Affiliate Partners is a family-friendly website that promotes everything about making dandelion tea, and enjoying all things dandelion:
- the actual plant and its components, including planting, growing, harvesting, preparation, serving, and preservation
- representation and equipment that enhances the experience of everything about dandelion tea, including tea parties & teatime
- services and products pertaining to having a fun dandelion tea time with friends, and dandelion-related themes and gifts.
Our affiliated partner stores meet certain criteria. Deviation from even one criterion may result in removal from our website, possibly:
* clicks from our website to their store too low (must have regular page views and unique visitors who shop)
* inability to access their Web site or applicable products
* their web site not yet live
* their site does not contain dandelion content applicable to our visitors
* inappropriate material featured on their site
* their site does not add value to the consumer
Please feel free to (re-)apply with whenever you feel you can ensure meeting the concern(s) listed above.
If you have problems, questions, or concerns, please notify us: contact(at), with in the subject line.
Thank you for your time and attention, and we look forward to a supportive partnership with you!
Best regards,
Ruth and Joe