohol. Once it enters your system, it triggers immediate physiological changes in the brain, heart, and liver, among other organs.

myths about alcoholism

For some people it’s a substance that can cause irreversible harm, for themselves and their families. But according to experts, it isn’t the order in which you consume your myths about alcoholism drinks that matters. But the amount of alcohol you’ll need to drink to relieve chronic pain is likely more than the recommended guidelines for safe alcohol consumption.

Busting Common Myths About Alcohol

Call us today to speak with a Recovery Advocate for free about your treatment options. All types of alcoholic drinks and beverages have the same active ingredient, and all standard drinks contain the same amount of alcohol. While the sleep-inducing effect of booze can help you drop off at first, alcohol suppresses Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep which can make for a less restful slumber overall. Drinking alcohol before bed also means trips to the bathroom are inevitable, as alcohol is a diuretic. Another side-effect you’ll experience is sweating more, adding to the dehydration. This is the perfect cocktail to have you waking up feeling sleepy and with a sore head and might leave you wondering if that night cap was really worth it.

  • You don’t necessarily need to be drunk for alcohol to affect your decision making abilities.
  • Being able to have a few drinks without feeling any effects may seem like a good thing.
  • The risks of a fatal crash for drivers with positive BAC compared with other drivers increase as the BAC increases, and the risks increase more steeply for drivers younger than age 21 than for older drivers.
  • We know much more about the effects of alcohol today than in the past.
Posted on May 27th, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

Как купить акции Apple и стоит ли это делать?

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Несмотря на все нюансы и ограничения бумаги настолько ценятся в финансовом мире, что хотя бы небольшой пакет акций apple стоит приобрести в свой портфель, а возможно, даже начать его формировать именно с них. Очевидно, что в больших масштабах сплит пройдёт незамеченным. Ведь для крупных инвесторов, которые покупают акции на миллионы долларов, качественной разницы не будет, а мелкие – вряд ли смогут купить столько ценных бумаг, чтобы это как-то форекс брокер boston merchant financial group отразилось на их котировках. Поэтому решение Apple провести сплит можно считать чисто декоративной попыткой стать немного ближе к людям.

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Как купить акции Apple частному лицу в России – надежные способы, стоимость акций

Покупка акций Apple может оказаться хорошей идеей, однако профессиональные инвесторы советуют диверсифицировать свой портфель акций. Это связано с тем, что даже самые успешные компании мира порой переживают плохие времена. Один из наиболее простых способов составить сбалансированный портфель акций с небольшими главный секрет краткосрочной торговли затратами на управление — это ETF. Денежная подушка компании также выросла и достигла рекордных $276,9 млрд.

Основные преимущества инвестирования через Freedom Finance

  1. Apple — ведущая мировая технологическая компания, которая кроме производства смартфонов, компьютеров и планшетов осваивает новые направления.
  2. Поэтому купить акции Apple — рациональное и практичное решение, с минимальными рисками.
  3. Уоррен Баффетт — один из самых известных портфельных инвесторов в мире, чей фонд занимает второе место по размеру доли акций Apple.
  4. Ведь для крупных инвесторов, которые покупают акции на миллионы долларов, качественной разницы не будет, а мелкие – вряд ли смогут купить столько ценных бумаг, чтобы это как-то отразилось на их котировках.
  5. Также ограничения могут быть наложены внутренними процедурами и контролем ООО «ФРИДОМ ФИНАНС УКРАИНА».

Акции Apple – это, наверное, самый желанный товар на рынке ценных бумаг хоть для новичков, хоть для продвинутых инвесторов. Такая стабильность напрямую коррелирует со стоимостью Международный рынок Форекс акций Apple, которые год от года всё прибавляют и прибавляют в цене, практически не испытывая резкий падений, за исключением закономерных коррекций. Но в августе произойдёт кое-что необычное и стоимость ценных бумаг компании упадёт ровно в 4 раза.

Через брокера на зарубежной бирже

Ведь для компании это не несёт никаких дополнительных расходов, а тем, кто купил себе новый айфон, наверняка может захотеться приобщиться к Apple чуть больше. Компания Apple — один из гигантов мировой экономики и высокотехнологичной индустрии. Бренд специализируется на производстве смартфонов, планшетов, ноутбуков, онлайн-сервисов и программного обеспечения. Акции Apple популярны среди инвесторов, ведь размер ежегодной выручки эмитента составляет пару сотен миллиардов, компания выплачивает дивиденды, а стоимость ценных бумаг постоянно растет.

Основная часть прироста пришлась на страховой бизнес, включая прибыль как от страхования, так и от инвестиций. Прибыль от страхования составила $2,26 млрд на фоне $1,25 млрд годом ранее (+81%), а прибыль от инвестиций в этом сегменте достигла $3,32 млрд, прибавив 40% год к году. По итогам квартала операционная прибыль инвесткомпании составила $11,6 млрд — это рекордное значение за всю историю Berkshire.

Если вы не торгуете ценными бумагами прямо из здания биржи NASDAQ или NYSE, то вы пользуетесь услугами брокера. Он выступает необходимым посредником между вами и самой компанией, которая продает акции. Таких брокерский компаний, работающих на территории России, довольно много — «Альпари», «Финам» и другие. Иностранные акции в России могут покупать только квалифицированные инвесторы.

Предыдущий максимум был достигнут по итогам первого квартала 2024 года ($11,22 млрд). Именно на эти бумаги звездный инвестор ранее делал основную ставку. В 2022 году издательство Nikkei Asia сообщило, что Apple сократит выпуск новых iPhone SE примерно на 2—3 млн единиц и производство наушников AirPods на 10 млн единиц в течение всего года. Вероятно, компания приняла такое решение не только из-за нехватки чипов. Уоррен Баффетт — один из самых известных портфельных инвесторов в мире, чей фонд занимает второе место по размеру доли акций Apple.

Компания не останавливается на достигнутом и почти каждый год запускает новые сервисы и приложения. Например, в конце 2020 года состоялись релизы фитнес-сервиса Apple Fitness+ и Apple One — единой подписки на сервисы компании. При этом в 2021 и 2022 годах тенденция ускорилась, компания в среднем в этот период увеличивала свою выручку более чем на 14% в год из-за ажиотажного спроса со стороны покупателей на линейку MacBook и iMac. В 2022 году Apple ускорила реализацию своих планов по переносу части производства за пределы КНР на фоне роста напряженности между США и Китаем. В этих странах компания в будущем хочет выпускать iPhone, iPad и AirPods.

Как отмечает Bloomberg, Berkshire изо всех сил пыталась найти способ вложения своей «горы кеша» на фоне вялой конъюнктуры рынка. В последнее время по разным причинам цены на многие товары сильно выросли. Например, в конце 2022 года бензин в США подорожал до многолетних максимумов, увеличившись до рекордных 7 $ за галлон.

Также граждане РФ могут рассмотреть покупку акций через одного из российских брокеров, таких как Торговый дом Открытие, Финам, БКС, Тинькофф. Начни пользоваться ATAS совершенно бесплатно и без ограничений по времени! Или сразу подключай продвинутый тариф и получи доступ к полному функционалу. Если брать за основу прогнозы, то акции Apple до конца года вырастут в цене, как минимум на 30% (что в принципе происходит прямо сейчас).

Posted on May 27th, 2024 by admin and filed under Форекс Обучение | No Comments »

Retext Ai Стал Одним Из Самых Востребованных Сервисов Для Работы С Текстами Ixbtmarket

Тексты, полученные в результате «перефразирования» и «расширения» можно сразу же проверить на уникальность – при проверке проводится анализ выдачи поисковых систем и выводится результат в %. Этот инструмент расширяет исходный текст, увеличивая его объём. Погрузилась в работу настолько, что когда очнулась поняла, что до дедлайна курсовой осталось 2 дня. Написала курсач за 2 часа и довольная пошла отдыхать)) Всем советую, если не хотите сидеть над курсовой пол года.

И все эти возвраты были до февральских событий. Любой уважающий себя сервис вернет деньги, но это не про россию. Я написал в поддержу в тот же день, как только списали с меня деньги. При этом я не потратил ни единого символа, который входит в подписку.

Намного быстрее получается с нуля переделать итоговую публикацию, дополнив ее нужными выжимками, чем тратить время на Retext.Ai. Я понимаю о чем говорю, в день моя выработка статей для сайтов, блогов. Работает проверка достаточно быстро, больше секунд процесс у меня ни разу не занял, в основном укладываясь в секунд.

Нейросеть для работы с текстами ReText.AI в рамках развития гибридной инфраструктуры объявила о начале сотрудничества с VK Cloud. Теперь сервис использует два дублирующих друг друга облака, одно из которых — VK Cloud. Такой подход позволил увеличить отказоустойчивость и снизить затраты. Быстрый и эффективный онлайн-сервис, делающий текст уникальным, нужен и учащимся школ и вузов. С его помощью студенты и школьники получат возможность внести в текст необходимое разнообразие и избежать ненужных упреков от преподавателей в копировании частей материала из Википедии. Возможность быстро перефразировать цитату или часть текста со второстепенной информацией позволит существенно сократить время работы над новостной заметкой.

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Она позволит создавать тексты, оптимизированные под поисковых роботов Яндекса и Google. Пользователь будет формировать техническое задание, а сервис — предоставлять готовый результат. Помимо Санкт-Петербурга, чаще всего нейросети были интересны жителям Архангельска, Вологды и Калининграда. Также статистика исследования отметила, в 54% случаев сервисы с функционалом ИИ интересовали женщин, а в 36% случаев пользователями оказывались люди в возрасте от forty one до 50 лет. Полностью отказаться от услуг копирайтера пока все равно не получится. Однако специалисту останется лишь вычитать и внести необходимые правки в сгенерированный искусственным интеллектом материал.

Он позволяет копирайтерам и обычным пользователям увеличить уникальность текста, облагородить его и убрать лишние слова, влияющие на качество. Сервис подойдёт для студентов, журналистов, копирайтеров, SEO-специалистов и других профессий, работающих с текстом. Еще одна функция — «Синонимы» — позволяет избежать перегруженности материала и приблизить его уникальность к one hundred pc. Синонимайзер автоматически уберет лишние повторы слов, заменив их на другие варианты, понравившиеся пользователю.

Для Профессионалов, Работающих С Текстом

Стало известно и то, что до 70% пользователей нейросетей используют смартфоны на операционной системе Android, 24% – iOS и всего 5% – другие операционные системы. Сервис ReText.AI используется не только редакторами, журналистами и копирайтерами, но и учащимися школ, колледжей и вузов. Ведь, как показали результаты проведенных тестов, преобразованные сервисом тесты с легкостью проходят проверку на уникальность в часто используемых программах – таких, как «Антиплагиат» и Blackboard. ReText.AI может перефразировать предложения, подобрать подходящие синонимы, выразить мысль, более объемно или, наоборот, более тезисно. Помимо этого на ресурсе есть полезные для специалистов статьи, объясняющие, как сделать грамотный рерайт, написать продающие тексты и информационные статьи. Пока сервис умеет делать только качественные рерайты и проверять их на уникальность, но в ближайшем будущем разработчики намерены существенно расширить его функциональность.

Также сервис оказался весьма полезным малому бизнесу, особенно – начинающим компаниям, которым необходимо решать вопрос с первичным наполнением сайта и социальных сетей контентом. 7 февраля 2023 года компания ReText.AI сообщила о запуске в рамках своего сервиса по smart-копирайтингу умного «Синонимайзер». Tidio – причем всю сумму за годовую подписку спустя 5 месяцев пользования сервисом. Zapier Pipedrive

Запуск Генерации Текста С Проверкой Грамматики С Помощью Vk Cloud

После прохождения авторизации открывается возможность сжать 10 текстов. В нейросети для создания уникальных текстов Retext.AI стал доступен «Грамматик» — инновационный инструмент на основе ИИ, предназначенный для поиска и исправления ошибок в онлайн-режиме. Благодаря ему пользователи могут выбирать различные варианты исправления ошибок, найденных в тексте. Об этом 5 декабря 2023 года сообщили представители компании ReText. Для тех, кто решит оформить подписку, данная функция станет неограниченной, а также откроются лимиты на перефразирование текста в зависимости от пакета и дополнительные инструменты для работы с текстом. Например, встроенный редактор, в котором можно вносить корректировки без необходимости копирования текста в другие сервисы.

  • Также возможно преобразовать простой материал в экспертный или литературный за счет выбора лексически более сложных синонимов.
  • Первоначально компания использовала собственные серверы, но с ростом аудитории мощностей перестало хватать.
  • На данный момент доступен только синонимайзер для русского языка и английского.
  • После активации аккаунта мы свяжемся с вами и начислим рублей на ваш счет VK Cloud, чтобы вы смогли протестировать сервис в течение 60 дней.
  • Однако специалисту останется лишь вычитать и внести необходимые правки в сгенерированный искусственным интеллектом материал.

Предлагайте в комментариях сервисы, софт – возможно, какой-либо из них станет героем следующего обзора. Функция для увеличения объема слов текста и стилистического разнообразия. После активации аккаунта мы свяжемся с вами и начислим рублей на ваш счет VK Cloud, чтобы вы смогли протестировать сервис в течение 60 дней. Популярность ReText.AI росла, разработчики старались оптимизировать ML-модели, но вскоре стало ясно, что без облака не обойтись. Сейчас любой известный сервис идёт навстречу и возвращает без проблем.

Тем более, если видно, что пользователь не воспользовался подпиской. Вести свои дела без присутствия в социальных сетях сейчас практически невозможно. А обеспечить сервисы искусственного интеллекта это присутствие без копирайтера хотя бы на первых порах как раз и поможет ReText.AI. Совсем недавно создать уникальный и качественный текст было сложно.

А носители других языков, изучающие русский, получат ценный инструмент для улучшения своих навыков написания и понимания речи. Это значит что сервис не сталкивался пока что с такими текстами. Чем больше текстов определенной тематики вы будете в него загонять и редактировать их под себя, тем лучше он будет работать с вашими текстами и стилем. К тому же сервис имеет функционал выбора вариантов, чтобы пользователь мог подобрать наиболее вариативный для себя. Но современный интернет уже и так полон различных текстов на любую тематику.

Это может быть актуально для авторов, работающих по одной теме, но с разными целевыми аудиториями. Совсем скоро появится возможность автоматически избавлять текст от «воды», оставляя лишь то, что действительно важно. Также разработчики работают над увеличением словарного запаса сервиса, так что тексты, обработанные при помощи ReText.AI, станут еще более «живыми» и неповторимыми. Также владелец премиум-аккаунта сразу может видеть уникальность полученного текста, а еще получает доступ к встроенному редактору.

Это возможно за счет нейросетевых технологий, которые производят как грамматические, так и стилистические преобразования. Например, перефразирование, подбор синонимов, иносказание, инверсия и многие другие привычные профессиональным авторам текстов. Первоначально компания использовала собственные серверы, но с ростом аудитории мощностей перестало хватать. Онлайн-сервис может помочь учащимся школ и вузов в подготовке рефератов, а также курсовых и дипломных работ. Как и базовая функция перефразирования текста, суммаризация и пресеты абсолютно бесплатны для незарегистрированных пользователей, но с ограничением – можно сократить только до 5 текстов.

На данный момент доступен только синонимайзер для русского языка и английского. На старте мы использовали собственные серверы и зарубежную облачную инфраструктуру, предоставленную по гранту для стартапов. Однако в 2022 году грант закончился, поэтому мы полностью перешли на собственные серверы. Исследование Tele2 также показало, что на группы населения в возрасте от 31 до forty лет пришлось 26% пользователей нейросетей, а на категорию от 51 до 60 лет — 14%. При этом пользователи от 19 до 25 лет обращались к сервисам чаще (10%), чем люди от 26 до 30 лет (6%).

Компаниям, профессионально работающим с SEO-продвижением, функция автоматического рерайтинга позволит сэкономить десятки и сотни тысяч рублей. В процессе создания стабильной и экономичной инфраструктуры нейросеть пришла к необходимости использования облачных сервисов и занялась поиском провайдера с программой поддержки стартапов. Сервис перенес данные на платформу всего за 2 месяца, а в результате смог в несколько раз увеличить SLA для ресурсов, оптимизировать расходы на инфраструктуру и выйти на самоокупаемость. Все это позволило ReText.AI перенаправить силы команды в развитие нового функционала.

Нейросеть обязательно учтет эти правки, а в следующий раз станет работать еще грамотнее и эффективнее. Мой отзыв, конечно, не потому, что на ветер спустил восемь сотен, хотя признаюсь, жаль потраченных средств, потому что не вижу в этом сервисе перспективы развития. Больше удивило, что на второй день, увидев, что сервис работает не так, как его описывают я запросил манибек и мне отказали. Пробовал демо версию – «плюс минус терпимо» для дальнейшей проработки. Решил, поскольку объемы мне нужны большие, а времени как всегда не хватает, взять максимальный тариф на миллион символов и поработать. Со временем и перефразированные тексты будут копиями уже опубликованных сгененированных текстов.

С отменой подписки не должно возникнуть проблем если обратиться день в день, иначе сервису приходится идти в банк и платить комиссии за возврат. Иностранные компании возвращают деньги пользователям без проблем, но с российскими все не так просто. Тут скорее проблема законодательства, а не сервисов по подписке. С его помощью даже человек без специальных навыков самостоятельно сможет наполнить страницу «О компании» и ряд других разделов полезными и уникальными текстами, изначально взяв за основу информацию из интернета.

Для вовлечения аудитории первичное внедрение решения не в основной функционал, а в функционал бота позволит оптимизировать генерацию уникального контента для пользователя. Обработка текста в ReText происходит при помощи искусственного интеллекта. Пользователям доступно две функции — перефразирование и суммаризация.

Суммаризация ReText.AI поможет сократить текст онлайн до заданного количества знаков без потери смысла. По информации компании, Синонимайзер работает онлайн и без потери смысла, убирает ненужные и излишние повторы слов, предлагая на выбор подходящие замены. Пользователь сам определяет, что из сгенерированного списка ему подходит больше всего. Также возможно преобразовать простой материал в экспертный или литературный за счет выбора лексически более сложных синонимов.

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Насколько я понял, это также вариация перефразирования, просто «заточенная» именно на небольшое увеличение объёма. https://deveducation.com/ Именно небольшое – в среднем наблюдаю результат увеличения в 9-13%, то есть исходник не раздувает в несколько раз.

Posted on May 23rd, 2024 by admin and filed under IT Образование | No Comments »

Блокчейн: 6 ключевых моментов для понимания будущего технологии

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Если запись содержит ошибку, то для ее исправления необходимо добавить новую транзакцию. Традиционные технологии баз данных создают ряд проблем, связанных с учетом финансовых операций. Как покупатель, так и продавец могут самостоятельно регистрировать денежные операции, но ни одной из сторон нельзя доверять. Получив деньги, продавец может легко утверждать, что он их не получил, а покупатель может утверждать, что деньги отправлены, даже если это не так. Да, блокчейну еще периодически угрожают технологические кризисы, ужесточение регулирования в отдельных странах и мошенники с криптопирамидами.

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Публичные блокчейны

Поскольку в основе Bitcoin лежит технология блокчейн, люди по ошибке начали использовать термин Bitcoin для обозначения блокчейна в целом. Однако у технологии блокчейн множество применений и за пределами Bitcoin. Блокчейн обеспечивает высокий уровень безопасности и доверия, которого требуют современные цифровые транзакции. Всегда есть риск, что кто-то будет манипулировать базовым программным обеспечением, чтобы заработать деньги нечестным путем. Но три принципа блокчейна — криптография, децентрализация и консенсус — обеспечивают максимально безопасную базовую систему, в которую практически невозможно вмешаться. У системы нет слабых мест, и ни один пользователь https://coinranking.info/ не сможет внести изменения в записи транзакций.

Криптография с открытым ключом

Наконец, мы заглянули в будущее, обсудив возникающие тенденции, потенциальные препятствия и преобразующую роль блокчейна в формировании нашего цифрового будущего. Каждый тип блокчейна служит различным целям и выбирается исходя из специфических требований конкретного случая использования. Например, публичный блокчейн подходит для такой цифровой валюты, как Bitcoin, где важны прозрачность и децентрализация.

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К примеру, если вам по сети прислали роман «Вой­на и мир» и хеш-сумму к нему, компьютер может легко «пробежать» текст и проверить, соответствует ли он исходным данным. И если не соответствует, значит, по пути файл повредился или кто-то намеренно внес в него изменения. Статистика по использованию блокчейна в разных бизнесах показывает, что в будущем его будут использовать чаще. Например, согласно исследованию PwC, еще в 2018 году 84% компаний исследовали блокчейн или активно работали с ним. IBM, Walmart, Maersk и JPMorgan Chase уже внедрили блокчейн-решения в свои процессы. Аналитики ожидают, что в 2024 году на блокчейн будут тратить почти в три раза больше, чем в 2021-м.

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Пользователи включают в себя всех физических как обналичить криптовалюту в дубае лиц, которые подключаются к Сайту и используют Сайт. И первое, и второе гипотетически возможно, если злоумышленник сумеет получить контроль больше чем над половиной компьютеров в сети.

Связь блокчейна и криптовалюты

  1. Вот так работает блокчейн на примере звезды в мире крипты монетки Bitcoin.
  2. Чтобы хоть что-то заработать на добыче цифровой валюты, нужны ресурсы — в основном электричество и графические процессоры.
  3. Блокчейн — это особая система управления базами данных с более широкими возможностями.
  4. Присутствие этого центрального органа не только усложняет сделку, но и создает единственную уязвимую точку.
  5. Если его потерять, восстановить деньги будет очень сложно — достаточно вспомнить историю британца, который уже девять лет ищет на свалке жёсткий диск с биткоинами на сумму 176 млн долларов.

После того как взлетел биткоин, блокчейн перестал быть забавой для гиков и технократов — теперь его внедряют банки, госкомпании и даже некоторые государства. Например, правительство Тайваня использует блокчейн на базе Ethereum для защиты от кибератак со стороны Китая. Персональные данные, собранные при регистрации (или в любое другое время) преимущественно используется для подготовки Продуктов или Услуг в соответствии с Вашими потребностями. Ваша информация не будет передана или продана третьим сторонам. Однако мы можем частично раскрывать личную информацию в особых случаях, описанных в данной Политике конфиденциальности.

Во-первых, если зло­умышленник попытается переписать информацию внутри одного из блоков, цепочка разорвется. У взломанного блока изменится сумма, и следующий блок к нему уже не подойдет, ведь он содержит старый хеш предыдущего блока. Если открыть следующий блок и переписать в нем «входной» хеш, то «выходной» тоже изменится. Получается, единственный способ изменить блок в цепочке — ​переписать и все последующие блоки за ним.

Каждый пользователь имеет пару криптографических ключей – публичный и приватный. Публичный ключ доступен всем участникам сети, в то время как приватный известен только владельцу. При создании транзакции отправитель подписывает ее своим приватным ключом, любой желающий может убедиться в подлинности подписи с помощью соответствующего публичного ключа. Одним из основных преимуществ использования технологии блокчейн является ее способность обеспечить безопасную, прозрачную и децентрализованную систему регистрации и верификации транзакций. Это позволяет повысить уровень доверия, снизить уровень мошенничества и оптимизировать процессы.

Есть блокчейны, построенные с центром доверия, единой точкой консолидации данных, которая и отвечает за внесение новых блоков. Несмотря на критику, PoW по-прежнему остается одним из самых надежных и проверенных временем механизмов консенсуса, обеспечивающих функционирование многих блокчейн-сетей. В блокчейн-индустрии существует множество различных механизмов консенсуса, каждый из которых имеет свои преимущества и недостатки. Выбор конкретного алгоритма зависит от целей проекта, требований к безопасности, скорости и масштабируемости сети. В условиях, когда множество узлов по всему миру независимо поддерживают работу блокчейна, возникает риск несогласованности данных или появления вредоносных нод, стремящихся нарушить функционирование сети.

В сети блокчейн множество участников, которые сотрудничают между собой для обработки и подтверждения операций. Каждый узел активно участвует в проверке и добавлении новых блоков с этими операциями. Под майнингом в блокчейне понимается процесс проверки и подтверждения новых транзакций и добавления их в блокчейн. Этот процесс включает в себя решение сложных математических задач и осуществляется узлами, известными как майнеры. Несмотря на свой потенциал, технология блокчейн сталкивается и с рядом проблем. К ним относятся проблемы масштабируемости, неопределенность нормативно-правовой базы и высокое энергопотребление.

Цифровая подпись — это криптографический примитив, который используется не только в блокчейне. Например, подписать документы на ипотеку можно вообще не попадая в банк — через приложение «Госключ». Процесс майнинга требует больших вычислительных мощностей и, соответственно, значительных затрат электроэнергии. Майнеры используют специализированное оборудование (ASIC) или мощные видеокарты для перебора множества вариантов хеша блока, пока не будет найдено значение, удовлетворяющее определенным условиям сложности. Если интересно узнать, как разрабатывают блокчейны, почитайте нашу статью про создание блокчейнов на языке C# — рассказываем, как всё устроено и пробуем запустить первый проект. Имя используется для обращения лично к вам, а ваш e-mail для отправки вам писем рассылок, новостей тренинга, полезных материалов, коммерческих предложений.

Однако в настоящее время ведутся исследования и разработки, направленные на решение этих проблем. Например, разрабатываются новые механизмы консенсуса для улучшения масштабируемости и снижения энергопотребления. Это лишь несколько примеров того, как технология blockchain может применяться не только в сфере криптовалют. Потенциальные возможности применения блокчейна очень широки и продолжают расти по мере того, как все больше отраслей осознают преимущества этой инновационной технологии.

Ведь биткоин — это деньги, и в этой системе это действительно имеет смысл. Блокчейн биткоина криптографически защищён и неизменяем, а ещё распределён, то есть в блокчейне биткоина (и не только) отсутствует единый центр консолидации. Сеть одноранговая, и все участники этой сети находятся примерно в одном положении, имеют одинаковые права. Блокчейн открывает новые возможности для создания децентрализованных, прозрачных и эффективных систем в различных областях – от финансов как отказаться от игры в стим и логистики до здравоохранения и государственного управления.

Таким образом, блоки и цепочки надежно связаны, а их редактирование невозможно. Каждый дополнительный блок усиливает проверку предыдущего блока и, следовательно, всего блокчейна. Такой принцип схож со строительством башни из деревянных блоков. Блоки можно складывать только сверху, а если убрать один блок из середины, то рухнет вся башня.

Но если в частном блокчейне управление принадлежит одной компании, то в консорциумном оно разделено между несколькими организациями. Обычно такие системы используют корпорации с общими целями, ценностями, или работающие в одной отрасли. В качестве примера можно привести блокчейн Global Shipping Business Network. Это система, которая была разработана для цифровизации судоходной отрасли и расширения сотрудничества между операторами морских грузоперевозок. Блокчейн поддерживает конфиденциальность данных с помощью шифрования и безопасных хэш-функций.

Компании используют смарт-контракты для самостоятельного управления коммерческими сделками без привлечения третьей стороны. Смарт-контракты — это программы в блокчейн-системе, автоматически запускающиеся при соблюдении заданных условий. Транзакции записываются в реестр, если они соответствуют условиям проверки «если,…то».

Posted on May 23rd, 2024 by admin and filed under Новости Криптовалют | No Comments »

Recommended Books

the physician philosopher

As I read more quality books, I’ll add them here to the appropriate section. If I read a book that’s no good (there are a lot of books that aren’t that helpful), https://forexarena.net/ I’ll keep it to myself. An interesting book that serves partly as a book of definitions (want to know what the difference between a treasury bond and a junk bond is?) and also as a guide towards how to make frugal (buying in bulk) and investment choices. If I am being honest, I’d recommend the other books in this section ahead of this one, but it is still good enough to make the list.

the physician philosopher

Published works

Plato’s influence in Galen’s model showed itself most prominently in what Galen dubbed arterial blood, which is a mixture of nutritious blood from the liver and the vital spirit (the soul) which was attained from the lungs. The vital spirit within this medium was necessary for the body to function and eventually completely absorbed. This process was then repeated indefinitely, according to Galen, so that the body could be replenished with the soul, or the vital spirit. The Antonine Plague was named after Marcus Aurelius’ family name the physician philosopher of Antoninus.

Medical education

Descartes has often been called the father of modern philosophy, and is largely seen as responsible for the increased attention given to epistemology in the 17th century. Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him. It was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry. As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be a subject of contemporary philosophical discussion. What follows is a list, in order, of the most influential philosophers who ever lived. Most of the names below will be familiar, though you might find a few surprises.


Because our influence rankings measure the raw permeation of citations, writing, and ideas originating with each of these thinkers, the rigid prejudices that have persisted throughout history are also reflected on our list. This is not an endorsement of those prejudices-merely a faithful reporting on a subject which is inherently reflective of those prejudices. What follows is a list of the The 25 Most Influential Philosophers of all time based on the period of history between 1000 BCE and 2000 CE.

  1. The rational soul was in the brain, the spiritual soul was in the heart, and the appetitive soul was in the liver.
  2. It was 2 am two days before Christmas when I received the call from my mom.
  3. For example, in his writings about a young man afflicted with the plague, he concentrated on the treatment of internal and external ulcerations.

Related Articles to The 25 Most Influential Philosophers of All Time–A Philosophy Study Starter

This is a bird’s eye view of philosophy, an overview from the very top, but by no means a comprehensive nor probing dive into any one area. Galen’s work on animals led to some inaccuracies, most notably his anatomy of the uterus which largely resembled a dog’s. Though incorrect in his studies of human reproduction and reproductive anatomy, he came very close to identifying the ovaries as analogous to the male testes. Reproduction was a controversial topic in Galen’s lifetime, as there was much debate over if the male was solely responsible for the seed, or if the woman was also responsible. He was ordered to accompany Marcus and Verus to Germany as the court physician.

Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre was a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. He was one of the key figures in the philosophy of existentialism and phenomenology, and one of the leading figures in 20th-century French philosophy and Marxism. His work has also influenced sociology, critical theory, post-colonial theory, and literary studies, and continues to influence these disciplines. Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein was an Austrian-British philosopher who worked primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of language. He is considered by some to be the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. From 1929 to 1947, Wittgenstein taught at the University of Cambridge.

Here are ten milestones on the financial independence journey that should make you pause, take notice, and take a moment to enjoy. My mission is to teach doctors how to create the life they deserve – one thought at a time. Understanding our own behavior when it comes to finance is essential because it helps us mitigate wrong-for-us decision making around money. Unless you know these roadblocks exist, you can’t do much to stop them from derailing your financial goals. We say things like, “when ___ happens, I’ll be happy.“ This is called the Arrival Fallacy.

The son of Aelius Nicon, a wealthy Greek architect with scholarly interests, Galen received a comprehensive education that prepared him for a successful career as a physician and philosopher. Cory S. Fawcett, a retired surgeon, has written a three book series for physicians. I’ve read the first two books in the series, which I found to be very helpful. I’ve even written a review on one of them (The Doctor’s Guide to Eliminating Debt) and found the second book to be quite helpful, which is called The Doctor’s Guide to Starting Your Practice Right. If you want to learn the basics behind how to set yourself up for success, then this book on how to create the “set it and forget it” kind of method to financial success is for you. It explains a lot of the social behavior behind personal finance and how to get your worst enemy (you) out of the way.

But at some point, we realize that when we say “Yes” to the committees, book-chapters, meetings, late nights, and leadership tasks, we’re saying “No” to our families and work-life balance. Commentators have noted that Dasein and “being-in-the-world” are unitary concepts in contrast with the “subject/object” view of rationalist philosophy since at least René Descartes. Heidegger uses an analysis of Dasein to approach the question of the meaning of being, which Heidegger scholar Michael Wheeler describes as “concerned with what makes beings intelligible as beings”. Heidegger’s later work includes criticism of the view, common in the Western tradition, that all of nature is a “standing reserve” on call, as if it were a part of industrial inventory. There is controversy as to the relationship between his philosophy and his Nazism.

It spawned from his popular email series, which served as the bones for the book. After filling in those bones with some meat, the book became a pretty solid way to catch up to speed on your personal finances. The personal finance topics you wish you’d learned in medical school. Then, I created the financial freedom I needed to find fulfillment and balance in my life. Find out where this influencer ranks among philosophy’s major branches and subdisciplines.

He lived his remaining years in the care of his mother until her death in 1897 and then with his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. Taught by Plato, he was the founder of the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, and the Aristotelian tradition. His writings cover many subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, and government. We concede from the outset that this ranking list reflects a problem, not specifically with our algorithm, but with the human history of influence.

It was also the haunt of notable people such as the historian Claudius Charax, the orator Aelius Aristides, the sophist Polemo, and the consul Cuspius Rufinus. The following books are either written for physicians as a target audience and/or are written by physicians. If you want the comprehensive argument on why passively managed low-cost index funds are the best way to invest, this is the book for you. It lays down the major arguments against speculation, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, factor-based investing, and much more. If you aren’t convinced that low-cost passively managed index funds is the right thing for you, then you should read this book.

Posted on May 22nd, 2024 by admin and filed under Forex Trading | No Comments »

Relapse Stages, Prevention Plans & What to Do After

what to do after a relapse

While most people can achieve lasting recovery with the help of addiction treatment services, relapse is often part of that process. Some people will relapse multiple times before finding permanent recovery. Self-care is a critical component in maintaining long-term recovery from addiction. It encompasses various practices that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being, crucial for reducing cravings and improving resilience.

Establishing Healthy Routines

Refocusing on recovery and further relapse prevention with a care team is crucial. Therefore, a key aspect of recovery is identifying potential motivational enhancement therapy: uses benefits techniques triggers and risk factors and avoiding them as much as possible. Relapse prevention plans should be easily accessible and realistic.

  1. Soon after, the boredom, anxiety, restlessness, and other negative feelings set in, putting you at risk of relapse.
  2. Addiction recovery is most of all a process of learning about oneself.
  3. Sudden changes in weight, such as losing weight or gaining weight, may indicate a depression relapse.

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what to do after a relapse

Reconnecting with supportive individuals following a relapse can be a critical step in the recovery journey. The process involves open communication, vulnerability, and a willingness to seek help. It’s important to approach this step without shame or guilt, recognizing that relapse can be a part of the recovery process.

Avoid High-Risk Situations

While relapse can occur at any time, the 60- to 90-day period after initial recovery is the most vulnerable time. That’s why 12 Keys offers comprehensive and customized aftercare support. We also encourage clients at any stage of their recovery to seek intensive treatment with our empathetic and https://soberhome.net/all-opiates-detox-treatment-center-wyandotte-mi/ experienced addiction specialists. With our help, you can recover from your relapse and grow stronger and healthier from it. Contact us today if you’ve relapsed or are headed in that direction. Remember that a relapse doesn’t mean failure — it simply means you need to adjust your recovery plan.

Seeing a therapist or mental health professional could go a long way towards developing healthy coping mechanisms. For a lot of people, going through a relapse feels like a failure or something beyond their control, but that’s not true. Like any other step in substance abuse recovery, relapsing is possible, but it’s not the end of your journey. Lumina Recovery offers compassionate, comprehensive addiction treatment, including inpatient and outpatient care, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). We are committed to empowering lives and creating change through personalized recovery plans that address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of drug and alcohol addiction. Some people who have a depression relapse may experience social withdrawal as one of the main signs of relapse.

Risk Factors for Relapse

As Bandura and other researchers have since demonstrated, self-efficacy can have an impact on everything from psychological states to behavior and motivation. At the time, they felt either overwhelmed, scared, disappointed, confused, or simply unsure of what to do next. In one study, people who didn’t attend AA or a similar 12-step program only had a 20 to 25% abstinence rate. You may have to experiment a bit to find new approaches that work best. The goal is to develop new routines that are rewarding rather than leaning on the drug. For those just out of rehab, especially those who don’t have much experience with meditation, a teacher is important.

In fact, between 40% to 60% of people with a substance use disorder relapse at some point in their recovery journey. Read more to learn about types and stages of relapse in addiction, as well as relapse prevention strategies. Once the danger of overdose is removed, you should reach out to your support system and find a safe living environment. The immediate goals should be to remove access to alcohol or other drugs, shield yourself from negative influences including friends who drink or use drugs and begin to search for addiction treatment. People who maintain sobriety for several weeks or months become much less tolerant than they were in the past.

After a relapse, individuals in recovery must revisit and potentially revise their recovery plan. This process is not just about damage control; it’s about understanding what led to the relapse and how to strengthen the strategy to prevent future setbacks. Experiencing a relapse can be a distressing event, often accompanied by negative emotions such as guilt, shame, and frustration. It is crucial to address these feelings constructively to prevent further setbacks in the recovery journey.

Strategies may include using substitutes for cravings, having mental and emotional resources at hand, and practicing self-care. Mindfulness techniques also play a significant role in managing post-relapse emotions. Mindfulness encourages individuals to stay present and aware of their feelings without judgment, which can reduce the intensity of negative emotions and prevent impulsive behaviors. Incorporating mindfulness into daily routines can foster a sense of calm and increase resilience against stress, a common trigger for relapse. When you stumble on the road to recovery from substance addiction, it is important that you pick yourself up and continue the journey.

However, people who slip and don’t seek help often experience a physical relapse. They begin using obsessively or compulsively, and they start to experience negative consequences from that use. Using drugs once during https://sober-home.org/dealing-with-stomach-pain-after-quitting-alcohol/ recovery doesn’t necessarily mean that a person has relapsed. A single use is usually referred to as a “slip.” Some people can slip without relapsing, but drinking or using increases the chance of relapse.

Posted on May 22nd, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

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Всю чистую прибыль компания направляет на развитие бизнеса. Биржа NASDAQ на своем сайте всегда публикует актуальную информацию о цене акций компаний, которые там торгуются. Трейдеры могут следить за котировками прямо на графике в торговом терминале. Корпорация «Амазон» — гигант мирового рынка e-commerce. На площадке можно купить товары нескольких десятков категорий. Акции «Амазон» торгуются на NASDAQ, NYSE и других мировых биржах.

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Например, отчеты о прибылях, политические или экономические новые и другие факторы влияют на цену акций в краткосрочной перспективе. Эти взлеты и падения, как правило, носят временный характер, но создают хорошую волатильность для трейдеров. Это можно сделать и позже, если вы не планируете пополнить счет более чем на евро. Но это все равно придется сделать перед выводом средств. Итак, первое, что нужно сделать – зайти на сайт Libertex и открыть счет. В последующие годы она как будто мчалась на американских горках, так как сначала хорошо заработала на доткомовском буме.

Если бы мы купили одну акцию перед пандемией и продали ценную бумагу технологической компании в 2022 году по цене 3400 долл., то смогли бы заработать 1800 долл. Из-за высокой конкуренции со стороны аналогичных платформ и технологических компаний сохраняется риск замедления роста. Поэтому имеет смысл диверсифицировать риски, «разбавив» инвестиционный портфель акциями технологических гигантов, ритейлеров, компаниями энергетического, аэрокосмического и биотехнологического секторов.

Персональный консультант поможет составить оптимальный именно в вашем случае инвестиционный портфель и эффективно управлять активами. Эксперты Freedom Finance имеют за плечами от 10 лет опыта работы на фондовом рынке. Для каждого, кто планирует инвестировать в техногиганта, будет полезная информация о структуре, финансах и деятельности корпорации. Акция – самый популярный финансовый инструмент на фондовой бирже.

Зато потом она, как и многие ее конкуренты, сильно пострадала от краха доткомов. Фактически, прошло почти 14 лет прежде, чем ее акции снова достигли максимумов, наблюдавшихся до этого краха. Использование кредитного плеча связано с высоким риском. 70.8% розничных инвесторов теряют деньги при торговле CFD с этим партнером. Продать бумажные акции AMZN можно только через брокера, с которым у инвестора заключен договор на обслуживание. Акции, приобретенные в торговом терминале, можно продать там же, путем активации функции «Sell».

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То, что сейчас кажется привычным, в тот момент было прорывом. Открытая позиция отобразится в нижнем блоке под ценовым графиком.

Согласно данным балансового отчета корпорации, привилегированные акции Амазон в обращение не выпускались. Стабильно высокие результаты в бизнесе компании объясняют причины высокого спроса на акции Амазон. На сегодня маркетплейс насчитывает более 30 товарных категорий, продажи здесь осуществляют около 3 млн продавцов со всего мира. Был зарегистрирован патент на логистическую систему с использованием беспилотных летательных аппаратов. «Амазон» начала свое существование как виртуальный книжный рынок и, постоянно расширяя ассортимент товаров, к 2015 году опередила Walmart. По состоянию на 2020 г., капитализация компании превысила $1,5 трлн, это третья позиция в мире после «Эппл» и «Майкрософт».

Posted on May 22nd, 2024 by admin and filed under Форекс Обучение | No Comments »

Income Summary Account and Closing Process

income summary normal balance

The format used above was sufficient to disclose relevant financial information for Big Dog’s simple start-up operations. Like the classified balance sheet, an income statement can be classified as well as prepared with comparative information. The retained earnings account is reduced by the amount paid out in dividends through a debit and the dividends expense is credited. income summary normal balance When dividends are declared by corporations, they are usually recorded by debiting Dividends Payable and crediting Retained Earnings. Note that by doing this, it is already deducted from Retained Earnings (a capital account), hence will not require a closing entry. In a sole proprietorship, a drawing account is maintained to record all withdrawals made by the owner.

Permanent versus Temporary Accounts

As a contra revenue account, sales discount will have a debit balance and is subtracted from sales (along with sales returns and allowances) to arrive at net sales. Sales are reported in the accounting period in which title to the merchandise was transferred from the seller to the buyer. An income summary account is effectively a T-account of the income statement. Since it is a temporary ledger account, it does not appear on any financial statement. Notice the balance in Income Summary matches the net income calculated on the Income Statement.

Practice Questions: Types of Accounts

Regardless of the type of financial statement, any items that are material must be disclosed separately so users will not otherwise be misled. Office supplies of $2,000 per month used by BDCC in January 2015 might be a material amount and therefore disclosed as a separate item on the income statement for the month ended January 31, 2015. If annual revenues grew to $1 million, $2,000 per month for supplies might be considered immaterial.

income summary normal balance

Accounting Ratios

The fourth entry closes the Dividends account to Retained Earnings. The information needed to prepare closing entries comes from the adjusted trial balance. Income summary account is a temporary account used in the closing stage of the accounting cycle to compile all income and expense balances and determine net income or net loss for the period. The net balance of the income summary account is closed to the retained earnings account. Each of these accounts must be zeroed out so that on the first day of the year, we can start tracking these balances for the new fiscal year.

income summary normal balance

Posting the Closing Entries to the General Ledger

  • The post-closing T-accounts will be transferred to the post-closing trial balance, which is step 9 in the accounting cycle.
  • When dividends are declared by corporations, they are usually recorded by debiting Dividends Payable and crediting Retained Earnings.
  • These principles mean that accountants record transactions in one currency (for example, dollars).
  • Prepare the closing entries for Frasker Corp. using the adjusted trial balance provided.
  • Chapter 4 expands on notes to the financial statements, the auditor’s report, and the management’s responsibility report which are all integral to meeting disclosure requirements.
  • The company can make the income summary journal entry for the expenses by debiting the income summary account and crediting the expense account.

To accomplish this, closing entries are journalized and posted. Closing entries transfer each revenue and expense account balance, as well as any balance in the Dividend account, into retained earnings. Revenues, expenses, and dividends are therefore referred to as temporary accounts because their balances are zeroed at the end of each accounting period. Balance sheet accounts, such as retained earnings, are permanent accounts because they have a continuing balance from one fiscal year to the next. The closing process transfers temporary account balances into a permanent account, namely retained earnings.

income summary normal balance

  • We see from the adjusted trial balance that our revenue accounts have a credit balance.
  • Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping.
  • As you will learn in Corporation Accounting, there are three components to the declaration and payment of dividends.
  • The statement of retained earnings shows the period-ending retained earnings after the closing entries have been posted.
  • Understanding the accounting cycle and preparing trial balances is a practice valued internationally.
  • Notice that revenues, expenses, dividends, and income summary all have zero balances.

Remember, modern computerized accounting systems go through this process in preparing financial statements, but the system does not actually create or post journal entries. Generally, expenses are debited to a specific expense account and the normal balance of an expense account is a debit balance. Under the accrual basis of accounting, the Service Revenues account reports the fees earned by a company during the time period indicated in the heading of the income statement.

What are Temporary Accounts?

income summary normal balance

It stores all of the closing information for revenues and expenses, resulting in a “summary” of income or loss for the period. The balance in the Income Summary account equals the net income or loss for the period. This balance is then transferred to the Retained Earnings account. What is the current book value of your electronics, car, and furniture? Are the value of your assets and liabilities now zero because of the start of a new year?

When the accounting period ends, all the expense accounts are closed when the debit balance transfers into the income statement. Then, inversely to revenue accounts, the expense accounts are credited to reset them with zero balance and debiting the final account. This is no different from what will happen to a company at the end of an accounting period. A company will see its revenue and expense accounts set back to zero, but its assets and liabilities will maintain a balance.

  • This is the same figure found on the statement of retained earnings.
  • However, rather than credit the expense balance to transfer it, businesses must debit it, given that expenses are already credited.
  • So, even though the process today is slightly (or completely) different than it was in the days of manual paper systems, the basic process is still important to understand.
  • If the customer purchased on credit, a sales allowance will involve a debit to Sales Allowances and a credit to Accounts Receivable.
  • Its primary purpose is to facilitate the closing of these temporary accounts and prepare the books for the next accounting cycle.
Posted on May 21st, 2024 by admin and filed under Bookkeeping | No Comments »

Natural Language Processing First Steps: How Algorithms Understand Text NVIDIA Technical Blog

Brains and algorithms partially converge in natural language processing Communications Biology

natural language algorithms

NLP has already changed how humans interact with computers and it will continue to do so in the future. Working in NLP can be both challenging and rewarding as it requires a good understanding of both computational and linguistic principles. NLP is a fast-paced and rapidly changing field, so it is important for individuals working in NLP to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and advancements. Individuals working in NLP may have a background in computer science, linguistics, or a related field. They may also have experience with programming languages such as Python, and C++ and be familiar with various NLP libraries and frameworks such as NLTK, spaCy, and OpenNLP.

natural language algorithms

The biggest advantage of machine learning models is their ability to learn on their own, with no need to define manual rules. You just need a set of relevant training data with several examples for the tags you want to analyze. However, recent studies suggest that random (i.e., untrained) networks can significantly map onto brain responses27,46,47.

It is a highly demanding NLP technique where the algorithm summarizes a text briefly and that too in a fluent manner. It is a quick process as summarization helps in extracting all the valuable information without going through each word. These are responsible for analyzing the meaning of each input text and then utilizing it to establish a relationship between different concepts.

NLP uses computational linguistics, which is the study of how language works, and various models based on statistics, machine learning, and deep learning. These technologies allow computers to analyze and process text or voice data, and to grasp their full meaning, including the speaker’s or writer’s intentions and emotions. Artificial neural networks are a type of deep learning algorithm used in NLP.

Based on the assessment of the approaches and findings from the literature, we developed a list of sixteen recommendations for future studies. We believe that our recommendations, along with the use of a generic reporting standard, such as TRIPOD, STROBE, RECORD, or STARD, will increase the reproducibility and reusability of future studies and algorithms. To improve and standardize the development and evaluation of NLP algorithms, a good practice guideline for evaluating NLP implementations is desirable [19, 20]. Such a guideline would enable researchers to reduce the heterogeneity between the evaluation methodology and reporting of their studies.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Natural language processing and powerful machine learning algorithms (often multiple used in collaboration) are improving, and bringing order to the chaos of human language, right down to concepts like sarcasm. We are also starting to see new trends in NLP, so we can expect NLP to revolutionize the way humans and technology collaborate in the near future and beyond. To fully comprehend human language, data scientists need to teach NLP tools to look beyond definitions and word order, to understand context, word ambiguities, and other complex concepts connected to messages. But, they also need to consider other aspects, like culture, background, and gender, when fine-tuning natural language processing models. Sarcasm and humor, for example, can vary greatly from one country to the next.

This mapping peaks in a distributed and bilateral brain network (Fig. 3a, b) and is best estimated by the middle layers of language transformers (Fig. 4a, e). The notion of representation underlying this mapping is formally defined as linearly-readable information. This operational definition helps identify brain responses that any neuron can differentiate—as opposed to entangled information, which would necessitate several layers before being usable57,58,59,60,61. Virtual assistants can use several different NLP tasks like named entity recognition and sentiment analysis to improve results.

We found that only a small part of the included studies was using state-of-the-art NLP methods, such as word and graph embeddings. This indicates that these methods are not broadly applied yet for algorithms that map clinical text to ontology concepts in medicine and that future research into these methods is needed. Lastly, we did not focus on the outcomes of the evaluation, nor did we exclude publications that were of low methodological quality.

For instance, it can be used to classify a sentence as positive or negative. Companies can use this to help improve customer service at call centers, dictate medical notes and much more. Other practical uses of NLP include monitoring for malicious digital attacks, such as phishing, or detecting when somebody is lying. And NLP is also very helpful for web developers in any field, as it provides them with the turnkey tools needed to create advanced applications and prototypes. NLP algorithms can sound like far-fetched concepts, but in reality, with the right directions and the determination to learn, you can easily get started with them.

Knowledge graphs help define the concepts of a language as well as the relationships between those concepts so words can be understood in context. These explicit rules and connections enable you to build explainable AI models that offer both transparency and flexibility to change. Symbolic AI uses symbols to represent knowledge and relationships between concepts. It produces more accurate results by assigning meanings to words based on context and embedded knowledge to disambiguate language. The level at which the machine can understand language is ultimately dependent on the approach you take to training your algorithm.

Text classification is the process of automatically categorizing text documents into one or more predefined categories. Text classification is commonly used in business and marketing to categorize email messages and web pages. Machine translation can also help you understand the meaning of a document even if you cannot understand the language in which it was written.

NLP tools process data in real time, 24/7, and apply the same criteria to all your data, so you can ensure the results you receive are accurate – and not riddled with inconsistencies. Businesses are inundated with unstructured data, and it’s impossible for them to analyze and process all this data without the help of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Some are centered directly on the models and their outputs, others on second-order concerns, such as who has access to these systems, and how training them impacts the natural world.

By tracking sentiment analysis, you can spot these negative comments right away and respond immediately. Tokenization is an essential task in natural language processing used to break up a string of words into semantically useful units called tokens. Over 80% of Fortune 500 companies use natural language processing (NLP) to extract text and unstructured data value. Many NLP algorithms are designed with different purposes in mind, ranging from aspects of language generation to understanding sentiment. The analysis of language can be done manually, and it has been done for centuries.

natural language algorithms

One of the most noteworthy of these algorithms is the XLM-RoBERTa model based on the transformer architecture. Not long ago, the idea of computers capable of understanding human language seemed impossible. However, in a relatively short time ― and fueled by research and developments in linguistics, computer science, and machine learning ― NLP has become one of the most promising and fastest-growing fields within AI.

Common Examples of NLP

Aspect mining can be beneficial for companies because it allows them to detect the nature of their customer responses. Statistical algorithms are easy to train on large data sets and work well in many tasks, such as speech recognition, machine translation, sentiment analysis, text suggestions, and parsing. The drawback of these statistical methods is that they rely heavily on feature engineering which is very complex and time-consuming. Symbolic algorithms analyze the meaning of words in context and use this information to form relationships between concepts. This approach contrasts machine learning models which rely on statistical analysis instead of logic to make decisions about words. Permutation feature importance shows that several factors such as the amount of training and the architecture significantly impact brain scores.

This is a widely used technology for personal assistants that are used in various business fields/areas. This technology works on the speech provided by the user breaks it down for proper understanding and processes it accordingly. This is a very recent and effective approach due to which it has a really high demand in today’s market. Natural Language Processing is an upcoming field where already many transitions such as compatibility with smart devices, and interactive talks with a human have been made possible.

Since you don’t need to create a list of predefined tags or tag any data, it’s a good option for exploratory analysis, when you are not yet familiar with your data. The HMM approach is very popular due to the fact it is domain independent and language independent. A more complex algorithm may offer higher accuracy but may be more difficult to understand and adjust. In contrast, a simpler algorithm may be easier to understand and adjust but may offer lower accuracy. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between accuracy and complexity.

In NLP, syntax and semantic analysis are key to understanding the grammatical structure of a text and identifying how words relate to each other in a given context. NLP is an exciting and rewarding discipline, and has potential to profoundly impact the world in many positive ways. Unfortunately, NLP is also the focus of several controversies, and understanding them is also part of being a responsible practitioner.

natural language algorithms

If you have a very large dataset, or if your data is very complex, you’ll want to use an algorithm that is able to handle that complexity. Finally, you need to think about what kind of resources you have available. Some algorithms require more computing power than others, so if you’re working with limited resources, you’ll need to choose an algorithm that doesn’t require as much processing power.

Introduction to the Beam Search Algorithm

Each document is represented as a vector of words, where each word is represented by a feature vector consisting of its frequency and position in the document. The goal is to find the most appropriate category for each document using some distance measure. The 500 most used words in the English language have an average of 23 different meanings. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. “One of the most compelling ways NLP offers valuable intelligence is by tracking sentiment — the tone of a written message (tweet, Facebook update, etc.) — and tag that text as positive, negative or neutral,” says Rehling. Austin is a data science and tech writer with years of experience both as a data scientist and a data analyst in healthcare. Starting his tech journey with only a background in biological sciences, he now helps others make the same transition through his tech blog AnyInstructor.com.

In other words, text vectorization method is transformation of the text to numerical vectors. IBM has launched a new open-source toolkit, PrimeQA, to spur progress in multilingual question-answering systems to make it easier for anyone to quickly find information on the web. And when it’s easier than ever to create them, here’s a pinpoint guide to uncovering the truth.

  • Natural language processing algorithms must often deal with ambiguity and subtleties in human language.
  • The approaches need additional data, however, not have as much linguistic expertise for operating and training.
  • We focus on efficient algorithms that leverage large amounts of unlabeled data, and recently have incorporated neural net technology.

Each topic is represented as a distribution over the words in the vocabulary. The HMM model then assigns each document in the corpus to one or more of these topics. Finally, the model calculates the probability of each word given the topic assignments.

Using a chatbot to understand questions and generate natural language responses is a way to help any customer with a simple question. The chatbot can answer directly or provide a link to the requested information, saving customer service representatives time to address more complex questions. The application of semantic analysis enables machines to understand our intentions better and respond accordingly, making them smarter than ever before. With this advanced level of comprehension, AI-driven applications can become just as capable as humans at engaging in conversations.

Syntactic analysis, also known as parsing or syntax analysis, identifies the syntactic structure of a text and the dependency relationships between words, represented on a diagram called a parse tree. Information passes directly through the entire chain, taking part in only a few linear transforms. For today Word embedding is one of the best NLP-techniques natural language algorithms for text analysis. The first multiplier defines the probability of the text class, and the second one determines the conditional probability of a word depending on the class. Stemming is the technique to reduce words to their root form (a canonical form of the original word). Stemming usually uses a heuristic procedure that chops off the ends of the words.

At this stage, however, these three levels representations remain coarsely defined. Further inspection of artificial8,68 and biological networks10,28,69 remains necessary to further decompose them into interpretable features. A common choice of tokens is to simply take words; in this case, a document is represented as a bag of words (BoW). More precisely, the BoW model scans the entire corpus for the vocabulary at a word level, meaning that the vocabulary is the set of all the words seen in the corpus.

Supervised Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics

In addition, you will learn about vector-building techniques and preprocessing of text data for NLP. This course by Udemy is highly rated by learners and meticulously created by Lazy Programmer Inc. It teaches everything about NLP and NLP algorithms and teaches you how to write sentiment analysis.

natural language algorithms

The LDA model then assigns each document in the corpus to one or more of these topics. Finally, the model calculates the probability of each word given the topic assignments for the document. Logistic regression is a supervised learning algorithm used to classify texts and predict the probability that a given input belongs to one of the output categories.

Why Is NLP Important?

You often only have to type a few letters of a word, and the texting app will suggest the correct one for you. And the more you text, the more accurate it becomes, often recognizing commonly used words and names faster than you can type them. The use of voice assistants is expected to continue to grow exponentially as they are used to control home security systems, thermostats, lights, and cars – even let you know what you’re running low on in the refrigerator.

  • Semantic analysis refers to the process of understanding or interpreting the meaning of words and sentences.
  • More broadly speaking, the technical operationalization of increasingly advanced aspects of cognitive behaviour represents one of the developmental trajectories of NLP (see trends among CoNLL shared tasks above).
  • Knowledge representation, logical reasoning, and constraint satisfaction were the emphasis of AI applications in NLP.

This algorithm creates a graph network of important entities, such as people, places, and things. This graph can then be used to understand how different concepts are related. To estimate the robustness of our results, we systematically performed second-level analyses across subjects. Specifically, we applied Wilcoxon signed-rank tests across subjects’ estimates to evaluate whether the effect under consideration was systematically different from the chance level.

What are LLMs, and how are they used in generative AI? – Computerworld

What are LLMs, and how are they used in generative AI?.

Posted: Wed, 07 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Natural language processing (NLP) is generally referred to as the utilization of natural languages such as text and speech through software. Deep learning (DL) is one of the subdomains of machine learning, which is motivated by functions of the human brain, also known as artificial neural network (ANN). DL is performed well on several problem areas, where the output and inputs are taken as analog. Also, deep learning achieves the best performance in the domain of NLP through the approaches.

This classification task is one of the most popular tasks of NLP, often used by businesses to automatically detect brand sentiment on social media. Analyzing these interactions can help brands detect urgent customer issues that they need to respond to right away, or monitor overall customer satisfaction. The possibility of translating text and speech to different languages has always been one of the main interests in the NLP field. From the first attempts to translate text from Russian to English in the 1950s to state-of-the-art deep learning neural systems, machine translation (MT) has seen significant improvements but still presents challenges. They use highly trained algorithms that, not only search for related words, but for the intent of the searcher. Results often change on a daily basis, following trending queries and morphing right along with human language.

Equipped with natural language processing, a sentiment classifier can understand the nuance of each opinion and automatically tag the first review as Negative and the second one as Positive. Imagine there’s a spike in negative comments about your brand on social media; sentiment analysis tools would be able to detect this immediately so you can take action before a bigger problem arises. The biggest advantage of machine learning algorithms is their ability to learn on their own. You don’t need to define manual rules – instead machines learn from previous data to make predictions on their own, allowing for more flexibility. Word embeddings are used in NLP to represent words in a high-dimensional vector space. These vectors are able to capture the semantics and syntax of words and are used in tasks such as information retrieval and machine translation.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the basics of Natural Language Processing and some of its challenges, and discover the most popular NLP applications in business. Finally, you’ll see for yourself just how easy it is to get started with code-free natural language processing tools. In this article we have reviewed a number of different Natural Language Processing concepts that allow to analyze the text and to solve a number of practical tasks. We highlighted such concepts as simple similarity metrics, text normalization, vectorization, word embeddings, popular algorithms for NLP (naive bayes and LSTM). All these things are essential for NLP and you should be aware of them if you start to learn the field or need to have a general idea about the NLP. Vectorization is a procedure for converting words (text information) into digits to extract text attributes (features) and further use of machine learning (NLP) algorithms.

Basically, an additional abstract token is arbitrarily inserted at the beginning of the sequence of tokens of each document, and is used in training of the neural network. After the training is done, the semantic vector corresponding to this abstract token contains a generalized meaning of the entire document. Although this procedure looks like a “trick with ears,” in practice, semantic vectors from Doc2Vec improve the characteristics of NLP models (but, of course, not always).

What is Natural Language Processing? Introduction to NLP – DataRobot

What is Natural Language Processing? Introduction to NLP.

Posted: Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:33:07 GMT [source]

A major drawback of statistical methods is that they require elaborate feature engineering. Since 2015,[22] the statistical approach was replaced by the neural networks approach, using word embeddings to capture semantic properties of words. Challenges in natural language processing frequently involve speech recognition, natural-language understanding, and natural-language generation.

Finally, we estimate how the architecture, training, and performance of these models independently account for the generation of brain-like representations. First, the similarity between the algorithms and the brain primarily depends on their ability to predict words from context. Second, this similarity reveals the rise and maintenance of perceptual, lexical, and compositional representations within each cortical region. Overall, this study shows that modern language algorithms partially converge towards brain-like solutions, and thus delineates a promising path to unravel the foundations of natural language processing.

Natural language processing uses computer algorithms to process the spoken or written form of communication used by humans. By identifying the root forms of words, NLP can be used to perform numerous tasks such as topic classification, intent detection, and language translation. Two reviewers examined publications indexed by Scopus, IEEE, MEDLINE, EMBASE, the ACM Digital Library, and the ACL Anthology.

Today most people have interacted with NLP in the form of voice-operated GPS systems, digital assistants, speech-to-text dictation software, customer service chatbots, and other consumer conveniences. But NLP also plays a growing role in enterprise solutions that help streamline and automate business operations, increase employee productivity, and simplify mission-critical business processes. Each of the keyword extraction algorithms utilizes its own theoretical and fundamental methods. It is beneficial for many organizations because it helps in storing, searching, and retrieving content from a substantial unstructured data set. Topic modeling is one of those algorithms that utilize statistical NLP techniques to find out themes or main topics from a massive bunch of text documents.

Posted on May 20th, 2024 by admin and filed under AI Chatbot News | No Comments »

Как торговать нефтью Руководство для новичков

как инвестировать в нефть

Инвестиции Книга Финансовый менеджмент в малом бизнесе в нефть всегда были привлекательным вариантом для инвесторов, которые стремятся диверсифицировать свой портфель. Это отличный вариант для тех, кто только начинает инвестировать в нефть, поскольку он обеспечивает недорогой способ участия в рынке. Инвестиции в нефть могут быть выгодным способом диверсификации вашего портфеля, но они также связаны со значительными рисками. Хотя сырая нефть исторически была надежной инвестицией из-за ее высокого спроса и ограниченного предложения, важно отметить, что рынок может быть волатильным и непредсказуемым. Кроме того, инвестирование в сырую нефть требует глубокого понимания различных способов инвестирования в этот товар, включая фьючерсные контракты, биржевые фонды и отдельные акции. Существует несколько способов инвестировать в нефть, как прямые, так и косвенные.

как инвестировать в нефть

Политические и экологические риски

Биржевая торговля нефтью — это совершение сделок с биржевыми контрактами, в основе которых заложена стоимость барреля нефти одного из сортов. Также многие спрашивают, можно ли торговать нефтью без покупки контрактов на саму нефть. Да, и для этого можно инвестировать в нефтяные ETF или акции нефтедобывающих компаний. Прежде чем мы погрузимся в мир инвестирования в сырую нефть, давайте сначала разберемся, в как выбрать надежного брокера на форекс чем именно это заключается.

Шаг 2: Выберите объект для инвестирования в нефть

  1. В качестве таковых эксперты называют покупку фьючерсов, нефтяных ETF, акций и ПИФов акций нефтяных компаний, а также специальных структурированных финансовых продуктов.
  2. Требования в отношении маржи зависят от того, мелкий вы клиент или профессиональный.
  3. Как только ордера сработают, начинается работа в одном направлении цены.

Цена на торгах указывается в долларах за Вся правда о скальпинге на рынке Форекс баррель нефти, минимальный лот — контракт на 10 барр. Но цена нефти волатильна — с начала 2017 года стоимость контрактов на Brent сначала упала на 19%, а потом выросла на 28%. Простые граждане могут извлекать выгоду из движений нефтяного рынка, используя разные инструменты.

Нефтяной спред

Эту стратегию применимо к торговле валютными парами я подробно описал в материале “Стратегия “Объемная свеча”. Итак, все что нам нужно — дождаться появления данной свечи на четырехчасовом таймфрейме. Затем устанавливаем отложенные ордера и ждем, когда цена попадется в наши сети. Эта стратегия работает на графике нефти просто идеально, у нее самый высокий процент положительного исхода, около 97%. По этой причине при торговле нефтью я чаще использую именно этот паттерн.

как инвестировать в нефть

Цель этого фонда – инвестирование в американский нефтяной рынок без необходимости покупки фьючерсных контрактов. Как я уже демонстрировал выше, котировки нефти очень часто коррелируют с котировками акций крупных нефтедобывающих компаний. Хороший вариант — это сформировать инвестиционный портфель из нескольких таких активов, например, акций Shell, Exxonmobil, Chevron, Rosneft. Агентство EIA каждую среду публикует данные по запасам нефти в хранилищах США. Как правило, за день до публикации аналитики делают прогнозы, предположим, предсказывают рост запасов на 5 млн. Но когда в свет вышел отчет EIA, то оказалось, что запасы снизились на 7 млн.

Самый известный способ инвестировать в нефть — использовать фьючерсы. Наиболее известными фьючерсами являются фьючерсы на сырую нефть (CL) и нефть марки Brent (CL). Фьючерсы — это контракты на поставку, которые позволяют получить фиксированное количество нефти по истечении срока их действия. Помимо ETFs, инвесторы могут инвестировать во фьючерсные контракты на нефть. Фьючерсные контракты — это соглашения о покупке или продаже определенного количества товара по заранее установленной цене на определенную дату в будущем.

Покупка акций нефтегазовых компаний тоже является одним из способов заработать на нефти. Котировки черного золота прочно связаны с ее объемами добычи, поэтому и стоимость акций таких компаний хорошо с ними коррелируют. Если обратить внимание на ценовые графики акций нефтяных компаний и самой нефти, то нетрудно заметить сходство.

Будущее сырой нефти является предметом многочисленных споров, и многие эксперты высказывают разные мнения. Один хорошо известный способ косвенного инвестирования в нефть — это покупка акций нефтяных компаний, таких как Shell или BP. Когда вы инвестируете в акции, не только цена на нефть определяет ваши результаты. Еще одним — опосредованным — вариантом инвестиций в нефть является вложение денег в акции нефтяных компаний.

Именно по этой причине биржевые контракты на нефть и природный газ часто сравнивают между собой, а котировки обычно имеют прямую корреляцию. Для торговли нефти внутри дня хорошо подходит стратегия на основе ценовых паттернов. Использовать при торговле нефтью технические индикаторы, такие как RSI, Боллинджер, скользящая средняя EMA и другие, лично я не рекомендую. Все технические индикаторы запаздывают, а нефть не любит стабильный тренд. Когда индикатор выдает сигнал на вход в рынок, цена уже может развернуться и начать двигаться в другую сторону.

Каждый крупный производитель нефти продвигает на рынок свой собственный бренд. К таким сортам можно отнести российскую URALS или сорт саудовской нефти ARAB LIGHT. Но существуют и признанные во всем мире сорта черного золота, которые и торгуются на всех биржах мира. Это североамериканская WTI или тикер USCRUDE и общемировая Brent или тикер UKBRENT. Также уязвимым выглядит бизнес «Сургутнефтегаза», продолжает Кожухова.

Posted on May 16th, 2024 by admin and filed under Форекс Обучение | No Comments »


what makes drugs addictive

Problems with self-regulation specifically attributed to loneliness have manifested in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, eating disorders, and even suicide. Moreover, heavy drug users may avoid or alienate friends or family who are not using. The social control hypothesis suggests that the absence of caring friends and family lead people to neglect themselves and indulge in health-damaging behaviors, such as eating unhealthy foods and not exercising. The self-medication theory of addiction suggests that suffering is at the heart of addictive disorders (Khantzian, 2012). That is, individuals with deficits in skills relevant for modifying emotional reactions and tolerance for negative emotions use drugs in an attempt to manage negative or distressing states. Mate (2010) suggests that addictive behaviors ultimately driven by our unwillingness to allow ourselves to really feel and experience pain, frustration, fear, and all the negative emotions that are part of being human.

What are the signs of addiction?

And, the psychological symptoms that accompany withdrawal, such as depression and anxiety, may be mistaken as simply part of withdrawal instead of an underlying mood disorder that requires independent treatment in its own right. The reasons why substance use disorders and mental disorders often occur together are not clear, and establishing the relationships between these conditions is difficult. Second, substance use disorders may increase vulnerability for mental disorders,62-64 meaning that the use of certain substances might trigger a mental disorder that otherwise would have not occurred.

Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others don’t?

  1. Research has consistently shown that the influence of peers can be a powerful force in the development of substance use behaviors.
  2. For example, people who use methamphetamine for a long time may experience paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions that may be mistaken for symptoms of schizophrenia.
  3. Although no animal model fully reflects the human experience, animal studies let researchers investigate addiction under highly controlled conditions that may not be possible or ethical to replicate in humans.

Do not stop using Xanax without talking to your doctor first., as you may need to slowly stop (taper) this medicine over a period of time. Updates about mental health topics, including NIMH news, upcoming events, mental disorders, funding opportunities, and research. Research suggests that behavioral addiction and substance use addiction work in the brain in similar ways. While they both have some overlapping diagnostic symptoms, such as continued use despite consequences or lack of any benefit, there are also differences. OxyContin (oxycodone) is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance by the U.S.

In Summary: The Binge/Intoxication Stage and the Basal Ganglia

And the vast majority of people exposed to most substances (or activities) considered addictive do not in fact develop addiction to them. Rather, a very complex array of cultural factors, social factors, and situational factors mingle with psychological factors, biological https://soberhome.net/alcohol-withdrawal-symptoms-dont-underestimate/ factors, and even personal values to influence the possibility of addiction. Physical addiction appears to occur when repeated use of a drug changes the way your brain feels pleasure. The addicting drug causes physical changes to some nerve cells (neurons) in your brain.

Understanding the impact of socioeconomic factors on drug addiction is vital for developing targeted prevention and treatment programs that address the specific needs of different population segments. For instance, community characteristics such as collective efficacy, which involves the community’s ability to supervise and intervene in risky situations, can mitigate or exacerbate the effects of peer pressure. In communities with high collective efficacy, the negative impact of peer influence may be lessened, suggesting that strengthening community support systems could be a valuable strategy in preventing adolescent substance use. Research also highlights the importance of considering the type of peer influence and substance use when examining these relationships.

what makes drugs addictive

Opioid (Prescription Drugs/Heroin)

In spite of this progress, our understanding of how substance use affects the brain and behavior is far from complete. Compulsive substance seeking is a key characteristic of addiction, as is the loss of control over use. Compulsivity helps to explain why many people with addiction experience relapses after attempting to abstain from or reduce use. Drug addiction is a complex condition characterized as a chronic, relapsing disorder. It involves compulsive drug seeking and use despite the harmful consequences it may cause. Recognized as a brain disorder, addiction incurs significant changes to brain circuits that govern reward, stress, and self-control.

Opioids are most addictive when you take them in a way other than how they were prescribed — for example, crushing a pill so that it can be snorted or injected. This life-threatening drug misuse is even more dangerous if the pill is effective for a longer period of time. Rapidly delivering all the medicine to your body can cause an accidental overdose. Taking more than your https://rehabliving.net/addiction-among-males/ prescribed dose of opioid medicine, or taking a dose more often than prescribed, also increases your risk of opioid use disorder. Not all adolescents who experiment with alcohol, cigarettes, or other substances go on to develop a substance use disorder, but research suggests that those who do progress to more harmful use may have pre-existing differences in their brains.

Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affect the brain and have found treatments that can help people recover clinical experience of baclofen in alcohol dependence from drug addiction and lead productive lives. To a very large degree, brain hacks become appealing when there are restricted opportunities for meaning and for pleasure other than the response to drugs.

For example, psychostimulants increase extracellular dopamine, which, in turn, affects the expression of genes related to dopamine metabolism in the striatum, an area central to the reward system. While neuroplasticity is the great liberator of the mind, allows people to learn languages and remember birthdays, and fuels the imagination, it has a dark side. The capacity for neuroplasticity, however, also enables the brain to rewire itself more normally once drug usage is stopped. • the prefrontal cortex, which is the seat of such executive functions as judgment, decision-making, impulse control; it gradually weakens in response to overactivation of the reward circuits by drugs of abuse. Once a person becomes dependent on any form of opioids, they will experience severe withdrawal symptoms when they cannot get the drug or if they try to quit. Intense cravings, sweating, shaking, nausea, irritability, agitation, vomiting, and bone and muscle pain are some of the most common withdrawal symptoms that make it difficult to recover from opioid addiction.

To diagnose addiction, your healthcare provider may refer you to a psychiatrist, psychologist or drug and alcohol counselor. Your provider will ask you (and possibly your loved ones) questions about your patterns of substance use or problematic behaviors. Substances send massive surges of dopamine through your brain, too, as well as certain activities, like having sex or spending money. But instead of motivating you to do the things you need to do to survive (eat, work and spend time with loved ones), such massive dopamine levels can have damaging effects on your thoughts, feelings and behavior.

Other drugs, such as amphetamine or cocaine, can cause the neurons to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the normal recycling of these brain chemicals by interfering with transporters. This too amplifies or disrupts the normal communication between neurons. Drugs interfere with the way neurons send, receive, and process signals via neurotransmitters. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics that of a natural neurotransmitter in the body. Although these drugs mimic the brain’s own chemicals, they don’t activate neurons in the same way as a natural neurotransmitter, and they lead to abnormal messages being sent through the network.

Posted on May 16th, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

How To Treat Your Knowledge As A Product

From bodily access safety to data encryption, persevering with with information masking and anonymization or making knowledge solely available in a selected global cloud team region, safety is all the time a core precept of any data product. Finally, based mostly on out there assets, you would possibly must resolve which elements you want to construct and which you should buy to fulfill deadlines. For instance, Loan Market Group determined buying an embedded analytics resolution would be a lot faster and less expensive than building it themselves. By figuring out your main priorities and how the product will add value in your users, you may make higher selections about the data architecture that will serve you well in the lengthy run. A knowledge product is a broad definition that features any product or function that utilizes knowledge to facilitate a goal.

The Essential Information To Product Administration Kpis

The consistent, holistic data product method has many benefits including improved productivity of your data groups, scalable federated governance throughout data product characteristics team boundaries, and increased adoption by your line of business users. A mannequin to market approach to data product delivery permits organizations to quickly ship information property that directly reply to the current requests and needs of the business. The data as a product mindset is likely considered one of the four ideas of data mesh, a mode of knowledge administration which decentralizes project structure fashions. Data as a product treats the information customers as prospects, growing data products to deliver them worth and assist them obtain their finish targets.

Why Is Data as a Product Important

Introducing Erwin Information Market – Democratize Knowledge

Data products play a pivotal role within the evolving landscape of information developments, significantly within the realm of superior AI and huge language fashions (LLMs), where the standard and integrity of information are paramount. In this context, the ideas of a knowledge product — emphasizing clear accountability, manageability, and value — are crucial. These rules align seamlessly with the rising development of DataOps, which prioritizes practices like observability and versioning to make sure information’s continuous high quality and reliability. The concept of an information mesh, with data merchandise as a fundamental component, further enhances this ecosystem. It facilitates a domain-oriented approach to knowledge management, enabling teams to work with knowledge more successfully and responsively. By providing structured, actionable insights, data merchandise empower organizations to reply swiftly to market trends, customer wants, and internal process enhancements.

Quantitative Data In Product Management

Why Is Data as a Product Important

We use a structured discovery and inception course of to uncover these requirements for any new knowledge product. We then apply a set of well-understood practices and instruments which would possibly be known to ship high-quality software program and knowledge. For instance, let’s contemplate a product manager answerable for a subscription-based streaming service. By analyzing data on user engagement, content preferences, and subscription churn rates, the product manager can determine areas for enchancment and develop methods to enhance consumer expertise and retention. This data-driven method ensures that the product remains competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Why Is Data as a Product Important

What Precisely Is A Knowledge Product?

Why Is Data as a Product Important

It lets you perform searches and analytics on Google Sheet data with no expertise, and users can go away suggestions inside the app retailer. After doing research within the starting stage, they realized that purchasing an embedded analytics resolution could be quicker and extra comprehensive than building one. A “Customer” knowledge product collects information from all sources, prepares it,and delivers it to authorized data shoppers – end-to-end – in real time.

Challenges And Solutions In Implementing Data-as-a-product (daap)

Why Is Data as a Product Important

Utilizing huge data for personalization, Starbucks collects knowledge through its rewards program and mobile app, studying about prospects’ buying habits. This info is used to suggest merchandise, design advertising campaigns, and resolve on new store locations. Starbucks tailors its offers primarily based on season, climate, and customer location​​. McDonald’s employs information analysis to customise its menu choices in the fast-food business. Using digital menus that change primarily based on various components like time of day, climate, and historical gross sales knowledge, McDonald’s ensures relevancy in its choices, enhancing buyer experience​​.

Why Is Data as a Product Important

With Dremio, you presumably can manage your information by creating separate spaces/folders for every knowledge product. By granting data product managers the necessary permissions for their respective folders, they will curate, doc, and govern the info particular to their merchandise. This compartmentalization simplifies the management of knowledge merchandise inside the organization. Dremio catalogs profit from a number of knowledge lakehouse management options that leverage versioning for managing knowledge high quality and portability to bring the information to where you need it in your most well-liked use instances. A information product is a purpose-driven digital providing that depends on information to ship value.

  • It includes gathering information and insights in regards to the goal market, together with buyer demographics, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Data stores augment this course of by offering a structured setting that enhances the worth, accessibility, and value of data products.
  • As the demand for information ratchets up, fault traces are showing in our current information architectures.

That’s why it’s so important to begin by knowing who your customer is and what’s most dear to them. Those clients may be inside or external – the secret’s to assume beyond simply providing data sources, and expecting users to adapt or compromise the best way they work to make use of it. They must be ready to extract significant insights and identify tendencies that inform choice making. Techniques such as data segmentation, cohort evaluation, and development evaluation assist product managers acquire a deep understanding of user behaviors and make informed decisions based mostly on patterns and trends.

They enable firms to extract, analyze, and make the most of information in a means that was previously unimaginable. This transition in the course of a more data-centric strategy has turned information into a useful commodity. Industries now try to collect as much information as attainable to harness it for business growth and success. Perhaps the best benefit of information merchandise to organizations is their ability to unlock the worth of knowledge by serving because the glue that bonds collectively bodily systems, data modeling, and enterprise processes and use instances. They substitute the piecemeal strategy that many firms take to their data operations while additionally decentralizing Data Management. This frees the underlying knowledge to be applied on the fly in numerous situations and situations, with minimal or no preprocessing.

This breaks belief with vacationers and paints an airline as unreliable and ineffective, which is strictly why DaaP tools have to constantly deliver. It’s also why organizations should provide clear plans and stories on knowledge restoration and redundancy. These area groups share their data through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), accompanied by comprehensive documentation, strong testing environments and clear efficiency indicators. By seizing the opportunity to function a catalyst, you’re opening the door to a brand new period where data is not merely an asset — it’s the driving pressure behind innovation, progress, and reaching your mission.

Posted on May 15th, 2024 by admin and filed under Software development | No Comments »

Лучшие пулы для майнинга Ethereum Classic ETC на 2024 год ТОП-10

майнинг эфириум классик

Какое-то время после хардфорка сложность майнинга будет не очень велика. Этому будет способствовать отсутствие планов владельцев Nicehash по добавлению поддержки ETCHASH на своей платформе. С большой степенью вероятности, производители ASIC-ов еще не выпустили обновлений прошивки для алгоритма ETCHASH для своих устройств (например, для Innosilicon A10 Pro).

Рассмотрим рейтинг пулов ETC

майнинг эфириум классик

Пул предлагает ежедневные выплаты пользователям, минимальная сумма вывода 1 ETC или 0,1 ETH. Хорошая вещь в добыче Эфириум Классик заключается в том, что он требует низкой мощности хэширования и потребления электроэнергии. Тем не менее, надежный игровой ноутбук подойдет как купить эфириум классик для майнинга Ethereum Classic. Двойное расходование обычно происходит в небольших сетях блокчейнов с небольшой вычислительной мощностью или хэш-скоростью. Легче атаковать или дважды потратить, если собрать более половины общей вычислительной мощности сети.

Держите под рукой кошелек ETC для хранения токенов

Поскольку блокчейн ETC основан на блокчейне ETH, то и алгоритм, и технические характеристики у них одинаковые. Разница только в хешрейте сети и пороге мощностей для безубыточного майнинга, а также награде за блок. У классического эфира это 3,2 ETC. В долларовом эквиваленте на момент написания статьи это $940 против $13,40. Ethereum Classic – одна из монет, которые по-прежнему способны приносить прибыль от майнинга, даже с учетом затрат на электроэнергию и комиссий пула. Сеть не слишком требовательна к оборудованию и позволяет начать зарабатывать с относительно небольшими вложениями.

Майнинг Ethereum Classic (ETC) на Windows

майнинг эфириум классик

С ними можно использовать любые графические процессоры, будь то NVIDIA или AMD. Ethereum Classic имеет тикер ETC и добывается на алгоритме майнинга Etchash, в отличие от Ethash у Эфириум. Криптовалюта Ethereum Classic представляет собой форк (ответвление) основного блокчейна Эфириум, появившийся в 2016 году. Эксперты Profinvestment в данной статье рассмотрели, как майнить Эфир Классик (Ethereum Classic) – одну из перспективных на сегодня PoW-криптовалют.

Atleta Network. Активности в тестовой сети с прицелом на дроп

После слияния Merge 15 сентября Ethereum перешел на PoS, и теперь его майнить нельзя. Хорошая новость заключается в том, что майнить Ethereum Classic не так уж и сложно благодаря графическим процессорам и установкам для майнинга ASIC. Алгоритм PoW, лежащий в основе цифровых монет ETC, позволяет майнить токены ETH или ETC на мощных видеокартах. Благодаря совместимости исходных кодов монет ETC и ETH после настройки возможен дуал-майнинг двух активов одновременно. Инвестировать в Эфириум классик можно традиционным способом, покупая цифровые активы, пополняя счёт Ethereum Classic Investment Trust.

  • В фокусе портфельное инвестирование, спотовая торговля, ретродропы, сейлы (IDO,ICO,IEO), DeFi, анализ крипто проектов и ноды.
  • Один из самых функциональных, а также прибыльных, майнинг-пулов для GPU и ASIC.
  • То есть даже если решение найдено не вашим компьютером, и даже если вы отключились до того, как награда была получена, вам все равно начисляется криптовалюта в справедливой пропорции.
  • Лучшая установка – та, которая имеет множество графических процессоров, таких как Bitman Antminer E3, AMD VEGA 64 или AMD VEGA 56 при майнинге Эфириум Классик.
  • Часть сообщества перешла на новое ответвление цепочки, а пользователи, не согласившиеся с изменением правил, продолжили работу в проекте “The Dao”.

Почему Ethereum Classic

ETC часто считается одним из лучших цифровых активов для майнинга на платформе. С другой стороны, есть майнеры, не согласные с этим утверждением. На момент написания статьи ETC не самая прибыльная монета (если говорить про видеокарты последних поколений AMD / Nvidia).

Оборудование для майнинга

майнинг эфириум классик

То есть даже если решение найдено не вашим компьютером, и даже если вы отключились до того, как награда была получена, вам все равно начисляется криптовалюта в справедливой пропорции. Стоит отметить, что Classic более доступен для соло майнеров — при меньшем хешрейте можно получить больше блоков. Добывать Ethereum через пул при сегодняшнем курсе все еще выгоднее. Но, опять же, стоит сравнить данные на момент прочтения статьи. Еще одно преимущество Classic заключается в том, что он застрахован от ошибок разработчиков. Сейчас появляется информация о том, что Бутерин планирует резко сократить награду за блок для майнеров.

Какой алгоритм использует Ethereum Classic

  • С ними можно использовать любые графические процессоры, будь то NVIDIA или AMD.
  • Среди ключевых недостатков ETC для майнеров выделяется уязвимость алгоритма к «атаке 51 %» — пользователи, владеющие большей частью мощностей, могут влиять на весь блокчейн.
  • Специальные настройки не требуются, потому что Hashalot уже и так есть в списке пулов HiveOS.
  • Те, кто владели эфириумом, могли продублировать свои активы в двух ветках, получив вместо одного баланса с эфириумом два баланса в разных криптовалютах.
  • Подробнее о выборе оборудования для майнинга мы писали в этой статье.
  • Указываем названия майнинг аккаунта, ниже выбираем алгоритм.
  • Это не только пул эфира классик, но также здесь можно добывать и другие монеты.

На данный момент самым популярным оборудованием для mining Эфириум Классик является графический процессор. Вам понадобятся etc майнер для Nvidia, https://www.tokenexus.com/ru/neo/ такие как 1080 и 1080i. Кроме того, вы также можете использовать графические процессоры AMD, но они менее эффективны для добычи Эфириум Классик.

Posted on May 15th, 2024 by admin and filed under Новости Криптовалют | No Comments »

15 Common Misconceptions About Addiction

myths about addiction and recovery

It’s important to realise that addiction is not a choice, but a result of a lot of different factors, such as genetics, environment, trauma, mental health problems, and more. So, anyone could be affected by addiction, regardless of who they are. It’s important to challenge shame by being understanding and compassionate. People need places where they can talk about addiction without judgement. Education is also important, so that people understand the true nature of addiction.

#3. People usually get addicted to one type of substance.

So, it needs evidence-based treatments made for individual needs. It doesn’t matter what age, income, ethnicity, religion, family, or profession you are. Shame https://ecosoberhouse.com/ about addiction makes it hard for people to seek help or talk about it. So, it is important to address these issues and give support to people with addiction.

Hidden Addiction and the Spread of Myths and Misconceptions

myths about addiction and recovery

Another fantasy is that relapse shows failure or a lack of self-control. Actually, relapse is a frequent event in recovery and should be seen as an opportunity for improvement, not a letdown. It shows the requirement for changing treatment strategies or added support services. Alternative and often more affordable options are available, such as community-based programs, faith-based initiatives, and online resources. These are all geared towards making sure everyone can afford treatment. Treatment tailored to individual needs is fundamental for long-term sobriety.

myths about addiction and recovery

What is stigma of addiction?

It’s essential to confront these misconceptions and create a kinder view of addiction. Punishing people with addiction just continues the stigma and stops them from getting help. Instead of punishment, individuals should get the resources for treatment and support on their healing journey. Willpower alone won’t cut it when it comes to overcoming addiction. It’s a complex disease stemming from various sources – not just a matter of choice.

MAT replaces street opioids for illicit drug users with prescribed Suboxone, buprenorphine, or methadone. I answered that this was a logical and true answer, since getting drugs on the street was always more deadly than taking drugs under medical supervision. But I added that this was not a sufficient explanation for drug deaths due to everything from stimulants to the whole array of depressant-analgesic drugs rising in lockstep. David Sack, M.D., is board certified in addiction psychiatry and addiction medicine and serves as CMO of Elements Behavioral Health and Promises Treatment Centers. Staying busy, reconsidering coping strategies, and focusing on mental health can get you back on track to recovery. Unfortunately, many of your problems will not go away after you get sober.

myths about addiction and recovery

Prescription Drugs Can’t Be Addictive

Dual diagnosis addressing mental health issues alongside addiction is essential for comprehensive rehabilitation. Furthermore, teaching others and spreading precise data about addiction helps fight misconceptions and promotes understanding. Dual diagnosis and addressing mental health issues are also vital in the recovery process. Many with addiction also battle underlying mental health issues.

myths about addiction and recovery

The same goes for both depression and general feelings of stress and overwhelm. Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

Myth #5 Relapse makes you a failure.

myths about addiction and recovery

Compassionate environments like Sandstone Care, provide supportive spaces for those seeking help. Addiction is an intricate disease that doesn’t pay attention to character or moral standing. It’s essential to understand that folks with addiction aren’t necessarily bad and should not be punished for their difficulties. The medical community doesn’t have much knowledge about addiction, which leads to stigma and shame. These misconceptions can stop someone from searching for help or talking about the effects of addiction. By getting rid of these myths and misconceptions, we can raise understanding, sympathy, and support for those fighting addiction.

  • Understanding the complexity of addiction and the ongoing nature of recovery helps dispel myths and promotes empathy and support for individuals on their path to healing.
  • Encouraging individuals to seek help, such as from support groups or addiction professionals, can provide the necessary guidance and assistance during this challenging time.
  • The idea of putting your life on hold to enter a treatment program may seem overwhelming.
  • Addiction is a complex condition that can develop due to various factors such as genetics, environment, trauma, mental health issues, and social influences.
  • Understanding the journey of addiction and recovery is crucial to dispelling myths and promoting accurate knowledge.

Breaking Down the Myths and Misconceptions About Addiction and Recovery

  • So, it needs evidence-based treatments made for individual needs.
  • Relapse rates for addiction are high, indicating that overcoming addiction is not as simple as just “quitting” and that ongoing support is crucial for maintaining sobriety.
  • Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process that requires ongoing commitment, effort, and support.

When you’re struggling with substance abuse disorder, you can’t simply say ‘No’ to solve the problem, otherwise, it wouldn’t be an addiction. One common misconception about addiction recovery is that it is a quick and straightforward process. This myth may stem from the portrayal of recovery in popular media, where individuals often overcome their addiction in a short period of time.

Understanding the complexity of addiction and the ongoing nature of recovery helps dispel myths and promotes empathy and support for individuals on their path to healing. Some people have heard that the best and only way to really “kick the habit” is to quit cold turkey, meaning to quit suddenly. People who believe this thinking don’t take action because the thought of stopping all of a sudden myths about addiction and recovery seems so drastic. Also, doing it by yourself can be dangerous due to all the withdrawal symptoms you’ll likely experience. At a qualified rehab facility, you’ll have professional clinicians assisting you through the process, making sure you are safe during detox. Shame and silence only keep the cycle of addiction going, but searching for help and backing others can break the chains.

Posted on May 15th, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

What Is Cloud Mining in Crypto?

what is cloud mining

The more hashing power you have, the higher your chances of solving these algorithms and earning cryptocurrency rewards. While there are a handful of legitimate cloud mining providers, cloud mining is widely considered a bad investment as fees eat into mining rewards. Furthermore, mining contracts typically become invalid once cloud mining providers are forced to switch off their machines if market conditions make mining unfeasible.

Contract Terms and Conditions

Instead of investing in expensive hardware and software to mine digital currencies like Bitcoin, you utilize the resources offered by these providers to generate cryptocurrency via their servers. Mining hardware can be expensive, and the technology can become obsolete quickly. With cloud mining, you don’t have to worry about these costs, as you’re renting the hardware rather than buying it.

This is the cost of your cloud mining contract divided by the total hash power you’re getting. It essentially tells you how much you’re paying for each unit of mining power. This can be useful for comparing different cloud mining contracts or companies. Once you’ve chosen a cloud mining service provider, you’ll need to select a mining plan that suits your budget and mining goals. These plans will cater to different user types and typically vary in terms of hash rate, contract duration, and pricing. Mining for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, whether via the cloud or locally, is the automated process of using computational resources to verify transactions with a cryptocurrency reward.

what is cloud mining

Purchase hash power

Plus it enables you to personally contribute to the security of Proof-of-Work networks. If you want to make the most of cloud mining, you’ll want to be open to adapting your mining strategies and preferences if needed based on market dynamics. After mining a block successfully, the reward you receive is termed the ‘block reward’. Now that you know the risks of cloud mining, let’s look at some of the other things you should be aware of. With this method, the company has the ultimate control over your mining efforts; from running the rigs to distributing the rewards. Find out the main differences between Solana and Ethereum as cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks.

A higher hash rate increases the chances of solving cryptographic puzzles, leading to more mined blocks and rewards. These data centers take care of everything on the backend, and merely ask for user’s money either to rent an entire mining rig, or lease some of the power the farm uses. MoonPay makes it easy to buy cryptocurrency like BTC using your credit card or any other preferred payment method. And if you’re a cloud miner looking to cash in on your mining rewards, our off-ramp allows you to trade cryptocurrency for fiat money when you decide it’s time to sell your crypto. Mining profitability is subject to various factors such as cryptocurrency prices, mining difficulty, and operational costs, leading to potential fluctuations in returns. Since users don’t have physical control over the mining hardware, they rely entirely on the cloud mining service for infrastructure, security, and performance.

Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a professional financial and legal advisor before making any investment decisions. The owner of this website and the authors of its content will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Get crypto market analysis and curated news delivered right to your inbox every week.

  1. With VHM, users can start mining in just a few clicks without having to worry about technical knowledge or equipment failure.
  2. Then the rewards are determined based on the amount of hash power you lease.
  3. A credible company with a good team and an established track record is the safest way to ensure that your mining efforts have a positive outcome.

The hashing power is the measurement of a crypto mining rig’s processing ability to solve complex algorithms. When searching for a cloud mining provider, it is crucial to consider their hashing power and pricing plans. The cost of leasing hashing power varies based on several factors such as the hash rate level, contract duration, and market demand. This means that users must carefully consider different providers’ pricing structures before selecting one.

What Is Cloud Mining in Crypto?

The cloud mining industry is susceptible to scams and fraudulent schemes. It’s essential to research and choose reputable providers to help avoid falling victim to scams. Block reward refers to the amount of cryptocurrency awarded to miners for successfully validating a block of transactions. In the case of BTC, the block reward for mining Bitcoin decreases during halving events that occur approximately every four years. Cloud mining can be profitable, but there are no guarantees that you will be.

Delve into online forums, look for certifications, and maybe even reach out to past customers. The company should have a history of reliability and transparency in its operations. While less efficient than ASICs, they offer greater flexibility and are suitable for mining a wide range of coins like Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum Classic (GPU only).

One must be careful when choosing a reputable and trustworthy cloud mining service provider to avoid scams and frauds. Bitcoin cloud mining is a convenient and accessible way for individuals to participate in cryptocurrency mining without significant technical expertise or investment. However, some cloud mining providers have adopted eco-friendly approaches to reduce their carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy sources for their data centers.

Pool fees

It’s important to know this because it directly affects your potential earnings. Note that for some cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the block reward halves every four years in an event called “halving.” Rewards from the mining operation are shared among the users, according to how much of the total processing power they own.

This is typically done in cryptocurrency, although some services may accept fiat currency. Some cryptocurrencies can be mined with a regular CPU (Central Processing Unit) or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). However, as the a relatively painless guide to double-entry accounting difficulty increased, GPU and CPU mining have become largely inefficient for Bitcoin, but are still used for some other cryptocurrencies.

This is called “hash power” and instead of tying cloud miners to a specific piece of equipment, it allows them to earn mining rewards determined by the power they are willing to pay for. Cloud mining is a mechanism to mine a cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, using rented cloud computing power without installing and directly running the hardware and related software. Cloud mining firms allow people to open an account and remotely participate in the process of cryptocurrency mining for a fee.

Cloud mining services eliminate the need for hardware setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting, making them a convenient option for beginners. In general, cryptocurrencies valued at higher prices will yield greater mining rewards, while lower priced tokens can result in reduced returns from mining. Generally, they pay based on the shares of work your rented miner contributes.

Posted on May 13th, 2024 by admin and filed under Cryptocurrency News | No Comments »

Как начать инвестировать в криптовалюту Простая инструкция :: РБК.Крипто

как инвестировать в биткоин

Инвестор выбирает решение, которое дает ему максимально не вмешиваться в то, как работают деньги. В этом случае используются разнообразные подходы, как покупка активов в долгосрок, так и вложение в готовые продукты с пассивным процентным доходом. Прежде, чем вкладывать деньги или даже формировать стратегию, крайне важно запомнить, что любые форекс брокер альфа-форекс инвестиции сопряжены с риском потери активов.

Что я могу делать со своей криптовалютой?

Читатели должны проявить должную осмотрительность, прежде чем принять участие в этом. CoinSutra и ее авторы не несут ответственности за любые инвестиционные потери, связанные с использованием материалов сайта или социальных сетей. Существует биржа Binance, которая идеально подходит для всех желающих Торговые сигналы рынка Форекс что следует знать инвестировать в биткойн.

Облачный майнинг

Соответственно, чем больше начинающий инвестор захочет купить разных монет, тем больше кошельков потребуется для их хранения. Самый простой и безопасный вариант для новичков – безусловно, инвестирование. Инвесторы как осуществляется торговля на форекс обычно оперируют годами, поэтому краткосрочные изменения цен не так важны. С одной стороны, диверсификация активов снимает риски инвестирования только в один проект.

Покупка вашего первого биткоина на Binance

как инвестировать в биткоин

Далее ими можно будет торговать, оставить их храниться на балансе или перевести на холодный кошелек. Решением могут стать гибридные кошельки, которые работают, например, как приложения на смартфоне. Чтобы научиться инвестировать или торговать криптовалютами, нужно время. Совершенствование своих знаний – хороший способ снизить общий инвестиционный риск, что в свою очередь приведет к принятию более обоснованных решений. Панически продавать актив под влиянием эмоций легко, но вероятность того, что вы это сделаете, будет намного ниже, если вы изучите инвестиции и торговлю. Инвестирование в биткоин и другие криптовалюты – отличный способ диверсифицировать ваши инвестиции, но он также влечет за собой высокий риск.

Что касается активного инвестирования, то в любом случае риск будет присутствовать. Если вы торгуете волатильными активами, избежать вероятности потерь при снижении курса бывает сложно. Поэтому лучше всего в этом случае выбрать стратегию, находящуюся между активными и пассивными инвестициями — усреднение.

Как купить биткоин в Австралии за AUD: лучшие австралийские биржи

Все транзакции хранятся в блокчейне Биткоина, который является технологией поддерживающей безопасность цифровой валюты пользователей. В случае с инвестированием вы вкладываете деньги на длительное время и получаете прибыль от роста курса. Если “забыть” о вложениях на год или больше, можно получить прибыль в районе 20-30% годовых.

Присоединяйтесь к миллионам, легко знакомясь и анализируя криптовалюты, графики цен, лучшие крипто биржи и кошельки. Также как вы используете банкоматы (ATM) для вашей локальной валюты (USD, RUB и т.д.), вы можете использовать ATM для Биткоина! Единственное отличие заключается в том, что они служат лишь для приобретения Биткоинов, а не для снятия денег. Преимуществом таких банкоматов является удобство использования и возможность оплаты наличными без необходимости доверяться кому-либо. Покупка Биткоинов таким способом самая удобная и безопасная.

  1. Инвестировать только в BTC или в несколько криптоактивов – это зависит только от вас.
  2. Например, на Bitcoin-кошельке не получится хранить Ethereum.
  3. Представьте себе эту P2P-биржу как eBay, где вы напрямую связываетесь с продавцом, чтобы купить биткойны.
  4. NFT — это не только токенезированные картинки, которые можно перепродавать, но и актив, от которого можно получать пассивный доход.
  5. Пользователи из США могут инвестировать в биткойн с помощью CoinBase.

Хотя некоторые более просты и удобны для начинающих, нежели другие, вы не должны сталкиваться с какими-либо трудностями ни с одной из самых рейтинговых бирж. Тем не менее, многие пользователи считают, что KuCoin – одна из самых простых бирж на текущем рынке. Затем, вы можете отправить Биткоин из вашего цифрового кошелька на цифровые кошельки других пользователей, почти как при банковском переводе.

В первую очередь нужно помнить, что процент может измениться. С USDT проблем не должно возникнуть, но вот ETH может подешеветь. Важно, чтобы падение курса перекрывалось доходностью от стейкинга, иначе смысла в этом всем не будет. В реальности получить даже 61,5% годовых будет не так уж легко, если вы не хотите вкладываться в рискованные продукты.

В этой статье мы разберемся, как можно заработать на криптовалюте, что понадобится для инвестирования и где купить ваши первые монеты. Это сработало довольно хорошо, так как разница в цене биткойнов на международном рынке и в моей стране была значительной. Если вы находитесь в стране, где нельзя купить биткойны напрямую, вы можете воспользоваться этими международными сайтами, где принимают кредитные и дебетовые карты. Изначально, когда приобрести биткоины в моей стране было не так просто, я использовал кредитную карту для покупки биткоинов на Cex.io. Поэтому пользователям сейчас очень сложно хранить биткоины, а с учетом стремительного роста цен для многих может оказаться слишком поздно, чтобы заполучить биткоины.

Posted on May 13th, 2024 by admin and filed under Форекс Обучение | No Comments »

Natural Language Processing NLP Algorithms Explained

Natural Language Processing- How different NLP Algorithms work by Excelsior

natural language understanding algorithms

NER systems are typically trained on manually annotated texts so that they can learn the language-specific patterns for each type of named entity. Text classification is the process of automatically categorizing text documents into one or more predefined categories. Text classification is commonly used in business and marketing to categorize email messages and web pages. The level at which the machine can understand language is ultimately dependent on the approach you take to training your algorithm. There are many algorithms to choose from, and it can be challenging to figure out the best one for your needs.

Moreover, statistical algorithms can detect whether two sentences in a paragraph are similar in meaning and which one to use. However, the major downside of this algorithm is that it is partly dependent on complex feature engineering. But many business processes and operations leverage machines and require interaction between machines and humans.

For example, it is difficult for call center employees to remain consistently positive with customers at all hours of the day or night. However, a chatbot can maintain positivity and safeguard your brand’s reputation. Also, NLU can generate targeted content for customers based on their preferences and interests. This targeted content can be used to improve customer engagement and loyalty.

What are the challenges of NLP models?

These libraries are free, flexible, and allow you to build a complete and customized NLP solution. Automatic summarization consists of reducing a text and creating a concise new version that contains its most relevant information. It can be particularly useful to summarize large pieces of unstructured data, such as academic papers. Other classification tasks include intent detection, topic modeling, and language detection.

With Akkio’s intuitive interface and built-in training models, even beginners can create powerful AI solutions. Beyond NLU, Akkio is used for data science tasks like lead scoring, fraud detection, churn prediction, or even informing healthcare decisions. Akkio uses its proprietary Neural Architecture Search (NAS) algorithm to automatically generate the most efficient architectures for NLU models. This algorithm optimizes the model based on the data it is trained on, which enables Akkio to provide superior results compared to traditional NLU systems.

Beyond contact centers, NLU is being used in sales and marketing automation, virtual assistants, and more. There are many downstream NLP tasks relevant to NLU, such as named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and semantic analysis. These tasks help NLU models identify key components of a sentence, including the entities, verbs, and relationships between them. The results of these tasks can be used to generate richer intent-based models. Another important application of NLU is in driving intelligent actions through understanding natural language. This involves interpreting customer intent and automating common tasks, such as directing customers to the correct departments.

  • This process focuses on how different sentences relate to each other and how they contribute to the overall meaning of a text.
  • So, NLP-model will train by vectors of words in such a way that the probability assigned by the model to a word will be close to the probability of its matching in a given context (Word2Vec model).
  • This approach contrasts machine learning models which rely on statistical analysis instead of logic to make decisions about words.
  • However, NLG technology makes it possible for computers to produce humanlike text that emulates human writers.

It can also be used to generate vector representations, Seq2Seq can be used in complex language problems such as machine translation, chatbots and text summarisation. Seq2Seq is a neural network algorithm that is used to learn vector representations of words. Seq2Seq can be used for text summarisation, machine translation, and image captioning. Train, validate, tune and deploy generative AI, foundation models and machine learning capabilities with IBM watsonx.ai, a next generation enterprise studio for AI builders. Build AI applications in a fraction of the time with a fraction of the data.

Developing Effective Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

In this article, I’ll discuss NLP and some of the most talked about NLP algorithms. NLP algorithms can sound like far-fetched concepts, but in reality, with the right directions and the determination to learn, you can easily get started with them. Python is the best programming language for NLP for its wide range of NLP libraries, ease of use, and community support. However, other programming languages like R and Java are also popular for NLP. Once you have identified the algorithm, you’ll need to train it by feeding it with the data from your dataset. This algorithm creates a graph network of important entities, such as people, places, and things.

Grocery chain Casey’s used this feature in Sprout to capture their audience’s voice and use the insights to create social content that resonated with their diverse community. Its ability to understand the intricacies of human language, including context and cultural nuances, makes it an integral part of AI business intelligence tools. Not long ago, the idea of computers capable of understanding human language seemed impossible.

  • The level at which the machine can understand language is ultimately dependent on the approach you take to training your algorithm.
  • Although the use of mathematical hash functions can reduce the time taken to produce feature vectors, it does come at a cost, namely the loss of interpretability and explainability.
  • This process helps computers understand the meaning behind words, phrases, and even entire passages.
  • This not only improves the efficiency of work done by humans but also helps in interacting with the machine.

NLU software doesn’t have the same limitations humans have when processing large amounts of data. It can easily capture, process, and react to these unstructured, customer-generated data sets. The difference between natural language understanding and natural language generation is that the former deals with a computer’s ability to read comprehension, while the latter pertains to a machine’s writing capability. NLG systems enable computers to automatically generate natural language text, mimicking the way humans naturally communicate — a departure from traditional computer-generated text.

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And if we decide to code rules for each and every combination of words in any natural language to help a machine understand, then things will get very complicated very quickly. These automated programs allow businesses to answer customer inquiries quickly and efficiently, without the need for human employees. Botpress offers various solutions for leveraging NLP to provide users with beneficial insights and actionable data from natural conversations. Early attempts at natural language processing were largely rule-based and aimed at the task of translating between two languages.

Challenges in natural language processing frequently involve speech recognition, natural-language understanding, and natural-language generation. Accurately translating text or speech from one language to another is one of the toughest challenges of natural language processing and natural language understanding. Today, we can see many examples of NLP algorithms in everyday life from machine translation to sentiment analysis. Aspect mining classifies texts into distinct categories to identify attitudes described in each category, often called sentiments.

These improvements expand the breadth and depth of data that can be analyzed. NLU is technically a sub-area of the broader area of natural language processing (NLP), which is a sub-area of artificial intelligence (AI). Many NLP tasks, such as part-of-speech or text categorization, do not always require actual understanding in order to perform accurately, but in some cases they might, which leads to confusion between these two terms. As a rule of thumb, an algorithm that builds a model that understands meaning falls under natural language understanding, not just natural language processing. With the help of natural language understanding (NLU) and machine learning, computers can automatically analyze data in seconds, saving businesses countless hours and resources when analyzing troves of customer feedback. Symbolic algorithms analyze the meaning of words in context and use this information to form relationships between concepts.

Data cleaning involves removing any irrelevant data or typo errors, converting all text to lowercase, and normalizing the language. This step might require some knowledge of common libraries in Python or packages in R. Using Sprout’s listening tool, they extracted actionable insights from social conversations across different channels. These insights helped them evolve their social strategy to build greater brand awareness, connect more effectively with their target audience and enhance customer care. The insights also helped them connect with the right influencers who helped drive conversions. As a result, they were able to stay nimble and pivot their content strategy based on real-time trends derived from Sprout.

Topic clustering

However, with the knowledge gained from this article, you will be better equipped to use NLP successfully, no matter your use case. NLP is an integral part of the modern AI world that helps machines understand human languages and interpret them. Each of the keyword extraction algorithms utilizes its own theoretical and fundamental methods. It is beneficial for many organizations because it helps in storing, searching, and retrieving content from a substantial unstructured data set. By understanding the intent of a customer’s text or voice data on different platforms, AI models can tell you about a customer’s sentiments and help you approach them accordingly.

Hybrid models combine the two approaches, using machine learning algorithms to generate rules and then applying those rules to the input data. In both intent and entity recognition, a key aspect is the vocabulary used in processing languages. The system has to be trained on an extensive set of examples to recognize and categorize different types of intents and entities. Additionally, statistical machine learning and deep learning techniques are typically used to improve accuracy and flexibility of the language processing models. Natural language understanding (NLU) is an artificial intelligence-powered technology that allows machines to understand human language.

Sentiment analysis

Depending on the problem you are trying to solve, you might have access to customer feedback data, product reviews, forum posts, or social media data. These are just a few of the ways businesses can use NLP algorithms to gain insights from their data. A word cloud is a graphical representation of the frequency of words used in the text.

A further development of the Word2Vec method is the Doc2Vec neural network architecture, which defines semantic vectors for entire sentences and paragraphs. Basically, an additional abstract token is arbitrarily inserted at the beginning of the sequence of tokens of each document, and is used in training of the neural network. After the training is done, the semantic vector corresponding to this abstract token contains a generalized meaning of the entire document. Although this procedure looks like a “trick with ears,” in practice, semantic vectors from Doc2Vec improve the characteristics of NLP models (but, of course, not always).

This approach, however, doesn’t take full advantage of the benefits of parallelization. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the vocabulary can become large very quickly, especially for large corpuses containing large documents. One downside to vocabulary-based hashing is that the algorithm must store the vocabulary.

Experts can then review and approve the rule set rather than build it themselves. Machine Translation (MT) automatically translates natural language text from one human language to another. With these programs, we’re able to translate fluently between languages that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to communicate effectively in — such as Klingon and Elvish. Many NLP algorithms are designed with different purposes in mind, ranging from aspects of language generation to understanding sentiment. This algorithm is basically a blend of three things – subject, predicate, and entity. However, the creation of a knowledge graph isn’t restricted to one technique; instead, it requires multiple NLP techniques to be more effective and detailed.

natural language understanding algorithms

This graph can then be used to understand how different concepts are related. It’s also typically used in situations where large amounts of unstructured text data need to be analyzed. To fully understand NLP, you’ll have to know what their algorithms are and what they involve. Purdue University used the feature to filter their Smart Inbox and apply campaign tags to categorize outgoing posts and messages based on social campaigns. This helped them keep a pulse on campus conversations to maintain brand health and ensure they never missed an opportunity to interact with their audience.

In other words, when a customer asks a question, it will be the automated system that provides the answer, and all the agent has to do is choose which one is best. With an agent AI assistant, customer interactions are improved because agents have quick access to a docket of all past tickets and notes. This data-driven approach provides the information they need quickly, so they can quickly resolve issues – instead of searching multiple channels for answers.

The Naive Bayesian Analysis (NBA) is a classification algorithm that is based on the Bayesian Theorem, with the hypothesis on the feature’s independence. Stemming is the technique to reduce words to their root form (a canonical form of the original word). Stemming usually uses a heuristic procedure that chops off the ends of the words. In other words, text vectorization method is transformation of the text to numerical vectors.

You can even customize lists of stopwords to include words that you want to ignore. Syntactic analysis, also known as parsing or syntax analysis, identifies the syntactic structure of a text and the dependency relationships between words, represented on a diagram called a parse tree. The first successful attempt came out in 1966 in the form of the famous ELIZA program which was capable of carrying on a limited form of conversation with a user.

NLP is one of the fast-growing research domains in AI, with applications that involve tasks including translation, summarization, text generation, and sentiment analysis. Natural Language Understanding is a big component of IVR since interactive voice response is taking in someone’s words and processing it to understand the intent and sentiment behind the caller’s needs. IVR makes a great impact on customer support teams that utilize phone systems as a channel since it can assist in mitigating support needs for agents. Natural Language Understanding and Natural Language Processes have one large difference.

Manual ticketing is a tedious, inefficient process that often leads to delays, frustration, and miscommunication. This technology allows your system to understand the text within each ticket, effectively filtering and routing tasks to the appropriate expert or department. Chatbots offer 24-7 support and are excellent problem-solvers, often providing instant solutions to customer inquiries. These low-friction channels allow customers to quickly interact with your organization with little hassle. By 2025, the NLP market is expected to surpass $43 billion–a 14-fold increase from 2017.

You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. NLP algorithms are ML-based algorithms or instructions that are used while processing natural languages. They are concerned with the development of protocols and models that enable a machine to interpret human languages. NLP powers social listening by enabling machine learning algorithms to track and identify key topics defined by marketers based on their goals.

This not only improves the efficiency of work done by humans but also helps in interacting with the machine. Natural language processing as its name suggests, is about developing techniques for computers to process and understand human language data. Some of the tasks that NLP can be used for include automatic summarisation, named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, sentiment analysis, topic segmentation, and machine translation. There are a variety of different algorithms that can be used for natural language processing tasks.

natural language understanding algorithms

One of the significant challenges that NLU systems face is lexical ambiguity. For instance, the word “bank” could mean a financial institution or the side of a river. This process of mapping tokens to indexes such that no two tokens map to the same index is called hashing. A specific implementation is called a hash, hashing function, or hash function.

How to apply natural language processing to cybersecurity – VentureBeat

How to apply natural language processing to cybersecurity.

Posted: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

NLP enables question-answering (QA) models in a computer to understand and respond to questions in natural language using a conversational style. QA systems process data to locate relevant information and provide accurate answers. natural language understanding algorithms On our quest to make more robust autonomous machines, it is imperative that we are able to not only process the input in the form of natural language, but also understand the meaning and context—that’s the value of NLU.

natural language understanding algorithms

In 2019, artificial intelligence company Open AI released GPT-2, a text-generation system that represented a groundbreaking achievement in AI and has taken the NLG field to a whole new level. The system was trained with a massive dataset of 8 million web pages and it’s able to generate coherent and high-quality pieces of text (like news articles, stories, or poems), given minimum prompts. Chatbots use NLP to recognize the intent behind a sentence, identify relevant topics and keywords, even emotions, and come up with the best response based on their interpretation of data. Text classification allows companies to automatically tag incoming customer support tickets according to their topic, language, sentiment, or urgency. Then, based on these tags, they can instantly route tickets to the most appropriate pool of agents.

Recommendations on Spotify or Netflix, auto-correct and auto-reply, virtual assistants, and automatic email categorization, to name just a few. Automated reasoning is a subfield of cognitive science that is used to automatically prove mathematical theorems or make logical inferences about a medical diagnosis. It gives machines a form of reasoning or logic, and allows them to infer new facts by deduction.

natural language understanding algorithms

Improve customer service satisfaction and conversion rates by choosing a chatbot software that has key features. Each row of numbers in this table is a semantic vector (contextual representation) of words from the first column, defined on the text corpus of the Reader’s Digest magazine. Vector representations obtained at the end of these algorithms make it easy to compare texts, search for similar ones between them, make categorization and clusterization of texts, etc. This kind of customer feedback can be extremely valuable to product teams, as it helps them to identify areas that need improvement and develop better products for their customers. Check out this guide to learn about the 3 key pillars you need to get started.

NLP attempts to analyze and understand the text of a given document, and NLU makes it possible to carry out a dialogue with a computer using natural language. Human language is typically difficult for computers to grasp, as it’s filled with complex, subtle and ever-changing meanings. Natural language understanding systems let organizations create products or tools that can both understand words and interpret their meaning. Seq2Seq can be used to find relationships between words in a corpus of text.

Posted on May 13th, 2024 by admin and filed under AI Chatbot News | No Comments »

Что Такое Спотовая Торговля Криптовалютой И Как Она Работает? Nft Брихаспати На Vc Ru

Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте Capital.com и начните пользоваться веб-платформой либо загрузите наше приложение для трейдинга, чтобы начать совершать сделки с CFD. Вам понадобится всего три минуты, чтобы начать работу и получить доступ к самым торгуемым валютным парам в мире. Внутридневные трейдеры используют инструменты технического анализа для определения ценовых тенденций. В отличие от скальперов, которые часто совершают сделки в течение нескольких минут, внутридневные трейдеры могут держать свои позиции открытыми в течение дня. Основным спотовым рынком Форекс является так называемый «междилерский» рынок, на котором форекс-дилеры торгуют друг с другом.

Что такое спотовая торговля и зачем она нужна

Таким образом биржа централизует и управляет процессом сделок, обеспечивая исполнение при соблюдении заданных условий заказов. Спотовый рынок является фундаментальной основой, на которой строятся все остальные направления криптовалютной торговли. Каждый трейдер, который приходит в эту индустрию, должен изучить его в первую очередь, а также научиться правильно использовать доступные в нем инструменты. Покупая такой контракт, вы, по сути, делаете ставку на то, что цена базового актива возрастет или опустится в будущем. Например, если вы думаете, что через месяц биткоин будет стоить дороже, чем сейчас, вы можете купить фьючерс на рост цены.

Легальна Ли Торговля На Форекс?

Учитывая международный охват рынка, торговля на Форекс ведется 24 часа в сутки (за исключением выходных) и определяет обменные курсы для всех мировых валют. Форекс — самый активный рынок в мире по объему торгов и крупнейший рынок с точки зрения стоимости с ежедневными сделками на сумму около $7 трлн. Криптовалютная индустрия пока не полностью регулируется правительственными органами, что может создавать определенные риски для трейдеров. Необходимо быть осторожным и следить за новостями и законодательными изменениями в этой области. Спотовая торговля получила свое название из-за того, что сделки в этом режиме совершаются мгновенно, т.е.

Что такое спотовая торговля и зачем она нужна

Это означает, что трейдеры должны соблюдать осторожность при принятии решения о том, какими активами торговать, и должны хорошо разбираться в рынке, прежде чем начать торговлю. Спотовая торговля простыми словами – это покупка и продажа криптовалюты здесь и сейчас, по текущей рыночной цене. В данном контексте «Спот» означает физическую покупку или продажу активов на текущий момент, то есть операции, при которых актив фактически меняет владельца. В отличие от деривативов, таких, как фьючерсы, где сделка происходит в будущем. Процесс покупки и продажи криптовалют с целью получения прибыли известен как торговля криптовалютой. Фьючерсы — это контракты, которые обязывают трейдера купить или продать актив по установленной цене в указанную дату в будущем.

Все открытые ордера на покупку и продажу актива перечислены в книге ордеров, отсортированные по цене. В этом представлении диаграммы можно настроить исторические ценовые данные. TradingView, уже включенный в окно, предоставляет доступ к обширному набору инструментов технического анализа. Чем меньше средств, тем больший размер заимствования нужен, чтобы покупать или продавать цифровые активы.

Что Такое Спотовая Торговля И Как Она Работает?

Криптовалюты известны своей высокой волатильностью, то есть быстрым изменением цен на рынке. Это может привести к нестабильности цен и значительным потерям для трейдеров. Другими словами, в первом случае трейдер сможет провести свою сделку не сразу, а во втором — не по желаемой цене. На бирже Binance подобные проблемы нивелируются благодаря высокой ликвидности. Проводя spot-сделки, нужно учитывать, что уровень прибыли зависит от эффективности аналитики.

Что такое спотовая торговля и зачем она нужна

Например, достаточно $13,7 тыс., чтобы торговать биткоином «1 к 1», или около $400 по текущему курсу, чтобы купить ETH. Сначала нужно определиться, с помощью каких финансовых инструментов вы будете торговать валютными парами. Далее следует выбрать основанную на техническом и фундаментальном анализе торговую стратегию, которая поможет вам управлять своими позициями.

Что Такое Спотовая Торговля?

Для получения дополнительной информации ознакомьтесь с нашей Политикой конфиденциальности. Раздел “Обмен” подходит для начинающих пользователей, тогда как раздел “Спот” предоставляет специальный торговый терминал, где можно выбрать дополнительные инструменты для обмена. — Чаще всего, ликвидность на DEX ниже, особенно для менее популярных токенов и торговых пар. — Еще, важно учитывать, что на децентрализованных Что такое спотовая торговля биржах комиссии связаны с использованием сети блокчейн, и это может привести к другим моделям комиссий, чем на централизованных биржах. – CEX управляются одной центральной организацией, которая контролирует все торговые операции и несет ответственность за хранение средств участников. Еще одна важная опция спотового баланса связана с переводом средств между собственными счетами.

  • Принципиальная разница между спотовой и фьючерсной торговлей заключается в том, что участники этого рынка вовсе не покупают и не продают активы.
  • До совершения сделок следует ознакомиться с рисками, с которыми они связаны.
  • В отличие от торговли на фьючерсных или опционных рынках, где покупка и продажа активов происходят на будущую дату с фиксированной ценой, спот-торговля осуществляется немедленно и на основе текущих котировок.
  • Смысл торговли на Форекс предполагает покупку одной валюты за другую (при продаже другой).
  • Торговля может происходить непосредственно на внебиржевых платформах, через брокеров, которые совершают сделки от имени своих клиентов, или даже по телефону в эпоху Интернета.
  • В отличие от маржинальной торговли, спот является более простым и менее прибыльным способом заработка, но все же это основной режим для начала карьеры в инвестировании.

Они добавляют наценку к первичным внебиржевым ценам, чтобы покрыть стоимость своих услуг. Таким образом, вместо того, чтобы торговать валютой, розничный трейдер покупает или продает контракт на валюту с левериджем. Он не может принять поставку, и поэтому по истечении срока действия этот контракт пролонгируется. Имейте в виду, что торговля с левериджем может в равной степени привести как к значительному увеличению прибыли, так и к убыткам.

Важно отметить, что спот-торговля криптовалютой имеет свои риски, включая волатильность криптовалютных активов и возможность кибератак. Поэтому перед началом торговли необходимо провести достаточный анализ рынка и оценить свои инвестиционные возможности. Как и у любого другого вида трейдинга, https://www.xcritical.com/ у спотовой торговли есть свои риски. Один из основных рисков спотовой торговли заключается в волатильности и резких колебаниях. Поэтому трейдеры должны внимательно следить за рыночными изменениями и не отступать от своей торговой стратегии даже в условиях возможного падения цены.

Перед началом торговли на валютном рынке будет полезно ознакомиться с общими терминами, которыми часто пользуются трейдеры. Зарегистрируйтесь, следуя указанным инструкциям, и подтвердите свою учетную запись. С другой стороны, срочный рынок позволяет заключить сделку сейчас, а передать актив позже. Например, при трейдинге фьючерсами пользователь может договориться с контрагентом о покупке или продаже в будущем.

Спотовый рынок можно считать некой базой для всех остальных видов торговли, потому что он предполагает взаимообмен только реальными активами, которые есть в наличии у трейдеров. Этот рынок отражает объективные котировки, которые являются основой для других видов торговли. Когда найдется пользователь, желающий купить (или продать) актив по той цене, которую вы указали в ордере, он может выставить свою заявку, и сделка проведется автоматически. При этом он может указать сумму сделки ниже той, которую указали вы. Тогда погасится только часть вашего ордера, и вам нужно будет еще ожидать, пока другие участники погасят остальное. Соответственно, спот-сделка (или спот-контракт) означает, что расчет производится в кратчайшие сроки.

В Чем Разница Между Фьючерсным Контрактом И Cfd?

CFD-контракты также позволяют совершать сделки с валютными парами в независимости от направления ценового тренда. То есть, вы сможете получить прибыль как от восходящего, так и от нисходящего движения курсов валют. Свинг-трейдеры держат свои сделки открытыми в течение нескольких дней или недель, чтобы уловить направление в колебаниях цен.

Posted on May 7th, 2024 by admin and filed under Финтех | No Comments »

Local Government Generative AI Policy Tips

Microsoft launches generative AI service for government agencies

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

(c)  The term “AI model” means a component of an information system that implements AI technology and uses computational, statistical, or machine-learning techniques to produce outputs from a given set of inputs. Specifically, the document outlines guiding principles on how government departments should buy AI technology and insights on tackling any challenges that may arise during procurement. As part of this Executive Order, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) will re-evaluate and assess AI used by federal agencies to investigate compliance with these principles. In preparation, the US Department of Health and Human Services has already created its inventory of AI use cases. Some companies have countered this, saying they will face high compliance costs and disproportionate liability risks. 11 Graphic by Marcus Comiter except for stop sign noise thumbnail and stop sign attack thumbnail from Eykholt, Kevin, et al. “Robust physical-world attacks on deep learning visual classification.” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

From there, you can put that in a pipeline, run it at scale across a large set of documents, and apply it to a line of your business applications. On the other side of the Atlantic, the United States has struggled with technology Secure and Compliant AI for Governments regulation, often falling behind the rapid pace of technological advancements. Congress’s track record in legislating technology is less than stellar, marked by delays, political polarization, and a general lack of expertise.

EU efforts to regulate AI in the public sector

Still, it comes down to capital investments and whether there is enough demand for the government to need or want to incorporate AI into its service delivery to warrant the investment. With the nature of its industry, it’s only appropriate that the government is cautious about how AI can affect their organization and what it means for their data protection. If AI is effectively applied across government departments, it can have a positive impact on the healthcare, energy, economic, and agriculture sectors. However, without clear governmental guidelines, AI can jeopardize the well-being of citizens. As cyberattacks become more and more sophisticated, legacy systems fail to prevent malicious activities. OCR data entry tools can process large document dumps in minutes, which would otherwise take hours to complete with legacy systems.

Independent regulatory agencies are encouraged, as they deem appropriate, to consider whether to mandate guidance through regulatory action in their areas of authority and responsibility. Such reports shall include, at a minimum, the information specified in subsection 4.2(c)(i) of this section as well as any additional information identified by the Secretary. (t)  The term “machine learning” means a set of techniques that can be used to train AI algorithms https://www.metadialog.com/governments/ to improve performance at a task based on data. Accelerate content creation, communication and understanding with our GDPR-compliant AI content platform that writes in your tone of voice.Our AI content tool ensures that all data is handled and protected in compliance with GDPR regulations. Following this report, Mayor de Blasio signed Executive Order 50 to establish an Algorithms Management and Policy Officer within the Mayor’s Office of Operations.

New standards for AI safety and security

Embracing generative AI with thoughtful policies and transparent practices allows local governments to enhance customer service, optimize operations, and build stronger connections with their communities, all while maintaining robust local government cybersecurity and data privacy solutions. Local governments can seize the transformative potential of generative AI to serve their residents better by staying informed, proactive, and committed to responsible generative AI adoption. (a)  The head of each agency developing policies and regulations related to AI shall use their authorities, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to promote competition in AI and related technologies, as well as in other markets.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

In the workplace itself, AI should not be deployed in ways that undermine rights, worsen job quality, encourage undue worker surveillance, lessen market competition, introduce new health and safety risks, or cause harmful labor-force disruptions. The critical next steps in AI development should be built on the views of workers, labor unions, educators, and employers to support responsible uses of AI that improve workers’ lives, positively augment human work, and help all people safely enjoy the gains and opportunities from technological innovation. While many of these efforts target AI applications by businesses, governments are also starting to use AI more widely, with almost 150 significant federal departments, agencies, and sub-agencies in the US government using AI to support their activities. As such, governmental use of AI is also starting to be targeted, with initiatives to govern the use of AI in the public sector increasingly being proposed. In this blog post, we provide a high-level summary of some of the actions taken to regulate the use of AI in public law, focusing on the US, UK, and EU, first outlining the different ways governments use AI.

If your organization is taking generative AI models from any prominent provider of a large language model, it’s critical to prepare mitigation layers to reduce the risks and deliver the value you expect from this rapidly evolving technology. There’s a real risk in AI – particularly generative AI – of exacerbating inequities, which sometimes comes from the training data. For example, during the pandemic, minorities were more devastated by COVID-19 than wealthy or broader communities.

The federal government is already using AI — it’s time for a formal process to ensure the technology is safe – Nextgov/FCW

The federal government is already using AI — it’s time for a formal process to ensure the technology is safe.

Posted: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Why is AI governance important?

A robust AI governance framework enables organizations to: Foster transparency, fairness, accountability, and data privacy in AI use. Emphasize human oversight at critical decision points involving AI. Align AI use and development with established ethical standards and regulations.

How does military AI work?

Military AI capabilities includes not only weapons but also decision support systems that help defense leaders at all levels make better and more timely decisions, from the battlefield to the boardroom, and systems relating to everything from finance, payroll, and accounting, to the recruiting, retention, and promotion …

Posted on May 7th, 2024 by admin and filed under AI Chatbot News | No Comments »

Как прошить Xbox 360 самым простым способом: пошаговая инструкция для новичков

как прошить xbox 360

После этого можно запускать игру с помощью соответствующих интерфейсов приставки, например, FreeStyle Dash. В результате, откроется вкладка браузера веб-страничкой на которой вы можете скачать нужный файл для записи на диск. К этой точке нужно будет подносить зонд пока прошивка не запишется. Это нужно для того, чтобы привод не заблокировал возможность установки новой ОС для консоли. Только новейшие версии приводов можно без проблем подключить к Jungle Flash. Windows может показать сообщение о безопасности, пропустите его и продолжайте инсталляцию.

Шаг 6 – Скачиваем Jungle Flasher и подключаем привод

В поколении Слим попадаются приводы, которые поддаются прошивке только заменой платы привода или привода целиком (Liteon 16D5S, Hitachi). Всё же в основном (с начала выпуска модели Slim и до сентября 2011 г.) идут приводы Liteon 16D4S поддающиеся прошивке старым методом (без замены платы или привода целиком). Инструкция написана на примере привода Lite-On DG-16D2S с FW Ver 83850c V1. При этом предполагается, что на приставке установлена стандартная заводская прошивка. В этом случае лучше обратиться в специальную мастерскую. Ещё раз напомним вам, что прошивка игровой консоли Xbox 360 зависит от того, какой привод в ней установлен.

Где искать актуальную версию прошивки?

К сожалению, на данный момент эти модели не поддаются никакому взлому. Dual Nand – не особо популярный тип прошивки Xbox 360, поскольку требует от пользователя знаний в электронике. Наверное, сложность процедуры и высокая вероятность испортить приставку – главные минус.

Проверьте правильность прошивки!

как прошить xbox 360

Это всего лишь первые несколько шагов, которые помогут вам понять основы прошивки Xbox 360 самым простым способом. Следуйте инструкциям далее, чтобы полностью разблокировать потенциал вашей игровой консоли и наслаждаться играми без ограничений. Именно поэтому, прошивка XBOX 360 – это необходимость. Наши мастера умеют «лечить» любую проблему игровой консоли. Благодаря такой прошивке можно не тратиться на приобретение дисков вовсе, достаточно только иметь доступ к интернету и к сайтам с необходимыми играми и софтом для XBOX 360. То есть такой способ прошивки можно считать наиболее выгодным, экономично рациональным и интересным.

Работа с Jungle Flasher и приводом

Для владельцев приводов других версий на кнопку «79 Unlock» нажимать не как заходить на сайты заблокированные вашей компанией нужно. Если у вас не получается синхронизировать девайс с программой, это означает, что нужно разобрать привод и добраться до его печатной платы. Вам будет предложено создать резервную копию оригинальной ОС. Сделайте это, чтобы в будущем иметь возможность вернуть стандартные настройки консоли. После завершения разблокировки вы будете возвращены в окно «MTK Flash 32».

Именно поэтому доверять взлом игровой приставки следует только профессионалам. При самостоятельной установке прошивки есть риск вывести из строя консоль без возможности дальнейшего ремонта. Подключите DVD-привод приставки к материнской плате компьютера через SATA-кабель (для этого необходимо выключить компьютер и снять крышку с системного блока). Также подключите к консоли видео-кабель и кабель питания. Чтобы установить на свой Xbox прошивку, которая позволяет запускать самописные диски, вам не обязательно обращаться к специалистам.

Во избежание зависания компьютера еще раз убедитесь, что у вас удалены драйвера RAID-контроллера на VIA (если таковы имеются). Нажмите кнопку Save to File и сохраните готовую прошивку Lite_CFW.bin в надежном месте. У самостоятельной прошивки есть как преимущества, так и недостатки.

  1. Вы в любой момент можете откатить все драйверы на вашем ПК и установить официальные версии разработчика.
  2. Именно поэтому доверять взлом игровой приставки следует только профессионалам.
  3. XBOX360 – игровая консоль седьмого поколения, разработанная кампанией Microsoft, которая является прямым конкурентом Play Station 3 и Nintendo Wii U.
  4. При выходе из «Режима B» пользователю нужно вставить диск с записанным ранее файлом.
  5. Особенно если до этого пользователь был незнаком с вселенной видеоигр.

После прошивки вы сможете загружать и играть в игры с жесткого диска или флешки, а также использовать различные приложения и эмуляторы. Это станет возможным благодаря созданию модифицированной операционной системы Freeboot, которая заменяет оригинальную. Теперь предстоит самый важный шаг – установка кастомной прошивки на Xbox 360.

Паяльника вам не потребуется, нужно будет только разобрать консоль. Если нажать на кнопку «настройки дисковода» и появится запись «Drive in Vendor Mode» – это знак, что оптический привод успешно подключился и программа его распознает. Если возникают какие-либо неполадки — обновите версию Dashboard. Кроме того, вероятность получить бан – одна из наиболее низких (при грамотной эксплуатации). Именно с Freeboot и IXtreme LT 3.0 чаще всего продаются поддержанные Xbox 360.

Он понадобится для дальнейшей установки прошивки IXtreme. В архиве вы найдете EXE-файл программы и директории прошивки IXtreme для всех моделей приводов. На самом приводе его производитель указывает точное название и модель. Эта информация понадобится на этапе установки IXtreme. Исходя из всех преимуществ и недостатков разных типов прошивки, наиболее удачный вариант для установки на Xbox – это IXtreme LT версии 3.0. Её инсталляции занимает гораздо меньше времени, чем работа с другими прошивками.

После повторной синхронизации привода с Jungle Flasher появится сообщение о том, что нужно сохранить новый ключ продукта. Самостоятельно на компьютере выберите директорию, в которой будет записан ключ. Убедитесь, что компьютер и консоль включены в настоящий момент и следите за тем, чтобы устройства не отключались до завершения прошивки. Кабель видеовыхода VGA также следует подключить к Xbox, чтобы консоль продолжала свою работу. Однако, хакер создал новую версию прошивки, поэтому вы все еще можете работать с ней.

В постсоветском регионе они обходятся довольно дорого. Если пользователь желает получить доступ к широкой библиотеке игр совершенно бесплатно, то консоль прошивают. Геймеры получают доступ к пиратским играм или чтению записанных дисков. Иными словами, пользователь существенно экономит на покупке лицензированного продукта.

Отключите флешку от компьютера и подключите ее к Xbox 360 через специальное USB-гнездо. Немаловажным этапом является процедура проверки прошивки. Не исключено, что скаченный ее вариант окажется бракованным, и приставка так и останется неработоспособной.

Если вы хотите расширить возможности своей консоли, установить дополнительные программы или игры, то прошивка с помощью флешки может быть идеальным решением для вас. С помощью компьютера можно подключить Xbox 360 к интернету и загружать дополнительный контент, обновления и игры. Также компьютер может использоваться для создания резервной копии важных данных на жесткий диск приставки. Главный недостаток, с которым встречаются пользователи консоли, — это дорогие видеоигры, стоимость которых зачастую более 1000 рублей. Установка прошивки на игровую приставку позволяет бесплатно играть в любые консольные игры и дополнительно расширяет функционал приставки.

Именно поэтому некоторые предпочитают дождаться окончания гарантийного срока, прежде чем подвергать взлому свой Xbox 360. Нажмите НЕТ (NO) и выберите уже скачанную прошивку, нажав кнопку Open Target Firmware. После этого нажмите кнопку Spoof Source to Target и сохраните полученную прошивку (Save to File). Теперь найдите в интернете прошивку для вашего привода и последнюю версию программы Jungle Flasher. С помощью этой утилиты вы будете прошивать приставку. Кроме того, можно запускать специально написанные для Freeboot приложения, включая эмуляторы игровых приставок, проигрыватели файлов, браузеры и многие другие.

Прежде чем начать прошивку Xbox 360, важно сделать резервную копию всех данных и игр на консоли. Это позволит вам восстановить все в случае возникновения проблем в процессе прошивки. Для прошивки Xbox 360 вам понадобится флешка с достаточным объемом памяти. Убедитесь, что на ней нет никаких других файлов или программ, https://coinranking.info/ так как процесс прошивки может стереть всю информацию с флешки.

Неважно, какая в Xbox используется версия привода, пользователи все равно могут обновлять Dashboard для получения нового функционала и возможностей. Dashboard – это второе название «родной» операционной системы приставки. Это означает, что вы в любой момент можете установить оригинальную версию и вернуться к использвоание мем со скелетом и пистолетом лицензионного контента. Существует несколько программ, которые позволяют прошивать консоль, но одной из самых популярных и надежных является программное обеспечение abgx360.

Posted on May 7th, 2024 by admin and filed under Новости Криптовалют | No Comments »

Инвестиции в NFT НФТ способы заработка, доходность, как начать с нуля без вложений

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Соответственно, в зависимости от поставленных целей, умений, навыков можно выбрать наиболее подходящий вариант или же комбинировать несколько. Но, важно понимать и риски, не всегда инвестиции оправдываются, или же профит удается получить за короткий срок или с более долгосрочной перспективой. Кому-то удается сорвать куш, кто-то ждет годами заработка. Необходимо понимать, что это касается даже приобретения самого дорогого актива. Вполне реально, в будущем интерес к нему упадет, и вам никто не даст больше, Автотрейдинг Его преимущества и недостатки уплаченной ранее суммы. Для примера, предлагаем рассмотреть сколько могут заработать дизайнеры и художники на NFT.

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NFT — это спекулятивный пузырь

Позвольте нам привести вас в постфлоп – ситуация с инициативой у оппонента курс дела с кратким пособием по нефункциональным токенам. Ответ связан с их нефункциональной природой – их уникальность выделяет их как активы. Стали появляться индексные фонды NFT, которые отслеживают корзины из нескольких аналогичных NFT.


Но, не стоит забывать о рисках, которые присутствуют в любом из направлений инвестиций. Кроме того, заработок за счет продажи/покупки NFT объектов основывается больше не что такое алгоритмический трейдинг на знании и опыте. Здесь важно почувствовать выгоду и перспективу от того или иного цифрового контента. Далеко не каждый арт-объект способен принести выгоду, но в тоже время истории о сделках на миллионы показывают, что заработок возможен. Но, в этом случае важно понимать, что потребуется большой капитал.

Торгуй на всех рынках в одном месте

При прямых вложениях вы приобретаете перспективный актив для его дальнейшей перепродажи. Торговля такими токенами ведется на специальных площадках. Приобрести токены NFT в проекте пользователи смогут в 4-м квартале 2022-го года. В это же время планируется запуск приложения Tamadoge Battle. В нем питомец сможет соревноваться с другими участниками и продвигаться в рейтинге. Чем больше очков собрал NFT-питомец в течение месяца, тем больше будет его стоимость.

как инвестировать в nft

Приобретайте токены на этапе запуска, а через некоторое время продайте их другому пользователю. Здесь очень важно не ошибиться с выбором проекта и определить подходящее время для продажи. В первом случае инвестирование в NFT-токены дает возможность развивать проект совместно с другими участниками сообщества. Вложение в такие проекты приносит доход, когда растет их популярность. Подобные инвестиции могут обернуться для вас получением серьезной финансовой выгоды. Это платформа для создания и продажи NFT, которая поддерживает различные блокчейны, включая Ethereum, Polygon, EOS и BSC.

Игры на блокчейне

Существует несколько способов измерения воздействия NFT на окружающую среду. Одним из распространенных показателей является углеродный след — количество выбросов парниковых газов в результате определенной деятельности. Процесс создания NFT требует значительного количества энергии, что может способствовать выбросам углекислого газа и усугублять последствия изменения климата. Это вызвало обеспокоенность со стороны активистов экологического движения, художников и коллекционеров. В этом разделе мы рассмотрим экологические проблемы, связанные с NFT, и некоторые из предложенных решений. Владельцы помещают NFT и ETH в пул и получают проценты от комиссий за операции.

Для этого нужно зайти на выбранную торговую площадку и подключить свой кошелек к ней.

Размер профита воздействует не только успешность в процессе игры, но и как долго он принимает участие в игре. Чтобы заработать, полученные токены выставляются на продажу на бирже, или же пользователи участвуют в аукционах. Все зависит от его ценности и важности в игровом пространстве. Порой, NFT покупают коллекционеры для собственных коллекций, но этот объект должен быть очень ценным. NFT можно сравнить с сертификатами, подтверждающими право собственности. Потенциал таких активов огромен и может распространяться на многие сферы.

  1. Пока одни судорожно учатся создавать NFT-картины, другие зарабатывают крупную сумму на крипто-арте ничего не создавая.
  2. Абсолютно безопасного способа вложений не существует.
  3. На данный момент токены считаются самыми дорогостоящими за историю NFT-рынка, некоторые объекты продавались за 7,5 млн долларов.
  4. Запущенная в 2017 году, CryptoKitties быстро набрала популярность, а некоторые кошки с продавались за тысячи долларов.
  5. С помощью инвестирования в NFT возможно зарабатывать больше, чем крипто-художники.

Это поможет вам своевременно среагировать на происходящие изменения. В одних случаях вы получите хороший доход, в других – оградите себя от потерь или минимизируете их. Токены wBNB можно перевести из другого кошелька или стороннего сервиса. Покупка NFT осуществляется на официальной торговой площадке проекта. Подтверждение транзакции происходит с помощью специального всплывающего уведомления. По мере того, как игроки расширяют свою колоду и получают награды, перед ними будут раскрывать сюжет и тайны загробной жизни.

Коллекции NFT могут быть основаны на любой теме, от искусства и музыки до игр и спорта. Для хранения NFT вам понадобится криптовалютный кошелек, который поддерживает блокчейн, на котором вы хотите создавать NFT. Выбор платформы для создания NFT зависит от ваших индивидуальных потребностей и предпочтений. Если вы ищете платформу с широким спектром функций и поддержкой большого и активного сообщества, рекомендуется выбрать OpenSea или Rarible. Если вы ищете платформу с низкими комиссиями за создание NFT, выбирайте Mintable или BakerySwap.

Еще NFT-токены можно покупать для практического использования. NFT – уникальная единица, которая хранится на блокчейне. Стоимость этих единиц обычно определяется в криптовалюте, а приобретение осуществляется через крипто-кошельки.

Posted on May 7th, 2024 by admin and filed under Форекс Обучение | No Comments »

What is Staking? How to Earn Crypto Rewards

What Is Staking in Crypto

Some CDs, known as no-penalty CDs, don’t charge early withdrawal penalties, while you cannot take out staked crypto early. Rental properties require a significant cash investment and will require property management. These assets don’t have as much liquidity, similar to crypto staking. Investors who want exposure to rental properties but don’t have a lot of capital can invest in REITs instead. Bitcoin operates under a proof of work blockchain, so you cannot stake it.

What Is Staking in Crypto

Proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies

We use data-driven methodologies to evaluate financial products and companies, so all are measured equally. You can read more about our editorial guidelines and the investing methodology for the ratings below. However, many newcomers to crypto may not be familiar What Is Staking in Crypto with the concept known as ‘staking’. Staking coins has only been around since 2020, making it a fairly new idea in the world of DeFi. If you have crypto you can stake and you aren’t planning to trade it in the near future, then you should stake it.

What Is Staking in Crypto

What Can I Stake?

The primary benefit of staking is that you earn more crypto, and interest rates can be very generous. And, the only thing you need is crypto that uses the proof-of-stake model. After you buy your crypto, it will be available in the exchange where you purchased it. Some exchanges have their own staking programs with select cryptocurrencies.

What benefits and risks are there with staking?

  • While the market has seen significant corrections, including a 52% drop from its peak, the current price levels present a favorable opportunity for investors.
  • By August, 2021, there were more than 6,800,000 ETH locked on the blockchain, meaning the APR had dropped to about 6.0%.
  • It’s a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to secure the blockchain.
  • Only work with reputable validators to ensure your holdings are safe.
  • Popular cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase are often set up to buy and stake in a few easy clicks.
  • These assets don’t have as much liquidity, similar to crypto staking.

PoW—a system still used by Bitcoin and other blockchain networks—requires solving extremely complex mathematical problems before any information can be added to the blockchain. Generally, the more that is at stake, the better a user’s chance of earning transaction fee rewards. But when a user’s proposed block is found to have inaccurate information, they can lose some of their stake — in a process known as slashing. Sometimes, you have to lock up your crypto for a set period of time.

Things You Should Know Before Staking Crypto For Passive Income

The sum of weighted values across all or some of these key factors was calculated for each ranking to award each brokerage or exchange its overall rank. Staking rewards are not released to the staking protocol but rather to your own wallet once the lockup period has ended. If you are new to crypto, you will want to stake via a centralized exchange.

What Is Staking in Crypto

  • However, many newcomers to crypto may not be familiar with the concept known as ‘staking’.
  • Users whose blocks are accepted get a transaction fee paid in cryptocurrency.
  • Crypto staking may have exciting earning potential, but it comes with risks too.
  • Networks that support crypto staking typically allow people who own tokens to provide them for other users to deploy in validating transactions, thereby earning a share of the rewards.
  • There are a few questions to ask before making a decision about whether to stake your crypto.

When you stake crypto and you’re chosen to validate transactions, you receive those crypto rewards. Many cryptos use the proof-of-work model to add blocks to their blockchains. The problem with proof of work is that it requires considerable computing power.

That has led to significant energy usage from cryptocurrencies that use proof of work. Bitcoin (BTC -2.74%) in particular has been criticized over environmental concerns. Some validators are fraudulent, but it’s also possible for a hacker to get into your crypto wallet and steal assets. https://www.tokenexus.com/ Crypto staking is not regulated and comes with more risks than other investments. Staking is the crypto investor’s version of dividend investing, but not every cryptocurrency supports staking. This option is only available for cryptocurrencies that use a proof of stake blockchain.

Benefits and Risks of Staking Crypto

Moreover, when you stake your crypto, you are paid rewards in the form of the cryptocurrency you deposited, and not in dollars. Thus, when you compare APYs, you need to be thinking in terms of how much crypto your investment is yielding, and not how many dollars it is yielding. Yes, crypto staking is a form of passive income, but it’s not as low-risk as you might think. The biggest risk you face with crypto staking is that the price goes down. Keep this in mind if you find cryptocurrencies offering extremely high staking reward rates.

Posted on May 7th, 2024 by admin and filed under Cryptocurrency exchange | No Comments »

Myths & Truths About Addiction Recovery: Breaking the Stigma of Addiction

myths about addiction and recovery

In reality, treatment motivated by shame often fails to endure while stigma can have a significant impact on one’s mental health. It lowers self-esteem, creates guilt, and leads to further substance abuse in order to mute these bad feelings. Addiction is not a moral failing, but a chronic disease that affects the brain and behavior. It is characterized by compulsive drug or alcohol use despite negative consequences.

myths about addiction and recovery

Individualized, evidence based treatment, to fit your needs.

  • From understanding the prevalence of substance use disorder to emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health issues through dual diagnosis, we will delve into the realities of addiction.
  • But the truth is, withdrawing from an addictive substance is only the first step in the process.
  • Prescription medications have the potential to be as addictive and deadly as illicit drugs.
  • If you are looking for drug and alcohol detox, inpatient rehab, or ongoing support for your recovery, our addiction treatment center can offer you the help and guidance you need.
  • At Gateway Foundation, we prefer to use the term “medically supervised withdrawal.” “Detox” implies that once the substance you are addicted to leaves your body, all will be well.

Together, we can build a society that supports people with addiction by promoting compassion instead of judgment. Seeking treatment for addiction early and tailoring it to each individual is necessary for recovery. Addiction is a complicated disease and is often not understood in the medical community, resulting in stigma and shame. Addiction shouldn’t be seen as a choice, but as a result of various factors. Willpower alone can’t overcome addiction, and it can affect anyone no matter their age, income, ethnicity, religion, family, or profession. Alcoholism is treatable through evidence-based interventions such as therapy and support groups.

myths about addiction and recovery

#3. People usually get addicted to one type of substance.

myths about addiction and recovery

In modern rehab centers, medication-assisted treatment is a common practice. To some, using prescription medication during addiction treatment might seem counterintuitive. But there are marked differences between the prescription medicine in rehab and the drugs a person may be addicted to.

  • It is important to challenge the notion that addiction only impacts certain types of people, as it perpetuates stigma and hinders efforts to provide support and resources for those in need.
  • Misuse or overuse of a prescribed medication can lead to dependency or addiction.
  • Research has shown that addiction is rooted in changes in the brain’s reward system, leading to a loss of control over substance use.
  • This can be harmful as it may discourage individuals from seeking treatment if they don’t believe in the prescribed approach.

Discover shocking heroin fast facts! Learn about effects, addiction signs, and treatment options in society.

It’s important to understand that addiction is not a choice or a character flaw, but rather a chronic disease that alters brain chemistry and function. Recognizing addiction as a brain disorder is crucial for reducing stigma and promoting effective treatment approaches that address the underlying causes, rather than simply blaming the individual. Polysubstance abuse appears to be particularly common among males, those who https://ecosoberhouse.com/ begin using drugs at an early age, and adolescents and young adults. The common belief has been that those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol simply aren’t strong enough to overcome it. Some people believe that there is something inherently wrong with a person who struggles with addiction. By debunking the myth that recovery is a quick process, we can promote a more realistic understanding of addiction and recovery.

  • It’s just another way society blames people who are only trying to help get someone well.
  • There is an unfortunate stereotype that a person who becomes addicted to alcohol or drugs is a “bad” person.
  • We will also explore the harmful effects of prescription drugs, debunk stereotypes surrounding addiction and physical appearance, and shed light on the seriousness of alcoholism.
  • Myths and misunderstandings perpetuate the hidden nature of addiction, making it hard for individuals to receive help or talk about its effects.

Addiction: A Complex Disease that Requires Understanding and Support

  • This lack of visibility feeds myths and misunderstandings about addiction.
  • It does not mean failure, but rather serves as an opportunity to adjust and grow in the treatment plan.
  • Still, the media perpetuates the myth that there is a right way and a wrong way to recover, and that treatment that is luxurious or comfortable is inherently bad.
  • Over time, the brain changes and adapts to the substance, making it difficult to quit without help.
  • The stigma needs to be challenged by promoting kindness and creating comfortable spaces for discussions.
  • If you display symptoms such as intense marijuana cravings, being unable to reduce your use, or missing work because of marijuana use, you may have an addiction to marijuana.

You might not want to accept a friend’s invitation to head out to a club, or you might skip going to a house party where you know drugs will be present. You may also find it’s beneficial to avoid certain friends or groups of people if they played a role in encouraging you to use. The idea of putting your life on hold to enter a treatment program may seem overwhelming.

Addiction Affects Only Weak People

This is a critical insight that America misses – “to end the epidemic of deaths of despair, we need to target the sources of the despair.” But Angell too embodies many of the myths of addiction. She considers drug use itself – as universal as it is – to be the result of despair (Myth I). This is no truer than saying drinking alcohol, shopping, playing video games or using mobile phones, sex, or love are signs of despair. Still, the media perpetuates the myth that there is a right way and a wrong way to recover, and that treatment that is luxurious or comfortable is inherently bad. Obviously, a relapse is extremely difficult to deal with, but it’s not the end of the world.

Marijuana may also be viewed as a non-addictive drug, but it is possible to develop a dependence on this substance. The  National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that as many as 30% of people who use marijuana myths about addiction and recovery will become addicted. If you display symptoms such as intense marijuana cravings, being unable to reduce your use, or missing work because of marijuana use, you may have an addiction to marijuana.

myths about addiction and recovery

Myth #3: Only certain types of people have substance abuse issues.

Wait Until You’re at the Bottom to Seek Treatment

Posted on May 6th, 2024 by admin and filed under Sober living | No Comments »

Income Statement Definition, Components, and Examples

income summary account example

Below are the T accounts with the journal entries already posted. The following points are important to highlight related to the above income summary account for Bob and his company, Bob’s Donut Shoppe, Inc. The process of using of the income summary account is shown in the diagram income summary account example below. If you use accounting software, your computer will handle this automatically. It’s so automatic that you may not even see the income summary in the chart of accounts. This is a listing of accounts in your ledgers, which accounting programs use to aggregate information.

What are Closing Entries?

  • However, there are a couple of significant differences between them.
  • By doing so, the company moves these balances into permanent accounts on the balance sheet.
  • Calculating the income summary for a month, quarter or year is surprisingly easy.
  • Therefore, learning about income summaries and other accounting tools in business is imperative.
  • Expenses are how much it costs for a business to keep running and make money.

It shows whether a company has made a profit or loss during that period. We’ll use a company called MacroAuto that creates and installs specialized exhaust systems for race cars. Here are MacroAuto’s accounting records simplified, using positive numbers for increases and negative numbers for decreases instead of debits and credits in order to save room and to get a higher-level view.

The Accounting Cycle Example

By closing revenue, expense and dividend/distribution accounts, we get the desired balance in Retained Earnings. Once the temporary accounts are closed to the income summary account, the balances are held there until final closing entries are made. Once all the temporary accounts are closed, the balance in the income summary account should be equal to the net income of the company for the year. The income summary account is an account that receives all the temporary accounts of a business upon closing them at the end of every accounting period.

Step 2: Close the Expense Accounts

Once all the revenue streams have been compiled, businesses credit them to transfer to the summary. Once all the temporary accounts are compiled, the value of each account is then debited from the temporary accounts and credited as a single value to the income summary. Add up all the operating expenses listed on your trial balance report. Each expense line should be double-checked to make sure you have the correct figures. Enter the total amount into the statement as the selling and administrative operating expenses line item. A single-step income statement displays the revenue, expenses, and gains or losses generated by a company.

  • The main change from an adjusted trial balance is revenues, expenses, and dividends are all zero and their balances have been rolled into retained earnings.
  • This way each temporary account can be reset and start with a zero balance in the next accounting period.
  • It plays a pivotal role in ensuring accurate financial reporting and maintaining a transparent record of a company’s financial performance over time.
  • To add something to Retained Earnings, which is an equity account with a normal credit balance, we would credit the account.
  • A closing entry is a journal entry that is made at the end of an accounting period to transfer balances from a temporary account to a permanent account.
  • The company can make the income summary journal entry by debiting the income summary account and crediting the retained earnings if the company makes a net income.

income summary account example

Expenses are how much it costs for a business to keep running and make money. It reports these figures by using just one equation to calculate profits. From this amount, the cost of goods sold amounting to $47,000 is deducted in order to arrive at the first level of profitability which is the gross profit. It starts with the top-line item which is the sales revenue amounting to $90,000.

income summary account example

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Close the income summary account by debiting income summary and crediting retained earnings. Clear the balance of the revenue account by debiting revenue and crediting income summary. The income summary is a temporary account used to make closing entries.

income summary account example

How to Close an Account into Income Summary

After these two entries, the revenue and expense accounts have zero balances. Rather than closing the revenue and expense accounts directly to Retained Earnings and possibly missing something by accident, we use an account called Income Summary to close these accounts. Income Summary allows us to ensure that all revenue and expense accounts have been closed. To complete the income summary account, the last step to preparing it must be one column for credit and another for debit. The credit side will be the company’s total income, and the debit side is the company’s total expenditure. It can also help improve financial analysis, allowing you to plan for the future and scale your business successfully.

income summary account example

What is your current financial priority?

  • This balance is then transferred to the retained earnings account in a journal entry like this.
  • A negative income figure appears on a company’s income statement.
  • Temporary accounts are accounts in the general ledger that are used to accumulate transactions over a single accounting period.
  • For each temporary account there will be a closing journal entry.
  • By closing revenue, expense and dividend/distribution accounts, we get the desired balance in Retained Earnings.
  • The multi-step income statement provides an in-depth analysis of the financial performance of a business in a specific reporting period by using these profitability metrics.
Posted on May 3rd, 2024 by admin and filed under Bookkeeping | No Comments »

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Posted on May 2nd, 2024 by admin and filed under Uncategorized | No Comments »

What Is a Bitcoin Wallet Address? Bitcoin Address Guide

how to find bitcoin wallet address

If you’ve found this overview of Bitcoin wallet addresses helpful and want to learn more about similar topics, check out Komodo’s Blockchain Fundamentals series. There are dozens of informative articles to help you learn all about how blockchain technology works. You can read more about related topics such as Bitcoin private keys and asymmetric encryption. Bech32 ensures full compatibility with SegWit blocks on the Bitcoin network. SegWit blocks relocate BTC transaction data (like digital signatures and Bitcoin scripts) to extended blocks. A Bitcoin wallet is a digital tool for managing your cryptocurrencies.

You can find your Bitcoin address by tapping “Receive” from the Bitcoin.com Wallet app’s home screen and selecting Bitcoin (BTC). 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring the user to provide a second verification to access their wallet, such as a fingerprint scan or a code sent to their mobile device. Research the reputation of the wallet provider to ensure it has a history of security and positive user reviews.

Use the Bitcoin.com Wallet app to securely send, receive, buy, sell, and manage your Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Sending BTC back to an address is like returning mail, but without certainty that the same person controls that address. Adherents of the ‘single-use token’ principle often discard the address and its key after one use. So, it’s crucial to confirm the recipient can accept funds on a previously-used address. The selection of address type is typically based on the wallet provider you’re using and your preferences. The majority of modern wallets are set to use SegWit or Taproot to ensure top performance and security.

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All our wallets are fully non-custodial, this means you control your Bitcoin, and we can’t take them from you. These initial steps are crucial in setting you on the right path to recover your Bitcoin wallet. Remember, correctly identifying your wallet’s location on your device is the first successful stride in the recovery journey. The tales of Rhonda Kampert and James Howells exemplify the highs and lows of Bitcoin investment. Rhonda, having bought six Bitcoins in 2013, lost access to her wallet but fortunately recovered her assets, worth $175,000, with the help of crypto experts. Please note that the availability of the products and services on the Crypto.com App is subject to jurisdictional limitations.

Where do I find my Bitcoin transaction ID?

But for larger transactions, more confirmations may be needed to make sure the transaction is valid and can’t be reversed. In the case of Bitcoin, 6 confirmations is considered statistically irreversible. Looking for more information about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?

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To be fair, when considering investing in crypto, most people think about Bitcoin. See a detailed list of your past where to earn free bitcoin online where to buy bitcoin for gambling transactions and track how much is currently in your account. All transactions are displayed in Bitcoin amount, and your chosen local currency value. Keep up with your balance, displayed in both Bitcoin and the local currency of your choice. Your balance is automatically synced with the blockchain every 10 minutes, keeping you up to date with everything that’s going on with your Bitcoin. Bitcoin.com’s blockchain explorer supports the Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum blockchains.

how to find bitcoin wallet address

This helps reduce fees paid by helping the Bitcoin network scale and sets the foundation for second layer solutions such as the Lightning Network. Some wallets have the ability how to buy marscoin to require more than one key to authorize a transaction. This can be used to divide responsibility and control over multiple parties. Select a wallet to store your bitcoin so you can start transacting on the network. Bitcoin addresses are akin to email IDs but are best used as ‘single-use tokens’. Reusing an address is feasible, yet each new transaction ideally warrants a fresh address for enhanced privacy and security.

how to find bitcoin wallet address

In a case scenario where the seed phrase is lost, the user also loses access to their funds. Sites like bitaddress.org can be used to create a Bitcoin (BTC) paper wallet. Remember to save your secret (a.k.a. private key) in a secure place, and don’t share it with anyone. Your share (a.k.a. Bitcoin wallet address) can be shared freely when you want to receive funds.

For additional security and ease-of-use, it’s best to share public addresses rather than public keys. Both public keys and public addresses can be shown in compressed and uncompressed formats. A Bitcoin wallet address is a unique ID for sending and receiving BTC tokens. If someone wishes to transfer Bitcoin to you, they must use this address for the transactions. The private key is a personal code that provides you with control over your BTC, enabling you to spend it.

2FA is conceptually similar to a security token device that banks in some countries require for online banking. It likely requires relying on the availability of a third party to provide the service. Some wallets make it harder to spy on your transactions by rotating addresses. They can also optionally let you setup and use Tor as a proxy to prevent others from associating transactions with your IP address. Some wallets can be loaded on computers which are vulnerable to malware. Securing your computer, using a strong passphrase, moving most of your funds to cold store or enabling 2FA or multifactor authentication can help you protect your bitcoin.

It is crucial to double-check the accuracy of the address when sending or receiving funds to ensure they are going to the intended destination. Your Bitcoin wallet address is needed if someone wants to conduct a transaction with you or send you funds. Think of it like your crypto email address, in that it is entirely unique to you. With Cryptomus it’s all possible — sign up and manage your cryptocurrency funds with our handy tools.

Even a compressed public key is longer than a wallet address, so using a concise address makes more sense in any case. Bitcoin wallets are essential tools for users to securely manage their Bitcoin holdings. Non-custodial wallets, on the other hand, allow a user to retain full control of their funds, since the private key is stored locally with the user. Bech32 is a special address format made possible by SegWit (see the the rise of the cryptoexchange giants feature description for SegWit for more info). Some bitcoin wallets and services do not yet support sending or receiving to Bech32 addresses.

  1. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring the user to provide a second verification to access their wallet, such as a fingerprint scan or a code sent to their mobile device.
  2. Take the necessary precautions to protect your hardware wallet from physical damage, loss, or theft, as it is the key to accessing your Bitcoin and managing your funds securely.
  3. While sending to a hardware wallet is something most all wallets can do, being able to pair with one is a unique feature.
  4. Regardless of the type, all Bitcoin wallets function on the same basic principles of encryption and blockchain technology.

For example, a portion of the funds is generally transferred to the company’s cold wallet, safe from online attackers. A Bitcoin wallet is a digital or hardware storage used for managing BTC tokens. Instead, it contains the private keys needed to verify ownership and make transactions with Bitcoin. The best Bitcoin wallet depends on a user’s specific needs and preferences. Factors to consider include security features, user-friendliness, compatibility, and reputation. Hardware wallets are generally considered the most secure option, and most traders use both a software and a hardware wallet.

Posted on May 2nd, 2024 by admin and filed under Cryptocurrency News | No Comments »
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